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Everything posted by Dbld78

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Ok let me try this again Richard Marx is hypnotizing... "Hold onto the night... hold onto the memory..." The O'Tool family ringing in 1988...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak "Tune in tonight to 20/20 and see John Stossel's investigative report on "The secret life of gay body-builders".... " This is the first one that made me laugh out loud!!! I love it....very nice!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline Here's mine. (YIKES) Tonight on the 11 O'clock news. Bride attacked by delusional bridesmaid, "Poor Carly never saw it coming..."
  4. These people seem to change their policies with the tide... Not good business practice at all. Much luck to you ladies.
  5. Shit!!! I just thought of a better caption... Can I change it?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 Ok.... I'm gonna give it a shot! 1. "Did you know your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body?" 2. "It's never to late to breast feed your children" 3. "Ahhhh.....right there, that's the spot." 4. And Tim said "No! THIS is where babies come from" 5. Public Service Announcement.... Alcohol it does a body good!
  7. Ok.... I'm gonna give it a shot! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Christine, we went to school with a girl named Daisy, but her real name is B(sp)a(sp)y(sp)d(sp)i(sp)i(sp)z(sp)y(sp)e (trying to avoid google-ing) she said that her parents pretty much picked letters they liked and arranged them until they came up with something they liked! WHAT!!!! That's just wrong... How do you pronounce it? Poor girl! That reminds me of a friend, when we were in college she got pregnant and if Tristan had been a girl his name would have been Nevaeh.... Heaven backwards... I'm sorry that's just dumb! But they did eventually have a girl and her name is Kayla...
  9. Oh SHIT! I can't believe I FORGOT this one!!!! When I was in college I worked at The Picture People and there was a kid who worked there (for a couple months, I can't even remember his name) and his daughter's name was NAUTICA!!!!!! Yeah Nautica..... LadyP I guess we could classify that under stores...ahahaha!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Yes she said she saw it on the clinic wall and thought it was pretty. And no one told her what it was?? OMG, people really need a wake up call... Does "Little Clap" have a nickname? What school are you at?
  11. My mom went to school with a kid named Justin Case!!!!
  12. Penn Gillette's daughter's name is Moxie CrimeFighter.... Seriously WHAT THE F!!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I can give the names of students F'emale Edazjah Jamese Kenea Cateara Ikea Amirror and the last and most tacky CLAYMIDIAH AHHHAHAHA! What makes people think these are good choices for names? The "CLAP" that's it I am going name my child after an STD tooo..... hahaha!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I would say our first name for our girl is unique Ainsleigh I knew a little named Ainsleigh, spelled the same, very pretty and unique... very old english! Nice pick I love old names too!
  15. So in lew of Jessica Alba's new baby girl Honor Marie. I wanted to start a silly thread to see what kind of CRAZY baby names that we could come up with. It could be silly or just down right strange. I thought this would be something fun to get some giggles... I'll be naming my first baby girl... Freed Fromda Womb Coyle
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline hahahahahahahahah opk start a fresh thread and ill do it! thats a fun one... does it have to be off the wall like the fricken hollywooders? NO! Just something that is completely unique... Ahhaha! Jason Lee's little boy's name is Pilot Inspektor... I'll post the thread!
  17. Yeah.... not to keen on the name either. So I want to start a new trend among the middle class... "Most Unique Baby Name" I'll start... My baby girl will be named... Freed Fromda Womb Coyle
  18. I spent about that if not more for my sister's wedding.... And was completely happy too! She's my sister and although she is a pain my ass, it was her wedding and I wanted her to have a beautiful shower and beautiful gift because I knew she would appreciate it. And will do the same for my friend's wedding that's a month before mine that I'm a BM in too. Simply because I know she'll appreciate it. If someone were to ask me to be in there wedding and I really couldn't afford it, I would decline.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Rachelle E. yeah, the hot weather sucks! Like Martha, I have some sypmathy for you guys 'cause you're not used to it...but it's like that every day ALL SUMMER here. We just adjust to it and keep going. That being said I don't know a single soul who does NOT have central A/C in their house...it's a necessity here. So I can't imagine trying to deal w/ this heat and not having a/c! That's insane! You guys need to make sure to stay hydrated!!! Oh I think were used to it.... the problem is the HUMIDITY!!! It takes a 90 degree day feel like 105! You guys have a dry heat, where if it's 100 it's 100 here we have the humidity level and that raises the heat index.
  20. Waaaayyy too hot outside! Thankfully I don't have work today....BUT I do tomorrow and the damn AC in the car is broken.... the thing is only 4 years old! WTF... there goes another $500 to get that fixed.
  21. Yup! I went through and continue to go through it... You'll learn to let it roll off your back. Just keep in mind, it's your wedding and those that love you will be there and will respect your decision to have a destination wedding.
  22. These are the stamps I decided to go with... Outer Envelope... Just the simple wedding stamp RSVP Envelope
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I just posted this on another thread, but thought I would add it here. If you order personalized stamps make sure when the post office weighs your invitation that they also check the size of the envelope in case there is extra postage needed. We ordered stamps from stamps.com based on what the post office quoted my FI, but they only weighed the envelope. I found out we we needed more postage when I went to drop off the invitations to be mailed and had to purchase .41 stamps to add on. I wasn't too pleased to say the least since I wouldn't have ordered special stamps if I didn't care what the postage looked like so just thought I would share so no one else has the same issue. I really liked my stamps from stamps.com though and they came pretty quick. I just really hate the post office now! Yeah.... I went and MADE absolute sure that they weighed and measured the envelope and it turns out that they were cheaper than I was originally quoted from another post office... YAY!!! I just ordered my stamps tonight from USPS.com and it was $80 for 160 stamps ($0.59 outer envelope and $0.42 for RSVP)....
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