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Everything posted by happygilmore

  1. yah! Happy wedding day! Can't wait to hear details!
  2. No, your not crazy, we were talking about the same things, if there are two weddings & receptions, who gets first pick at reception site?
  3. Thanks for the heads up! We were thinking of using them for our May 2009 Wedding but it seems like it might be more of hassle than it is worth. Please keep us posted on how things turn out...hopefully for the best!
  4. Sometimes if you call and get persistant about them lowering the interest rate, they'll eventually crack. I have a capitol one card and they gave me the run around but after 6 months I was able to drop my interest from 19% to 9%. I would just call the company and get really annoying ask to talk to someon else if you get a no, ask to speak with a manager...eventually they should be able to lower it. Also, I am not sure if you can do this with a credit card but it is worth asking..even if you guys could pay $315 a month could you ask that the extra $15 do directly to principal and not interest?
  5. We're thinking jazzy and/or beachy music for our cocktail hour & dinner... Can anyone help with some songs.. tried searching but mostly dance & slow songs.. Thanks!
  6. I think because nothing smart was coming out of her mouth ever..she was just trying to distract us with the arms....WHO COULD PAY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING WITH ALL THE ARM MOVEMENT!!!!!
  7. I was really sick of the random and spastic arm movements by Miss Daisy by the end of the show. Who moves their arms that much?
  8. I am so glad *our* lady won!!!!! So sad that is all done besides the reunion.....I sometimes watch Flavor of Love but it just isn't as good!
  9. We are looking at the stuff on that site as well, seems like alot of good stuff for the bags!!!!!!!!!
  10. You should check out Dreams Punta Cana. They have some good packages that will include 10 or 20 people in them and then you pay a per person charge for everyone over the limit. So for us we are thinking of getting the Ultimate package includes ceremony, flowers, some pictures, massages and gold cocktail hour and dinner for up to 20 people ( I think) for about $2600 and then we'll have to pay something like $34/person for everyone over 20 for the cocktail & dinner. It's my understanding that we get to chose from various private locations at the resort for the cocktail hour & dinner. We are most likely not paying a DJ but brining an Ipod with all the music we want. Dreams Resorts hope that helps a bit.
  11. That is so cute. My niece really embarrassed her parents when she was almost 2. My sister was known for saying "whose my b*tch" to her husband, no thinking that my niece would pick up on it, so one day they are at the breakfast table when they have a contractor at the house working on the outside of the house on a ladder, with the window open and doesn't my niece come out with "whose my b*tch, whose my b*tch) well needless to say the contractor almost fell off this ladder he was laughing so hard!!!!! gotta love the niece and her trucker mouth!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus thats NOTHING.. did you see on the news that class room of 8 years olds that were going to knock their teacher unconcious, hand cuff her, and stab her to death.. they even had kids who's job were look out and dissmembmering and disposing of the body... that is one of the most disgusting things ive ever heard of. i seriously worry about our future as a society.... I saw this too on MSN.com. How scary is that, that 3rd graders are doing this..and i think it was because she got upset at a student and they didn't like it! What are parents doing these days that there are so many psycho monsters running around! In 3rd grade I was not thinking about visciouly attackin my teacher!!!!
  13. All over some comment placed on myspace!! I watched a news clip where one of the moms was basically saying that the girl got what she deserved because she should have been able to back up what she had said! HELLO, your daughter and others ganged up and attached this girl for an extended period of time! That is NOT NORMAL! I agree, it will be very scary to see how these kids will turn out in adulthood......I'd hate to be their future neighbors..do something wrong and they'll probably shoot you!
  14. happygilmore


    yea! Another DR Bride...we are starting to add up!
  15. I saw those on the dreams forum as well and from looking at the pictures I am leaning more towards the gazebo than the beach! It was funny to see a picture of Juliana and to finally have a face to put with the emails!
  16. has anyone bought and received the bags you can get off this website. They have the measurements in centimeters and the depth portion is only 11 cm which seems really narrow to me! Any advice would be great!
  17. I'd have a hard time believing anyone would be offended by that. I think it is really cute..but your FI should have a good idea of what his family finds acceptable or not and maybe go by what is gut feeling is.
  18. hey Becky, I also check the better business bureau if I haven't worked with a company before. This site seems great, reasonable prices, set up fee and a reasonable minimum order!!!!!!
  19. Thanks for the heads up...My FI just called from Michaels and bought 30 of them for us!!!!!!!!!!
  20. We got them done mainly because we don't have a lot of pictures of us...FI hates pictures but he sucked it up for this and we'll use one for the local newspaper to announcer our engagement. I don't think it's a formality but just something fun and nice!
  21. We put on our website under our travel information that if people aren't staying at the Dreams resort to please be aware that there is an $80/day fee to come to the resort. As much as I would love to pay we just can't, plus ideally I want everyone at the same resort so we can all hang out and enjoy our vacation together. Hope that helps!
  22. I know it is annoying to deal with this on such short notice but you really don't want all of them uncomfortable in their dresses because it wil show on their faces and in the body language in the photos. I was in my friends wedding with a dress that wasn't not nice on a girl with a bigger chest and because of that I had my flowers higher that the other girls because I felt so exposed during the whole ceremony. But I am really sorry that is it happening on such short notice! I hope it all works out.
  23. The main reason we chose May of 2009 was because myself, my sister and a childhood friend all are in school next year and so we wanted everybody to be done for the summer so we could have some fun! It also helps that May is a cheaper time of year to go!
  24. My aunt gave me a orange colored spider pin/broach one year for Christmas and I was around 13 or 14.....definetely not at pin wearing age and for sure not a spider! Also, my mere mere gave me a doll made out of safety pins! Bleck!
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