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Everything posted by happygilmore

  1. Have you tried youtube? I know we found someone who did a tour of their room and posted it there. You might be able to find different pics on there. Hope that helps. Also, nothing on the Dreams Punta Cana Forum??
  2. Our computer doesn't have powerpoint on it, and need it to do the Boarding Pass Invites we would like. Does anyone know a cheap place to get powerpoint?? Thanks!!!
  3. Thought I would post an email we got from Photo Souvenior today. "We ahve a wedding there next week so I will let you know if something happens. There is no problem about the deposit. If we cancel because of an issue with them, we will give you the money back. No problem about that. I will have the 2009 prices ready by the end of the week and will get back to you.We have the authorization to enter the resort from the vice president of AMresort in writing but there is still one person who has a personal issue with me. I had a little confrontation with him when he threw us out without any previous notice after 5 years of excellent service and all this because of money. I don't think he will do anything after all what happened but I will let you know in advance if there is a problem. Have a good day. severine"
  4. I know a lot of people find it rude to send out the cards but personally I hate having to hunt down where someone is registered - I'd rather just get the card so that if I get them a present I can easily do it! But if you feel funny maybe put it on your website
  5. I am really sorry...that was not a very nice thing they did especially if you had explained the situation and that YOU were OKAY with it! As for the gifts, I would say give them all the same thing because they are all most likely going to be doing the same amount of work for showers, batch party etc. and it is a thank you for being in your wedding However I think you should tell her how much it hurt you with what she did! Hope that helps
  6. I don't know how crafty you are but I have my mom pricing out material to make our own towels. I figure get some terry cloth or some beach towel type of material and just run a simple seem around the edges to give it a completed look. I am hoping she can find a good deal on material cause really I don't want to spend more than $2/towel even less if it is possible. Hope that helps.
  7. I think Dreams, Punta Cana is working in slow motion lately...I haven't sent a few emails and haven't heard back from them. Must be a busy wedding time for them!
  8. So we just found another cute thing we are going to ad to the Welcome bags. At JoAnn's fabric store we found these manicure sets for $1 each. There wasn't enough for each bag we we are also going to go to the Christmas Tree Store to get a manicure set that comes in a plastic container that people could also use to bring to the beach and keep money etc....dry. Our's are pink and green but I think this is a cute idea cause I know I always for get these! 4 Piece Manicure Set in Flip Flop Case: $5.97
  9. I have been in New Hampshire for the last three days at a Resident Services Coordinator Meeting. One late afternoon I got out of my last workshop early and headed over to The Christmas Tree Shop! Well for a $1 each I was able to get 30 containers of Cutters bug spray wipes and each bottle has 25 wipes! It was an amazing deal for $30. But to beat that I was able to get 60 travels mugs for $1.99 each (red, blue, green, grey) and if I had gotten them off of discount mugs it would have been At least $3.90 each and because people have mentioned that getting the logos put on can be a waste because they wipe off we have decided to get clear stickers printed up with our logo so we don't spend that extra of money and could care less if they come off cause that is what stickers usually do! Here is the link to the discountmugs website to show the equivalent of what we got! Cheap promotional Travel Mug - Custom Printed Personalized Double Insulated Travel Mugs(ST-33) from DiscountMugs. Plus I got my stimulus check today! Wooo hooo..time to stimulate the economy!
  10. I am thinking of having Piano cover songs for our cocktail hour....Anybody know where I can find some, having trouble finding some, and didn't find any using the search function..
  11. I emailed Juliana today with the same question....If she responds before your WC i'll give you the details!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Severine also emailed me and told me that the issue has been resolved!! I hope there wont be anymore hiccups along the way. I am waiting (still) to hear from Dreams. Jessica have you heard from Dreams by any chance? And are you asking for something in writing from both parties involved..1) that dreams will let you have Photo souvvernir and 2)from Photo souvernir that they will give you back your deposit if another problem arises between them and dreams and give you as much timely notice as possible if another problem does come up I only ask cause we want to use them but want to make sure we cover ourselves if they all decide not to play nice again! Thanks
  13. We just ordered from there today and most of there stuff will come in a dozen (12) per item. So we wanted 36 bags, in our cart we ordered 3 quantities. Hope that helps.
  14. If you do a search for AHR (At home reception) you'll find that A LOT of people on here are doing! So, IMO, it isn't tacky - you're not alone!
  15. My Regional Manager loves Overstock.com and loves their $2 and change shipping!!! I say go for it. But if you really worried and want to check them out you should be able to check out the BBB to see if there any been any complaints.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN I was thinking about getting married. Holy cow you get married tomorrow!!! Well CONGRATS and have a great weekend!!!!
  17. My thoughts are along the lines as Rachel's. I say invite her plus 1 guest and from what you write my guess would be she'll decline but at least you get to look like the bigger person for extending the offer because she seems like she might be the type to gripe and b*tch if you didn't!
  18. what a slap in the face to ask for the stuff back. I am really sorry for your friend...breaking up sucks!
  19. I love this show but it scares the CRAP out of me! I totally enjoy Ghost Hunters more than paranomal state because PS seems to deal with more demonic/evil things than Ghost hunters.
  20. We are at $3. 59/gallon in Vermont and I travel 60 miles a day, round trip to get where I work. Vermont has SUCKY public transportation!
  21. We recently got engagement photos done and so we picked one out for each mom and bought them a nice frame for each pic. Moms don't live near us so we'll have to ship them out.
  22. OMG!!! All that for $40!!! WTF!!!! I am sure he would have given them the $40 without them beating him up first. I am so sorry this has happened to him and his family. Not only is he living in pain but also fear! People just don't care anymore and it is really sad. Your FBIL is in my thoughts and prayers.
  23. Congrats! You look beautiful! I love your bridesmaids dresses, they look like they could flatter any body type and the one with the groomsmen is hilarious!!! I can't wait to see more!
  24. That stinks! Well I am not your FI but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :elefan t:
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 Thanks Pisces! I have a platinum ring so I would like to get the same in a band. We haven't really established a budget for bands so anything is free game (hehehe). I guess the prob is that I really don't have an idea of what I want... nothing I find seems to look good. I have a friend who knows a jeweler so maybe I'll go in and see what he thinks. My E-ring is in platinum and I just had a custom wedding band made to match but in palladium, which is in the same metal family as platinum but CHEAPER and actually wears better and is just a tad shiner but not enough to notice - I was told! So for my palladium band with .27 carats of diamonds was $1200 , if I had done with platinum I would have spent $1600 - $1800 hope that helps a bit
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