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Everything posted by happygilmore

  1. I bought my friend a gift cert from the website for her birthday and she just recently got it and LOVES it! (however the gift cert came via email and she deleted the email, luckily they sent me a copy as well and i was able to forward it to her! ) This was a really great find! Thanks!!!!!
  2. I don't think it is tacky at all! I think they'll enjoy getting them directly from you and feel even more special because not everyone is getting them hand delivered.
  3. The University of New Hampshire - Go Wildcats!
  4. Oh I love puppies! They are so much work but their puppy breath and fuzzy bodies and warm bellies make it so worth it!! I got both of my dogs when they were puppies - it was so much fun watching them grow up- just like kids--well sorta!
  5. I wish Vermont had a Target...everybody seems to find such great stuff there for great prices!
  6. How exciting! It's going to be hard to wait patiently but I am sure it will be perfect when it happens! You'll have to share the details!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I swear by them I have been using them for my kids for a couple of years now, and my kids who are highly allergic to mosquitto bite's do not get any bites when wearing them. I put one on Liam's wrist and one on his ankle and he is bug bite free. We cottage in the summer up North and they are a godsend. When done with them put them in a baggy and you can get a few uses out of them. What brand do you use?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl well, if nothing else at least they'd have nice bugbite-free wrists? HAHAHA and we all know there is nothing more important for looking good than hot bugbite free wrists!!!! hehehe
  9. We found bug repellant bracelets our local dollar store and thought they would be great for our OOT bags but didn't know if they really worked. Anyone ever used them with success?? Or should be just buy regular spray on bug spray? Amazon.com: Bug Off! Adult Biting Insect Repelling Wrist Band: Health & Personal Care thanks
  10. Welcome fellow PC'ers!!!!!!!!!!!! Tons of great info here!!!!!!!
  11. I am a May 2009 Bride-to be as well!
  12. whooo hoooo! So exciting....congrats
  13. I am in the similar boat. My suggestion would be not to use that song as your entrance song because you'll think of something sad and not the happy moment you are presented with. Perhaps you could have a "moment of remembrance" for your mom and play that song then. Hope that helps a bit.
  14. I am up to four: 1: lower back sun with a celtic knot in the middle 2: Left outter thigh - snowflake 3: middle of chest (between boobs) cherry bloosm 4: Top of left foot - Tree with falling leaves. When I get back down to my healthy weight I am getting a tatoo like pam Anderson - she has this super sexy one going down her spine and I LOVE IT! Plus it will be motivation to keep the weight off so it doesnt' look like sh*t
  15. Just got to LOVE VERMONT! We bring the World Ben & Jerry's! So YUMMY! And hey they give away free ice cream!
  16. Welcome!! You will be able to find plenty of information here!!
  17. This really stinks! This company seemed to do a really good job and people really enjoyed working with them and now because the owners of the hotel and these photographers don't get along, people get screwed! Ugh...so annoying. Do you think you'll end up using the Resorts Photographer? A friend of mine who is used to planning events from a distance suggested asking the resort if they contract out their photographers and if so ask if you can get a name of the photographer or a website so you can check out there work! Hope that helps.
  18. I think it is so funny when you see the reunion shows how so often the woman tone down their appearances...I guess none of them realized they looked like sh*t until they saw themselves on TV. I think Daisy looked so much better and the crazy french ladies lips weren't as big. HOWEVER, I think amber is way more excited about being with Brett than he is about being with her....I think he just likes being on TV!
  19. I have no input or suggestions but just wanted to say how cool to be having your wedding at a lighthouse!!!! That sounds like it would be beautiful and cool!
  20. How did you manage to the the price for your guest? We are having a May 15, 2009 wedding at Dreams, Punta Cana and was told we would need to wait until the end of this summer to get the prices? Thanks
  21. My first reaction was I really liked the black one but looking at your flowers and the color of your bm's dresses I would say the orange/coral one if it looks good with her skin color! HOpe that helps a bit.
  22. I am so sorry to hear about this! It is so frustrating, you just wish people would get a job and get their own stuff and not steal yours! I think instead of registering at Home Depot, I would just tell people if they ask what you'd like is either cash or a gift cert there to replace some of your stolen stuff! Does homeowners insurance cover that? Also, call your local police station and let them know what happened, most likely they can't do anything but they can be on the look out for it and they always appreciate knowing if stuff is going on.
  23. Whose is ready for the reunion show tonight!!!! I can't wait to watch the drama! After a long day of studying and doing a lab I will be ready to sit back and watch the trash fight! Whooo hooo Go Rock of Love 2 Reunion!
  24. We're getting married on the same day just different Dreams Resorts! Go May 15, 2009! Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I'm getting married at Dreams Cancun and I thought it was one wedding per day as well but I've been read on the Dreams Forum that it depends on how busy they are and say if one has a big wedding and another just the ceremony - i'd double check if I was you if you are worried about it
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