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Everything posted by Ana

  1. aww thanks girls!!! you're all so sweet! and yes, Michael is pretty tall...6'11 to be exact lol I'm 5'8 but next to him I'm the little one hhehe
  2. Congratulations!!! everything looks so great!
  3. Shelly you look amazing!! Congrats I can't wait to see more pics
  4. Hmmm um I didn't and still don't have any doubts, but he does make me so angry sometimes that I want to just shake him and be like "WTF??!"
  5. Congratulations girls!!! You're both super awesome!
  6. Congrats Adriana! yey you joined this site is awesome and you're going to be just as addicted to it as I am now hehe!!
  7. lol sorry I posted this from work and then I got caught up so I didn't have a chance to answer earlier. haha you guys are funny! no she was not lost, unfortunatley, she is (now see if this even makes sense) she is Michael's dad's girlfriend's daughter she's super nice but not very bright. She said those things during dinner and I honestly thought I was going to burst out laughing....but I composed myself. Michael gave me the dirtiest look though, so I'm sure he could tell how much I was itching to react. lol...but seriously?! who says those things?!
  8. awesome review!!! and your pics are so great I love the under water ones hehe! soooo cute !
  9. Michael and all his groomsmen had their suits made at Got Style on King St. They had 3 piece suits tailor made for $1000 each. Its a great store, and if you can buy off the rack they even have some good deals on pre-made suits...its worth checking out for sure.
  10. I am so sorry that you have to go through this! My heart really goes out to everyone who's wedding is altered because of this stupid flu But I think everyone should just remember that we are really fortunate to be here, to be healthy and to be with people that we love. The wedding is important, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is that you're getting married to your soul mate and best friend, and that regardless how or where you get to have your wedding it will be beautiful, amazing and the happiest day of your life. It will work out in the end, and maybe you're going to have an even more amazing wedding day because of it. Everything happens for a reason. **BIG HUGGS**
  11. WELCOME!!! there's quite a few of us Toronto girls on here hehe...although I started off in Vancouver This forum is AMAZING and a total life saver. You're going to have such a wonderful time planning your wedding! Congrats!
  12. Abby and Ann I just read your comments back and forth and you two are hillarious! and not to hijack this thread or anything, but Abby you're not an idiot...an idiot is this girl that came over the other night and talked about how "logistics" means that you're a "logical" person and then proceeded to talk about how confused she was with 2% milk because she couldn't figure out where the other 98% went!!! :S
  13. awww no!! that's terrible! I really really hope that this whole thing blows over ASAP!! i do kind of feel like people are maybe more fearful than they need to be as it is, so hopefully things change. You still have a little bit of time so don't panic yet. Are you able to change your flights etc... to say an AI in the Dominican or even Cuba? Those would be my suggestions, ....OOOOOR maybe you can ask if its possible only to just postpone the travel and wedding to mexico. I mean given the nature of these circumstances maybe everyone involved would be understanding.
  14. Jenny you look so beautiful!! I love the last picture of you two on the sand its gorgeous! Congratulations!!!!
  15. Your pictures are amazing!!! CONGRATULATIONS
  16. argh!!! that's so frustrating! I'm so sorry Honestly the way I see it is, its your wedding and your party and eff everyone else. ....sorry for the foul language
  17. soooo cute!!!! I voted!! goodluck let us know if you win!
  18. OMG I'm so sorry!!! if there is anything that we can do please let us know. My heart goes out to everyone that's affected by this
  19. Thanks again girls! ahh I am literally just so antsy waiting for the pro pics!! eeek! and also one of our guests filmed it so I'm excited to see that too
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