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Everything posted by svisconte

  1. Hello ladies, I just wanted to apologize for not being on the forum in awhile. Alot has happened in the last 2 months. Good news and Bad news. The good news is that my fiance and I just bought a beautiful house. We have been here for 3 weeks and it already feels like home. The bad news is that the day before we closed on the house i found out that I need to have major hip surgery. I have dysplacia in my right hip and because of that I have tramatic arthritus and a joint that is wearing down to the bone quite rapidly. The doctor said I MUST do it no later then 6 months. In six months I was supposed to get married in mexico. I have had to unfortunately postpone my wedding in april. This came as a great shock to us and I am completely devastated. I just thank god that I hadnt sent out the save the dates yet. Which I was really lucky considering I was planning on sending them out the day we closed on the house. They say everything happens for a reason and that things will all work out. I just wish I new the reason. Anyways, So the new plan is to get married the following april of 2010. Its kind of a set back but at the same time it gives me more time to plan and chat with all you wonderful ladies on the forum. Thanks for listening to my rant. and good luck to all the upcoming brides. love selina
  2. Thanks for the review morgan. Looks like you had a great time. Im sure I will have plenty of questions for you. I hope you will still check this forum from time to time.
  3. Congrats again morgan....cant wait to hear all about your trip. the pictures are absolutely stunning.
  4. Congrats Morgan!!! Thanks for sharing all your photos. I cant wait to go back. and I cant wait to hear all about your experience.
  5. Thank you all for your advice. I just finished an email to Martha. I hope to hear back from her soon. I dont know what I would do without this site
  6. LOL...I can hardly wait until Artie starts the same count down. But you have put so much hard work into your wedding. Let the mess pile up you deserve it haha. Im so happy and excited for you. You are almost there.
  7. Hello ladies, I am currently on the hunt for a photographer. So far cecila dumas and vannessa vargas are in the running as far as my budget is concerned. If anyone has any advice or comments on these photographers, I would greatly appreciate it. thanks, selina
  8. WOW congrats, everything looks absolutely wonderful. cant wait to see all the pics
  9. Wow thanks Morgan. What a great Idea and very nice of you to share with us all your info. I think it will be great to stay in contact with other catalonia brides. Thanks again, selina
  10. Wow!!!! You have done such a great job. You really have a nack for wedding planning. All of your projects and planning have been so helpful for me. I have been in a rut lately trying to figure out where to start but after seeing all your plans I'm feeling motivated. I cant wait to hear your review about the catalonia and all your advice for a wedding there. I wish my wedding was so soon. Best of luck and enjoy every minute of it. selina
  11. Wow you did such a nice job on the book. It was just added to my to do list.
  12. congrats and welcome to the forum
  13. Great Job Carly! Everything looks amazing. Looks like you have everything under control. Congrats....1 week!!
  14. What a beautiful poem. I would definetly use it as part of your vows. Great job. now you have me wanting to write one.
  15. svisconte

    Hi All!

    Hello Kathryn and welcome to the forum.
  16. hello, and welcome to the forum. I know that you will find this site very helpful.
  17. congrats and welcome to the forum
  18. Congrats and happy planning
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