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Everything posted by Dbld78

  1. UPDATE... So I saw my mom today and guess what.....SHE'S WALKING!!! Not by herself but with help! She should be coming home tomorrow too! She's still not able to move the left side of her face but she is almost able to say "Flip Flops". That's her "key" word since she's not able to use her mouth and tongue on the left side to form words properly but she looks GREAT!!! We're so excited! I can't wait until she comes home!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Oh no, just keeping thinking good thoughts and keep up the prayers. Your mom has 3 months and 21 days... You're too funny Yari! I know...I'm sure she'll be working her ass off for it too!
  3. Thanks Lizzy.... I must admit I am one hell of a daughter...lol! I just got home from visiting my mom and hanging out at my parents house with some family. Today was a good day, they moved her tonight out of the ICU and things are going well. We have a little complication that they were hoping wouldn't happen... She has no control over the entire left side of her face, drooping like she had a stroke. They said that this might happen because her cyst and tumor was intertwined with the facial nerve endings but they knew they didn't damage the nerves and they were just bruised but they are taken back a little by how "droopy" and lack of control she has. Because of the swelling she can blink her left eye but it's delayed from her right and doesn't close entirely, one of her doctors said that once the swelling goes she may not be able to close for some time. It is going to be a REALLY LONG AND HARD ROAD of rehabilitation and speech therapy but I know she can do it! They said it could be MONTHS before she has full function back in the left side of her face... I know my mom and once it settles in she is going to be DEVASTATED because this is what she was worried about and she is going to be SOOOO incredibly self conscious at our wedding and will not want to be in pictures! And this is what upsets me because I know how much she feared this and I'm afraid that looking at the pictures from our wedding will bring back memories for her and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable at ALL!!! It's her day too she's the mother of the bride... It just makes me sad...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl So I've been browsing more recently (because I'll eventually be selling on this site - hopefully!) and found a really cool jewelry seller... haven't ordered yet, but just wanted to show off this cool stuff! esdesigns (Elizabeth Scott) Most of it is made by casting organic elements in silver. Here are 2 of my favorite pieces: LOVE IT!!!! Get it!
  5. It's so nice to know you ladies are pulling for her so much! I think it's really helping! I'm going to see her again today! We are all SOOO grateful that everything went so well. As long as she doesn't have any Spinal Fluid leakage she'll be out of the ICU today or tomorrow and if that's the case she could be released by the end of the weekend! I haven't talked to my Dad yet today but I'm assuming no news is good news! Thanks again everyone!
  6. ***UPDATE*** My mom's surgery went GREAT!!!! Everything went better than they expected they were able to get the entire tumor and the cyst as well. As far as they can tell there is no nerve damage they are just bruised. They surgery was over 8 hours total and we got to see her around 6 tonight and she really looked great! She couldn't talk but I was able to make her smile....well at least one side of her face smiled anyway. We'll know more tomorrow she's all drugged up and will be in the ICU for at least the next 2 days. I'll have more info tomorrow. Thanks ladies for all your support!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KGOESER You are truely in my thoughts and prayers! We went through a similar situation in March with my mom. They thought that she was having a stroke, rushed her to the ER and when they got her MRI back they found 3 grape sized tumors. The day of her surgery was an agonizing wait! Its very true that even though you know they are in good hands, the term "brain surgery" can never be too settling! (FYI...my mom is fine...they removed 1 tumor and on follow up MRIs they wer SHOCKED to see that the other 2 were gone. The power of prayer!!!) I am so glad to hear that your mom is doing well! That's fantastic that they just disappeared what a miracle! Ladies.... THANK YOU ALL for your kind words and support I will keep everyone posted when we know more. She is currently in surgery right now!!! I can't seem to find things to DO!!! She didn't want us to come to the hospital until this afternoon so I am about the walk out the door and pick up my Gran and my mom's best friend and head to the hospital... I hope traffic isn't too bad!!! I will post tonight I'm sure.... But seriously reading everyone's posts makes me feel SOOOO MUCH BETTER and I knew it would.... you guys have an amazing way of doing that!
  8. You ladies are "repping whores"....lol! I think I need to rep up again!!!
  9. So in just a few hours my mom will be undergoing her brain surgery at Penn (University of Pennsylvania Hospital). I'm nervous and anxious and can't wait for it to over... So if you please send a little word to whomever you rely on to get you through the tough times... I've posted my thoughts about the surgery and will update my blog daily as we journey through the world of brain surgery with my mom... Danielle's Delightful, Direct, and Devious Blog In the event that I don't get to thank you all for your prayers and support... I want to thank you all in advance, you ladies have an amazing way of rallying up a great deal of support and myself and my family really will appreciate every bit of it!!!!
