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Everything posted by luv2love

  1. That was dumb of me sorry...I just realized they are based out of Negril, not Ocho Rios! But I'm sure there are Ocho Rios coordinators as well!
  2. That is a really popular resort. Is your heart set on that resort? If you check around at other venues, you may be able to get the same date at a different time. Or even stay at the RIU Ochos Rios and hire an outside wedding coordinator and have the ceremony off site and then come back for the reception. Here is a link to an offsite coordinator: Weddings in Paradise, Negril
  3. My dress was about $1200 plus I think $180 for the veil. I wasn't planning on spending that much but when I tried it on there was no going back! Here's a link to my dress (only it will be in diamond white): MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Angel
  4. Just curious, what resort are you going to?
  5. hmmm...any other ideas out there by chance!?? A couple others I've had since the last post are: DOCTOR - National bird of Jamaica SALTFISH - National dish is Ackee and _______ GMT - Time zone And I want to include "Cocunut" as a word, but can't think of a good clue for it...any ideas??
  6. I love this! Great idea I must use it! To add to the list: * Spell something using people (this would be a fun one while drinking!) * Something big (I like open-ended ones like this for the creative people!) * "oh my!" * Sand castle * Bad hair day
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by timelsel You might want to wait till close to your wedding before you make copies, as the currency rate can change daily. Thanks for the great website. Good point to be made! I had actually thought of that and am waiting until the end of April before I make mine. I kind of have to wait until then anyway because I'm so busy at university right now. My list of wedding stuff to do during the last week of April is insane! I'm glad you all like it! I thought it was really handy!
  8. What a great book! Your guests will love it! Unfortunately I can't really help with the double sided thing. Everytime I print something double sided I stand by the printer and as it comes out I feed it through again to have it print on the other side. I'm sure there's an easier way than that!
  9. What if you created a blank schedule, emailed it off to everyone, and had it a first come first serve sort of deal? So whoever signs up first gets that time slot. That way it's not you choosing who goes where. I guess you would have to keep people updated though so that people don't double book. Just a thought.
  10. I found this website and thought it was pretty cool. You can make a "Travelers Currency Cheat Sheet" to take with you (and put in guests Oot bags!!) to your destination. Makes it easy to convert the destination currency to your home currency. Check it out! FXCheatSheet® - Currency Converter for Travelers
  11. For those of you that have kids coming with you to Jamaica, here is a link where you can get a fun wordsearch and activity sheet: Jamaica Children's Activity Sheet (Jamaica)
  12. Yay, that's my b-day!! Welcome to the forum! :-)
  13. So exciting!! It's going to be so great! I can't wait to hear all about it!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyKatBride Those are great! (I thought Irie meant..."alright" as they say..."everything will be Irie" ok...some other ones could be.... DUNNS - Famous Falls in Ocho Rios RUM - Hangover COFFEE - 1st thing (their coffee IS amazing I tell ya!) HUT - Shade ...Just a few, I'll keep thinking and let you know if I come up with a few more for ya! Good Luck! What a great idea! Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Here's a couple I thought of off the top of my head: MOBAY - nickname for Montego Bay, the tourist capital of Jamaica ACKEE - the national fruit of Jamaica OCHO RIOS - the cruise capital of Jamaica MARGARITAVILLE - a hip place to hang out REGGAE - popular music in Jamaica Hope this helps! These are all so good! :-) Thanks!
  15. I wasn't sure if I should put this in the DIY section or the Jamaica section so if someone wants to move the thread please feel free! I've heard of people making crosswords for their Oot bags and I think it's a great idea so I downloaded the Eclipse software and am ready to create! I'm having a difficult time though coming up with words and clues so I thought us Jamaican brides could work together and create some words/clues for a crossword that we can all use (Jamaican themed). I'm really no good at this (hence I am coming to all of you for help!!) but here are the clues/words I've come up with so far - tell me if they are no good because I never play crosswords so I don't even know if I've done it right!!! KINGSTON - Jamaica's capital REDSTRIPE - Beer PATOIS - Jamaican language MARLEY— A famous reggae singer IRIE— "Cool" in Jamaica JAH— Another word for God SAND— The type of ceremony Kelly and Jonas are having JERK— Jamaican spice
  16. Welcome to the forum!! Where are you getting married in Negril!!?? I'm getting married at Sunset at the Palms in May :-)
  17. We had been together for 5 years when he proposed and it will be just over 6 years on our wedding date.
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