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Everything posted by jmiranda

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE OMG Jessica - I am so excited! That is awesome! We'll be there representing BDW!! I get there on the 5th. I think all of our guests get there on the 6th. I'm sure I'll be an emotional mess because I am such a cry baby! HAHA!! What day do you guys leave PV? LOL, yes we will definately be representing. We will get there on Nov. 2 to Nov. 9 so we leave the day after your wedding. Are you having the ceremony on the beach?
  2. LOL...yes of course! It would be so nice to see one of our BDW girls wedding.
  3. My FI and I just booked our trip to Puerto Vallarta, for the first week of November, to go and see the church Nuestra Senora Reina de la Paz and to do a site visit at the Riu Vallarta. I believe Celina(SoontobeMrsE) will be getting married when Im there. Im so excited if I get to see her wedding on Nov. 8 Well I just wanted to let everyone know that if you need me to find out anything for you or take pics just let me know. Im more than willing to do that for you ladies. Wow, you ca not believe how excited I am to actually go a book our things.
  4. Thanks so much for that info Cindy..lets us know what the WC says.
  5. I was about to help you out on this one...Good luck and glad you figured out.
  6. Nice job Alyssa and Tammy! I dont understand the need to be soliciting business by deceit. They could have easily just followed the rules and the BDW ladies would have contracted them by word of mouth. Amanda sorry that you are put in an uncomfortable position. It is unfortunate that they are the cause of how you are feeling at the moment.
  7. How exciting!!! Congratulations everything looks really good and you look so beautiful in your dress and your hair trial looks great. Cant wait to see the pics of the big day.
  8. Beautiful pics you both look so happy together and you have a great smile.
  9. Thanks for the website...let us know the price when you get it. Im really interested in getting one as well. FI would love it.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore OK, your FI looks like someon famous but I can't think of the name! And OMG your ring is quite the bling, bling! He really does look like someone famous...you two look soooo in love. Very nice pics.
  11. Welcome to the forum and congratulations!!! Im a Riu Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta bride October 2009. You will find ALOT of helpful information here. Have fun planning!
  12. That would be very simple and elegant. It would definately cut down the cost of flowers. It would look very beautiful considering that the church is gorgeous. The bridesmaids along with their bouquets will add another touch of color. Very, very good idea. Thanks Maura
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura honestly, i am not a huge fan of the arrangements that go up the aisle. i think they are a bit distracting. imho, less is more when it comes to church flowers. i think the best thing you can do, which will cut your costs substantially, is to nix the aisle flowers. are you allowed to have an aisle runner (or do you want one)? the church itself is really beautiful and you really dont need that much added decoration. what kind of flowers are used in these arrangements? its hard for me to tell beyond being able to see the white lillies. Less is more completely agree with you on that. What decor can I do for the church? Ii is so easy for me to help other with their plans but when it comes to mine on I am having a difficult time. Yes, an aisle runner is allowed and I would like one. What do you think would look best?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura jessica, its nice but is this the one they quoted you $1,000 for? Yes, this is the one. I think its very pricey. They told me that with different flowers it would be cheaper. What flowers do you think would look nice? Quote: Originally Posted by lmg970 wow $1000 for flowers, they are beautiful, but I am the type to spend it on something else, but if I had the money then I guess I would I agree with you on that. I really do not want to spend $1000 on flowers so I Im trying to lower that price by changing the flowers. Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha Very pretty and tasteful. The only thing I dont really like are the flowers sticking out from the base of the arrangements that are on the pilars. I dunno just something about that doesn't sit right with me. FI said the same thing, lol. I agree with that as well. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Beautiful. What are your wedding colors? Maybe add a splash of color? My colors are lime green, pink and white. They are in the process of designing a flower arrangement with my colors. I cant wait to see what they have come up with. What flowers would look nice in my colors for the church flower arrangements and the reception centerpieces? Any thoughts
  15. What do you ladies think of this flower arrangement for the church?? Any changes or ideas are welcome.
  16. Beautiful dress...the addition of the sleeves looks great.
  17. Congratulations Mrs. Alyssa Im so happy for you. Although there were things that didnt go as planned you and hubby look amazing. Everything looks so beautiful. You look so beautiful in your dress. I loved how your bridesmaids looked in their VS dresses great choice. And the background is to die for. I cant wait to see more pictures keep them coming.
  18. Hey ladies well I think its time for me to join this season. I really need to lose weight especially because we are headed to Puerto Vallarta this October for a site visit. I want to at least look decent in a bikini. I feel so gross with the way I look right now. So Im sure this will be a huge motivation to lose weight. I have two problems though. I dont have a scale so I need to go and get one and our camera broke last week so I need to figure out how to take my pictures until we go and buy a new camera. Hmmm would the webcam on my laptop work?
  19. My grandma bday was yesterday so I organized for all her children, nieces and nephews to go over her house for lunch, cake and presents. She is going to be so surprised when she sees all of us show up there. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.
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