  10. I really do think it depends on the shop! With my dress she spent what seemed like 30 minutes measuring me and the dress was custom made for me so I didn't have that problem but I know a lot of girls who have! I do think that if you're larger in one area more than another they try to take advantage and get more out of you... I'm glad you had an awesome experience... it really makes you feel so good when you've walked away from a large purchase like that!! I did have a great experience from both shops that we got my dress from and the one we bought the BM dresses at! It was just the shop my sister used for her wedding....arrrghhh! It is a business after all.... and they are sales people.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Ericka7885 For those who registered early and have all ready received gifts, how did you get the word out about where you registered in a tactful way. Typically isn't that announced in the shower invitations? I really like the idea of registering at Home Depot! FI will love that!! Good question! I registered before Christmas online for a few things and people bought us things for Christmas and my birthday (Christmas baby). Of course some of the things were seasonal and I later deleted them... So don't get attached to the seasonal things. Tim did NOT want to go with me he had absolutely NO interest so my mom went with me when it came time to go in and "vamp" up my registries. We did my Macy's and Crate and Barrel in May (Halloween Wedding) and we "vamped" up my Pottery Barn last Monday. It was a lot of fun to do it with my mom because there were so many things that would say..."You'll never use that" or "I couldn't live with out that". The advice was invaluable!!! Our registries were announced initially on our wedding website from the very beginning. Once we sent out our invitations and started getting the "Nos" we started finding gifts from UPS left on our porch and a few at my parents house! I may have to add some things because SOOO much is missing that there may not be anything left for my shower guests to buy! Macy's has an AMAZING registry program!!! Consider it! I know a lot of the ladies do Bed, Bath and Beyond but I find that place WAY too overwhelming! !!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Beautiful pictures! I want white chocolate now! Yeah they looked SOOOO yummy! Her whole shower looked as if they'd hired an event planner! I'm sure their wedding will be will be amazing with all these crafty ladies in their lives!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I know thanks for understanding Danielle. I am thinking of your mom this week and she is in my prayers! Yeah the big day is tomorrow!!!! I'm taking her to lunch this afternoon, I'm nervous but I don't want her to know that! I've been spending as much time with her as possible because you never know what could happen!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 I agree!! Its so upseting to already be self conscious then to have to feel bad trying on your wedding dress?? YUCK! Thats why I ripped the tag right out-not the dres isnt a size-its just mine!! Since my dress was the private label for my bridal shop it was custom made for me so it didn't have a size inside it....THANK GOD! Otherwise I would have ripped it out too! For my sister's wedding 2 years ago... I was a street size 14 (at least my pants) and I have a REALLY large chest...packing DDDs. So wouldn't you know that the bridal shop told me I needed a 26! And when the dress came in I had to hold the dress (or should I say "tent") on me because it was 12x too BIG!!! Then when they took it in, it was all baggy under my chest and they told me they couldn't fix that because it would compromise the integrity of the dress!!! Whatever they did ALL that just so they could charge me more for a larger size and overpriced alterations! SCAM!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari So don't hate me! I have to cancel. I am super bummed. I was looking forward to meeting you girls. If you want to read why, here it goes. My FI's best friend and BM got diagnosed with cancer last June. He had severe radiation and chemo therapy done on his throat. The good news is he is now in remission, but still has his feeding tube in. He was going to throw my FI a bachelor party this Friday, but it was rescheduled for August, due to he inability to eat or drink at the moment. So...now that my FI's bachelor party is not going to happen on Friday, he wants us to hang with his folks and family. I am so sorry and I hope it doesn't cause any inconveinence. Oh no... please spend time with the fam! I was going to have probably cancel anyway but maybe we can get together in August when you're hear for your East Coast shower! I'm sorry to hear about his friend....glad to hear he's in remission though, cancer is really hard to when you're a bystander, you feel helpless. But support is so important so go and tend to the family we understand!
  16. Morgan... I would go with the 30d or 20d if you can get your hands on one... the 50mm lens is great the only thing is the one you linked isn't a digital lens. Which isn't such a big deal since it is a prime lens, the price is right though. I noticed someone mentioned that they wouldn't suggest a prime lens, personally that ALL I shoot with! I find the zoom lens' aren't as sharp but it's really a preference thing. I wouldn't really know what you would do with a Macro lens.... are you planning to shoot flowers and such? Macros are pretty expensive and I would stick to the basics first. Happy hunting!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by stefnicole I only have facebook. Myspace is just too much work for me that's funny because i think the same thing about facebook... i don't get it!
  18. Hey Ladies... I was commissioned by one her Bridesmaids Jen to document her AMAZING bridal shower 2 weeks ago! What a pleasure it was, her friends and family were so kind and welcoming but let me tell you Alyssa has the most wonderful bridesmaids of all time!!!! These ladies pulled off one of the most beautiful showers I've seen and Alyssa's mom made these adorable white chocolate boxes that held a mixture of nuts. If this was the shower I can only imagine how fantastic their wedding will be... Take a look!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 Alfred Angelo also has plud sizes to try on. I hate that term-I wear a size 14, but shopping for dresses made me ultimately go to plus sizes. Its sad. I ended up getting a size 20-and am spending over 130 to have it altered smaller. <My sister who wore a size 4 needed a 10 wedding dress so I guess its normal-but it still sukcs!! I got the dress home and ripped the tag out! Yeah it seems the norm... so they can charge you more for having to order a larger size! Really they should over size them to make you feel better about yourself then you might be more likely to buy a more expensive dress if you're in an 8 when in actuality you wear a 14 street sized!
  20. 28... dated since 19 tim is only 2 months older than me. i'll be 29 when we get married (30 2 months later) and tim will be 30 the friday before our wedding. if tim and i had gotten married at 20 or 21 we would be divorced by now! we both needed to grow up and we are much better off having waited... what's the rush!?!
  21. I'm shocked!!! I can't believe that a man with the name "King of Bling" would ever be involved in some kind of "gangster" deals! What is this world coming to... lol! Seriously lock them ALL up and throw away the keys... I'm sick of hearing about people like this who think they are above the law because they have a "name" and he should be embarrassed...
  22. WOW!!! Everything looks amazing! You're weddings are going to beautiful! Congrats!
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