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Everything posted by June_Dreams

  1. Ladies.. How many of you are doing a beach ceremony? I am getting hitched in June and I am scared its going to be Super hot and windy and i picture sand all over the food..lol Am i over thinking this?? I have the hotels booklet and its a beautiful picture of the wedding on the beach but i get nervous.. Any thoughts suggestions??!! Thanks
  2. Thanks for the great review!! I am sooo nervous with the WC too i feel like with the amount of business this hotel gets just on weddings they need to have way better WC. My friend is getting married in Punta Cana & her WC is on point. Its so aggrevating that they take so little consideration to us brides and the effort and amount of money we put into our weddings. Your wedding looks like it turned out great. I had asked about the spa and they told me they dont use it for weddings. Its so funny how they all get ousted on this forum. Congrats
  3. Another quick question how did you do the cute lil postcard/saying for the badge?? I love it and would love to do the same thing Thanks soooo much!!
  4. These are just great you are an inspiration!! I cant seem to find the plastic key holder thingy on amazon
  5. it looks great!! I cant seem to get it off the site you put on!! could you email me your template at [email protected] Thanks so much I absolutly love it
  6. I dont know about Dreams but i went to a wedding in Punta Cana DR last year & well last minute everyone was doing so much running around there was no one to fill in as witness's. To make a long story short they grabbed someone in their bathing suits that was a guest at the hotel to do it. It wasnt a big deal I mean a little weird but no biggie. Not sure if that helps since its a totally different country but thought I'd throw that in there..lol
  7. Thanks Lucy you just gave me a big pat on the back of relief.. i was freaking out because you have all these people booking and then Im like what happens if i show up and im not BOOKED..lol Thanks again
  8. ** Please tell me that I am not the only one with a problem with gabby. SHe just emailed me asking me when my wedding date was then i responded to her with the correct date and she responded back with a date month before my actual wedding date. i am so upset!! My TA is garbage she totally just doesnt return my calls i have people calling her like crazy and they get no response and now my WC has no clue about anything mind you i paid my deposit close to a year ago.. Sorry had to vent!!
  9. Did anyone else get an email from Gabby asking for your wedding date?? this is really pissing me off all this time i have been back and forth and she has no clue when my wedding date is.. I mean really deposit has been made and i have been booked for close to 7 months and she emails me.. WHATS YOUR WEDDING DATE? GRRRRRR Has this happened to anyone else??
  10. I am going to my derm. on monday because i also have major breakage and i feel like i am losing alot of hair.. Its sooo scary when your about to get married!! Ill give you ladies any info if this doc actually knows what he is talking about..
  11. I am sooo with you too I thought something was wrong with me!!lol Its crazy how I am excited to go but I havent even began anything. I also am stuck with friends/fam that havent booked yet!! It makes me nervous but i dont want to start ordering things until I know how many guests are coming I keep telling my self January*** January!!lol Shall we toast to not stressing out the next few months.....lol Cheers
  12. PS Where did you get your parasols they are sooo nice and look like they added a great pazzaz to your pics??
  13. Great pics & Congrats!! Too Bad your Photog doesnt travel to Mexico he did a great job and you looked great!!!
  14. Great Review.. Your crowd looks alot like the crowd i will be heading down with!!lol You looked beautiful.. Did you find it hard to keep your hair nice since you had some of it down?? I want to do the half up half down but Im scared its going to be a frizzy mess with the humidity... Congrats
  15. GREAT GREAT REVIEW.. I absolutly loved all your details.. God knows we want to know everything..lol You looked beautiful and so did your wedding. I am so happy everything worked out for you Thanks for the golfing info i had no clue this was included in the package which is def. a great way to get the boys out of the hotel so you can run a muck with your girls.. All in all do you think you spent what you were expecting to spend for a DW or was it way over what you expected (sorry if this is too personal but I am so scared of having to wash dishes the day after my wedding..lol) Congrats again!!
  16. Great Review.. You looked great!! I love the pics you posted too.. So you ended up using the package the hotel offered on pics/videos?? I cant wait to see your ttd pics as I am also considering her to do mine Congrats again!!
  17. I love it.. I have actually been looking into doing a BD too.. But I am having a hard time finding a good photographer in the NJ/NY tristate area.. Anyone have any suggestions??
  18. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24950-6 (I had a blonde moment..lol)
  19. This is the email address i have had most luck with Gabriela de Freitas ([email protected]) Give it a try but if you read this forum it will let you know these WC are very hard to get in touch with because they have so many weddings. It upsets me too since i really havent got alot of things accomplished but according to past brides you really get down to everything once you get there. SCARY I KNOW..lol Check out this forum alot of us post the dates of our weddings and at least you can start narrowing it down who is getting married when. Good Luck..
  20. Welcome to the Forum.. i am also getting married at Dreams on June 20th.. Whats your date??
  21. Hi Ladies, Just wondering if anyone knows of any locations or ideas on how to create a sexy photobook of yourself to give to your Future Hubby... I've had a few people ask me and i dont even know what they are called. So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know... Thanks
  22. Does anyone know what to do after you sent your STD & another letter with a brochure, whats next? i want to know who is actually going and i wont know if people go and book their stay through another agent other then the one i am using!!
  23. WOW you looked beautiful.. I love that HOT pink color.. I am hoping my BM go for it.. What photagrapher did you use? Juan? I am also a little worried about gaby or the chance that by the time its my turn there will be another new WC to deal with.. So scary!! I am so glad everything worked out for you two and congrats.. Cant wait to see more pictures
  24. Congrats!! I cant wait to see pictures and hear more... What DJ did you use?? Was it worth it at the end, like did he announce you guys & the bridal party etc. etc.?? Also, how was the ballroom, i know alot of people say it looks dark but like you i want more privacy as well so am considering the ballroom.. Any suggestions.. Thanks & congrats to the new Mr. & Mrs.
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