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Everything posted by happygilmore

  1. We used TA Dina from this SITE!!!! She specializes in the DR. She has been great so far! We managed to get airfare for both of us at $1198 and trip insurance for $240/both of us and our room for 8 nights will probably range from $2500-$3300 depending on the room category !
  2. I wouldn't put it a pass a punky kid/teenager just trying to be a jerk!!!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese I know, I'm so confused!!! I really wish I had extra money in the budget for a site visit bc this stinks!! I dont know who is who anymore. I totally agree with you! Maybe if we get lucky with our taxes we'll be able to squeeze in a trip! Cause i won't want hassles when we get down there for our wedding!!!
  4. I got them in the mail a few days ago and they are going to be perfect for me! I love the color, they have just a bit of "bling" and the wedge is going to work well to give me a little extra height! even if you don't want to wear them to your wedding they would be cute every day shoes!
  5. I am just under 10 months from my wedding and got my dress a few weeks ago! So I don't think it is to early...just one thing to get off the "to do list" congrats on finding the dress!!!
  6. isn't it exciting!!!! It makes things so much more real!!!! Congrats
  7. I got my ring bearer's sheel at Michaels for $1.99 and I bought this frame from Kohl's for our Sand Ceremony Umbra Ether Frame when you open up the top part there are 4 panes of glass so on one we'll put a picture of us and then behind it will be the sand we pour at the wedding.
  8. that was so frickin' cool! You did a really good job putting that together! Your friends and family are going to love watching it
  9. I agree it is annoying to have to pay extra for an all inclusive but their reasoning is that it takes extra time and staff to set up the reception/dinner and because of that you have to pay extra! At least it can still be cheaper than having a traditional wedding in the states!!!!
  10. Oh my god that is a funny show! I just watched an episode where they were dancing to footloose! It was sooooooo funny! I would love to be able to talk FI into doing this at our wedding.....I think our guests would love it!!!!
  11. There are a lot of variables unfortunatly... Airfare plays a big part in it...and whether or not you are having a AHR. Also depending on what "package" you choose at the resort. We are looking at around $1100 airfare, $2400 for 9 nights in a "preferred" suite. Around $2000 for the actual wedding package.then more $$ depending on how many people you have at the reception. I know at Dreams it is an extra $20-$35 per person over 20 guests.. We are using photosouvenir..and they are about $2000. Luckily we are doing some DIY stuff to help cut costs.. The OOT bags we are at about $15 for everything in the bag, OTC has some great deals. I think we are somewhere between $10-15K including our AHR... Hope this helps, let us know if we can answer anymore questions Good luck!
  12. Welcome & Congratulations We will also be getting married in PC (Dreams) in May, 2009.. There are some great TA's here on the forum!! We found ours here..TA Dina, and she has been great to work with. We are in the process off booking our trip now, and just booked our airfare on Friday!!! Let us know if you have any questions
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by k_8ie I fell in love with Dreams when I first started planning. But as time went on and I kept checking Tripadvisor.com the reviews were getting worse and worse. However, things are looking up, the good reviews are coming back, and with these two I am starting to steer back to Dreams. Is it bad that we're planning to get married Ed of Jan, and we haven't even picked the hotel yet? You may want to start looking into availabilty.. I recall reading on the Dreams Forum, that a couple had trouble picking a date from Jan - Apr, because they were booked solid....
  14. If you go to the Dreams Forum for Punta cana you'll be able to find a lot of the information you are looking for. A woman with the name babltobabe has posted a lot of usefully information and is great for getting questions answered either from her own knowledge or she has MANY contacts at Dreams PC!
  15. What will they think of next? At least it is "green" friendly!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by RZurla I just got back from Paradisus Punta Cana and Miguellina was my wedding coordinator there. She was very nice and worked very well with me on the whole thing. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I am so sorry that I am taking a while to do my review .... will definatley get to it this week So is she the WC for both resorts?
  17. How exciting!!! I am sending you lots of good $$$$$$$$$$$$$ vibes and hopefully we'll be saying home soon!!!!!
  18. I can empathize, as I lost my dad and sister in a car accident we were all in together. All I can say is that it will be hard and that what people have mentioned before is that is hard for others to bring up your dad because they don't know if it is appropriate.....I think the best thing to move beyond your grief is to start talking openly about your dad all the things you loved and hated about him and as people realize they can talk to you about it you might feel less isolated! In addition, this is going to sound weird but I have actually gone to a woman who reads tarot cards a couple of times since they have passed and was able to help me communicate with my dad and sister. it sounds weird to people but being able to ask questions and feel that you are still connected with him might just help you! And just know he is looking out for you and loves you and wants you to be happy!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Dreams has been very unstable these past few months...I;m sure they are overwhelmed with the weddings but some consistency would be nice...One minute I was dealing with one WC then she must've left, then I was dealing Miguelina and she was good but out of nowhere she stopped responding to my emails for like 2 months, now I deal with Maria but she really doesn't answer all my questions....then she acted like I had to send the form in to book my date which freaked me out, after several emails back & forth she replies she does have my form and my date has been booked since early this year. Then the whole issue with Photosouvenir...now this with the new deposit rules. grrrrr Its frustrating...I'm sure everthing will work out for everyone, its just annoying at times. Isn't it frustrating that Maria doesn't answer all your questions!!!! Either she is just browsing through the emails and not paying close attention or she doesn't understand English very well. I am going to email my TA and see if she can work her TA magic and maybe get Miguelina as our WC cause I dont' trust Maria.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I love them, I have ordered every color for 2 summers in a row, and they are very comfortable! I am so glad to hear they are comfortable, cause as my friends say I am not a "pretty shoes" type of girl! I am all about comfort with my shoes!!!!! I can't wait to get them!
  21. I am glad to hear others didn't have the best experience at David's Bridal either. I felt like I was bothering the girl by being their trying on dresses! I wasn't sure if I should go back to them for alterations and the free cleaning/press/bead check cause I walked away with my dress the day i bought it but I guess if I find someone good around here they could do that as well!
  22. We received an email from Maria yesterday that stated we would have to pay a deposit. they would contact us one month in advance of our departure to let us know what the deposit would be! I just find that ridiculous that she can't tell me how much the deposit will be! And half the time Maria doesn't even read your whole email and respond to all your questions! I hope their new people don't suck! I have heard great things about Juliana and was happy to be working with her, I just hope our new WC isn't Maria cause i am not impressed so far!
  23. I will be sure to let people know! and if I can figure out photobucket I'll post a pic!!!
  24. Just bought my wedding shoes! Blue is our color and so I want little pops of blue with my accessories! And for $7 if I don't like them, oh well!!!!!! Victoria's Secret - Sequin thong sandal
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