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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 FI is fixing as we speak....One minute LOL sorry oh, i pounced on it as soon as I saw the post e-pics? colorado?? it sounds so perfect!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Kathi - i did not read the comments but i immediately voted for BoraBora - it is a once in a lifetime destination, perfect for honeymooners and the Euro is so strong right now going to Europe is super, duper expensive! Alyssa makes an excellent point - the dollar is worth beans in Europe. You migth consider a place like south america where your $$ migth go further. And you're closer to SA too meaning less time on a plane. That's awesome that you get another fabulous trip after your wedding. It also migth be a good idea to "unwind" if you are going right after the wedding.
  3. welcome to the forum nicki. PV is a great destination!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Don't forget to post pics when you are done. Yari! You read my mind
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 You had better bring us lots of pics!!! fo sho Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW I don't know yet, we have lots of choices but haven't decided yet. Any Socal girls want to do anything? oh, drea I was so scared you were going to say you were going to Disneyland and I was going to be soooo jealous!!!
  6. so sorry to hear you have not gotten an answer yet Stephanie! Hope you have a speedy recovery from your procedure
  7. welcome to the forum katrina!!!
  8. great pics alex!!! You are an awesome friend. Come plan a party for me & bring some of those cupcakes - they looked fabulous!!! Oh, and my cousin totally decorated her sister's grad party a couple weekends ago with stuff from the dollar store...It was a tropical theme too and we had no iea it all came from the dollar store. I will have to post pics...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. hopefully after a few weeks of doing this, he'll adjust and not have to go to bed at 10...in the meantime, this blows. yeah, maybe after he adjusts to the new hours he will be more fun when he gets home. In the meantime, he is probably just as upset about losing time with you because of his new schedule so don't stress too bad. Sorry you have to go thru this little patch. It will all pay off in the end. It's a 3 day weekend coming up so make-up with some super QT
  10. ugh, lauren that sounds terrible for you guys!!! I agree that is not a good quality of life and not the sort of schedule that will be easy to maintain. Is there a possibility that his schedule will adjust a little after he's in a the job a little longer I assume he's commuting to Manhattan?? What does he do again? I apologize - I missed the thread about the new job...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Taradactyle Beautiful! LOVE your dress and shoes. I'm in SF too! Where did you take your e-pics? Thx Tara!! that pic is in front of the waterfall at yerba buena gardens. we also took pics around union square...i wish that it was a clear day and we would have done some near one of the bridges, but it just wasn't in the cards...
  12. we didn't rent a car in cabo, but then when we wanted to get around cabs got kinda pricey. If you plan to leave your resort more than once or twice it's probably wise to rent. The other thing is - we were always drinking!!! no designated driver
  13. have a great time Katrina - you have worked so hard and it all looks so beautiful!!! i love your dress!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild If you want to wear white go for it! If you can't find what you want don't stress over it, we're destination brides we can set our own trends and wear purple if we want! Jamy, I think we just had a kindred spirit moment
  15. it miht be fun to wear a color aletrnative to the legal ceremony. like your favorite color. Mine is purple, so maybe I would rock something outta prince's closet complete with purple platforms. In all seriousness, I don't think we are doing the legal ceremony here, but if we were to do it, I would probably wear a white skirt suit and a pillbox hat with the litte netting in front. Jcrew& banana have great options for white dresses. If you live near an H&M I would try there too. Might be a little cheaper
  16. welcome to the forum sharon...are you getting married in FL or CA?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Nikki - no signs of the benefit f-up..you look radiant! And girl.. I want your shoes!! Thanks Jenny!! I was so happy with the make-up. This really sweet girl named Carolina did it and it was perfect And now I am pretty much healed so all is right in the world!
  18. welcome to the forum! Your date is so cute
  19. i live for summertime so i can eat watermelon!! I can't wait to try this Alyssa!!!
  20. congrats!!! it's going to fly by!!!
  21. Kathi I voted for greece because it is beautful and has so much history. My friend just got back from Greece and his pics almost made me want to cry at my desk. I'll see if I can find one, but what's not to love about rich blue seas and beautiful cliffside cities And don;t even get started on the food....I think it's pretty exotic with plenty of beautiful places to stay that are secluded....
  22. dean & i are flying to NY on the 4th. We might catch some fireworks as we're landing. Then on sunday his parents are having an engagement party for us. so excited
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