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Everything posted by svisconte

  1. Hi krista, welcome to the forum. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I have started asking god for a new car lol.
  2. Welcome to the forum! Do you know where you are getting married yet. Im sure you will find this site very useful for your planning.
  3. Welcome, I to am an april 09 bride in mexico. I just booked my wedding at the Occidental Grand Xcaret. This site is a godsend. Happy planning. selina
  4. svisconte


    Welcome to the Forum Kim! I think you are going to find alot of useful information on here. I am fairly new to this forum and now I dont know what I would do without it. Good luck!
  5. Welcome! I, to and new to the forum. I am getting married in mexico april 2009. I am addicted to this site already. It is so helpful. Goodluck with your planning.
  6. Thank you everyone for making me feel so welcome. I know, 100 guests is alot. Myfiance and I both come from divorced italian families so our famiies are quite large. I wouldnt be surprised if there were more guests. thanks again for all the replies.
  7. Hello everyone, I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself on here. I am obviously new to this forum. I have recently started the process of planning my destination wedding in playa del carmen mexico. I am planning on getting married april 25, 2009 at the occidental grand xcaret. Although, I havent officially booked the hotel. I am still in the beginning stages. I have been doing alot of researching and this site has helped alot so far. I am still open to other recommendations for resorts. It is to early in the game to know for sure how many guests we will be expecting but we are estimating around 100. We are just looking for a simply ceremony on the beach/gazebo. Then we would like a private reception with dinner and dancing. The same as many traditional weddings. We are excited to enjoy a week with family and friends and want to get the most out of our time in mexico. I am looking foward to hearing from experienced brides out there and Im sure you will be hearing from me. As its very overwhelming already. thank you selina
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