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Everything posted by happygilmore

  1. So I missed the actual last episode but I just watched it on MTV and the poor Tila was rejected at the final episode!!!!! Won't these celebs realize that they can't find true love on TV!!! Hello it took Flavor of love 3 shows to realize he should just be with his babies momma!!!! But I still feel bad for Tila being embarrassed on National TV!!! Think she'll do season III??
  2. I only get that channel when Dishnetwork puts it as one of their free channels, which it isn't right now! I am going through Bridezilla withdrawal! I love that show!
  3. It's a hard situation because I know there are people who want to be invited to my shower but aren't invited to the wedding but they also know we had limited spaces to invite people and that we are doing an at home reception but regardless you still feel weird inviting them! But I would say $30-40 bucks would be good!
  4. Thank you for the information! it's so important to have things in order BEFORE something happens!!!! I'll have to make FI sit down with me and work through the kit! Thanks
  5. Looking for some help? We bought travel mugs without logos, but are looking to put our logo on them.. We tried the sticker route, but because of the shape of the mugs, they don't fit without ripping. Anybody out there have any other ideas Here is a link to what they look like: Custom imprinted promotional Travel Mug - Personalized Acrylic Curvy Steel Tumber Travel Mugs(DM59) from DiscountMugs.
  6. I didn't think that tropical ever left? I just put my deposit with Photo Souvenior and they said they were good to go cause they have been on site recently doing weddings and my TA was able to get an answer from the General Manager that PS was allowed back on site. Did someone tell you something specific I hope this drama isn't starting again!
  7. OMG that dress is beautiful! and you look perfect in it! Congrats on picking and getting the perfect dress!
  8. You could try something like "and remember, for those who can't make it, we'll be having an At home reception xx/xx/xxxx so you can celebrate with us when we get back!"
  9. My feelings go along the line of my dogs are my family members and therefore they are inside dogs. I know someone wrote that dogs were origionally meant for being outside but we have domesticated them so much that I don't feel that argument has much teeth. However, if you feel what you do with your dogs is right and they are fed and watered and taken to the vet and get lots of love everyday and are brought in during extreme weather, hot or cold then do what feels right to you.
  10. I would say any type of dress up clothes, BUBBLES!!!! My niece loved bubbles at 2.
  11. I don't think they are too long and I thought they were really nice!
  12. The dress is very pretty but on a side note.....did anyone look at part 1 and part 2 when you clicked on the link? I felt like I was watching a porn as the girl showed the different ways to wear it...you even see part of her nipple!!!!
  13. That really sucks!!! I hope your TA can kick some Tour operator butt and get you back the discount!!!
  14. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I just put my deposit down for having Photo Souvenior do our photos, friday may 15, 2009! After all the drama of not being sure if they would be allowed onto Dreams PC property and then waiting for prices......it ended up working out! woooo hoooo
  15. I can see where they are coming from and from the sounds of it, they just want to get the most bang for their buck when it comes to their vacation! If you end up being okay with it you might just want to give them the heads up that your resort might have a day fee to come on to the property and that they will be responsible for that fee each time they need/want to come to the resort (unless you knew some people wouldn't stay and therefore had planned on paying for the entrance fee)
  16. Here's a thought for you: I lost my dad when I was 15 but still want FI to be able to dance with his mom. So I am thinking that he can dance with his mom and i'll dance with his dad (which I know isn't an option for your FI) but than I think I am going to do a seperate dance after that with my mom, my sister and a few other close friends/family members who helped me through the hard times...i am thinking friends in low places, or if it ends up being just girls than "this ones for the girls" I am not sure if your FI would feel comfortable up there dancing with a group of friends/family but just an idea!
  17. Just received an email from PhotoSouvenir!!! Here is the link for the 2009 price list.. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY PACKAGES 2009 The packages went up a few hundred dollars but at least we can book them finally!!!!
  18. I just emailed them today because I was getting worried about not officially having them booked. So I asked if I could reserve them for my wedding date but wait on putting down my deposit until the 2009 prices are out and they said sure no problem and that next week they'll have the prices for 2009. I know we've all been told that but I guess they were really busy in May! So hopefully next week!!!!!!!
  19. We were sooooooooo hot the last few days! However, lucky me, my office had a sewer leak this weekend that no one knew about and therefore I don't have to go to work today! Might have to clean up poopy water stuff tomorrow but at least I have today off!!! So I just get to chill out in front of the fans!
  20. Welcome!! Plenty of PC brides here to help including me!!!!!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl you know what, i dont know if you have one nearby but fred meyer has some pretty silver charm bracelets and a million charms, i have a ton, they are always on sale for 40% off. When I lived in Oregon I loved Freddies!!!! But there isn't one in Vermont, however I'll have to look online! If that doesn't work out I like the idea of giving one to her each holiday or something like that!! Thanks for the ideas
  22. If you go to Dreams Resorts then click on The Dreams Experience choose forum. You have to sign up for a user name etc...hope that helps!
  23. Does anyone know where to get a decently priced charm bracelet with dangling charms (no Italian Charm bracelets)? I have been looking online and the prices are crazy! Either you get a cheap looking one for cheap! Or some of the bracelets are starting off at $40 each with no charms! I would love to get my niece who will be 7 when we get married a nice charm bracelet for her gift for being our flower girl and i want to pick out the charms and write her a little letter telling her why I picked each charm for her...BUT I don't want to spend a ton of money!!! Any help?
  24. In case your interested the on the dreams resorts forum someone just posted their late May wedding pictures from Photo souvenir! They are beautiful!
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