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Sacha Blue

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Everything posted by Sacha Blue

  1. I've seen plenty of flower girls in the 8-11 range and don't find it odd at all. I think it actually works better because they are old enough to understand what is going on and are not likely to get scared or cry or anything that is common amongst the preschool aged kids. You could also do the jr. bridesmaid thing and I agree with the others that you could ask her what she would like to be. The important thing is that you are including her - I have had little girls who were not included cry - so I think either option should be fine. The other thing to remember is that this is *your* wedding and pretty much every wedding has its own dynamics so following rules or traditions is not always practical or fun - go with your gut and have a great time. Sacha
  2. Thanks so much for the warm welcomes everyone! I should have mentioned that I had read the vendor rules - originally it was in my post but I got distracted and by the time I went to post the thread I had timed out, had to login again and forgot to include that bit. I think it is great to have a place where vendors can be helpful without being annoying...
  3. Hello Everyone! My name is Sacha and I'm a wedding photographer based in the Seattle area who stumbled across this site during a google search and think it looks like a great destination wedding resource. I have read the vendor rules and hope I can help others in the wedding planning process. I first became interested in destination weddings in 2005 when a prospective couple asked if I'd be willing to travel five hours each way for their wedding at a little resort on the coast. I love the beach and after hanging out with them and listening to what they had planned there was no way I could turn it down. Weddings had always been pretty routine for me and I loved how it was important for them to not only dedicate their lives to each other somewhere beautiful but also to create a weekend getaway where they were able to spend time with their closest friends and family. I have to say that after that weekend I was hooked. While these events take extra time and work on my part I find that I connect so well with couples that find value in doing something different than everyone else while still incorporating their friends and family that it more than makes up for the extra effort on my part. I'm sure part of this is that I would definitely go the destination route if I were getting married so these weddings are especially fun for me. I think another part of it is simply that I focus on the emotional connections between people while I am shooting and this results in images that are full of passion and a little different than what a lot of other people are shooting. People planning weddings that aren't traditional and boring tend to want pictures that reflect that... I think that about sums it up for me and how I ended up here - I hope that be of help to others on the forum and excited to "meet" some fun people in the process.
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