Quote: Originally Posted by bebe We have to start our classes soon too. The priest told us we either had the 6 months of classes option &/or we could do this weekend retreat thing. I haven't heard about any one day courses... but I will definitely ask. I'm not catholic, but FI is, so I have to admit I'm pretty scared about this whole weekend retreat. I have this mental image of them separating us (which you know they won't let us stay together) into these "boys" and "girls" cabins. We also are living together, but I am going to try to avoid that question at all costs!! I glad to know that you all didn't find the classes to terrible .. I'll let you know how ours go. FI called once to schedule something a few months ago and the priest told him to call back in Feb. and he STILL hasn't called him back although I remind him to about once a week. If it really does take 6 months then the clock is ticking.... I'm not catholic either, technically. Long story but anyways I was born in a communist country where religion and going to church was illegal...so my parents baptized me in secret by whatever priest was available and willing to act illegally...which happened to be orthodox. It can take a bit of time to do all the paperwork, but I didn't think it was 6 months. The classes themselves run for 7 or 8 weeks I believe, if you go once a week for 2 hrs (maybe they're different in the US though). I don't know much about the retreats but I do know they will separate you. The church doesn't approve of people cohabitating so they won't facilitate it either. Our priest has been a total a-hole (can i say that about him without going to hell??! lol) he hates people who live together before marriage and has made that speech to us all (we're in a class of 38 other couples)....like i'm pretty sure there's atleast a good 40% of people there that are living together. We've had huge issues with our priest here who's doing our paperwork...he's the link for where I posted before http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12326-2
I can honestly say though, that despite everything else I actually really enjoy the classes. There are physchologists and counselors that come in and give advice etc... its kind of nice actually, but we haven't gotten to the section where they tell us to throw away the birth control pills and use the "natural method of birth control" haha!