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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. you were a beautiful bride!!! that was such a pretty wedding!!! and your make-up was fabulous! congrats
  2. i have never watched that show, but I know what you mean about people acting stupid for no good reason. glad the little boy turned things around for you
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I didn't know that about the veil... Hmmm should keep that in mind lol. They just look a bit creamier then my dress. I didn't think they looked bad, I had them on at the store for my fitting. Where do you get shoes dyed? I know here there are a few shoe repairs that also specialize in dying shoes. Another idea is to call a local department store like Nordstrom or Neimans and ask them. When I was looking for a good shoe repair I think I called Nordstrom to ask for their advice.
  4. welcome to the forum desiree!!!
  5. congratulations Jessica!! I missed your earlier thread, but I can;t wait for pics of your little man
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I can't, but you know I would! I dropped the dress off today to get altered BOOOOO!!!!! awww, man!!! i was so hoping for a pic
  7. Kathi those shoes are so pretty!! I definitely think you should see if you can dye them if you wanted pink shoes, but even with a white dress I think they would lok nice. I like a little contrast and a shoe is a great way to do it!!! is it possible for a pic w/ dress + shoes
  8. congrats!!! have a great time shopping this w/e!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura oh and BTW -- i am not surprised starbucks is closing shops - their second quarter profit dropped by 28% Well, I guess they couldn't stick to their strategy anymore. starbucks' model is all around dominating market share. I.E. they would open two shops on the same block even if one loses money. They would rather have a store losing money than give a competitor the opportunity to come in and "steal" their client base. Seems like the losers keep getting bigger....
  10. thanks for the laugh lauren afternoon pick-me-ups are def in order!!
  11. If it bothers you now, I think it will prob bother you later on down the line. i thought I wanted a pave diamonds on my e-ring and a matching setting. luckily dean got me a simple band setting (which I will change when we order bands). When I randomly tried on bands I found the pave bands very uncomfy and I don't think I could wear it everyday. If you like diamonds in your band maybe you can try a channel setting or sared prong setting where your fingers are a little more protected.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Nikki - look what I found!!!! Click on ivitations and it's the the last row - 3rd box. Check those invites out! Two Paperdolls > Invitations Thanks for sending me a note Jenny - I totally would have missed this! I couldn't find this thread for a while there! I have decided to make my own invites and that process will begin tomorrow. I have my boarding pass file ready to go. My aunt is addressing the navy envelopes for me. I am really excited!!!
  13. I am so sad that I don;t get the WE network anymore. No Bridezilla, no Platinum Weddings
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie wow all i got was flowers from one of my aunts no one got me any cool gifts! i was thinking tho that maybe a gift card to a hair place or nail place or something nice like that, would be along the same lines as a manicure set, only she would just go do it instead of own it?? I like giving gift certificates to mani/pedi salons. when is the party? can you order something online? Buy Travel Smart by Conair Mini Professional Manicure Set Online at drugstore.com
  15. hey amber, you are sure to find tons of stuff here. have you checked out the DIY forum?
  16. I have heard that place is sooo beautiful!!!
  17. drea, I am in the same boat - thinking aboutgetting the one that comes out july 11th. I think they are so awesome and all the cool kids have them
  18. nikkianddean


    welcome to the forum kaysee!!
  19. You must be so excited!!! This month is going to fly by!!! What have you been working on while you have been away?
  20. welcome to the forum brittany
  21. Tara, if the shower is at work, then I don;t think it's odd. We generally do an "office gift" and invite the fiance in for cake in our office. Everyone usually chips in $20-$30 and gets one nice thing from their registry.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 Should be fixed now so sorry you should know better than to tease us like that!!1 Andrea, those were so pretty!! I loved your purple dress and the quick costume change. The close-ups of your ring at the end were so nice!!! Congrats on beautiful e-pics!!! ps- bo is quite the action hero- leaping off the rocks like that
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