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Everything posted by happygilmore

  1. here's what I think: 3:00-3:30 PM Ceremony 3:30 - 4:30 PM Cocktail hour 4:30 -(whenever they tell you have to leave) reception. You could do all the formal stuff, first dance, cake cutting speakes and then ask for dinner to be served around 5:30 ish. Then dancing and fun the rest of the night!!! Also, if you are worried about the photographer contact them and see how much it would be to add a few additional hours. Hope this helps! Meagan
  2. I've been to an outside wedding during the Fall where the ceremony was short enough that we just stood. I didn't think it was bad, but like someone mentioned have chairs for the older folks that might be there and make sure you WC has people stand nicely!!!
  3. How exciting! I guess after two years on the market the old lady figured she better take what she could get! I am glad it worked out for you!
  4. I really liked dress #4. I don't think many people could pull that off but you look great in it!
  5. If you can get them I would say go with Photosouveniors, they do great work! Photosouvenir Punta Cana, Wedding Photographer Dominican Republic If you end up liking their work and are interested in them I would contact them ASAP because I am pretty sure they are talking the month of Sept off for a vacation!
  6. It is really frustrating waiting for the date confirmation because you can't do much until then. It took us a couple of weeks to hear back from Dreams Punta Cana to get our date confirmation and communication still hasn't been great. perhaps have your TA email/call them again and if she/he can get perhaps a managers email address to cc in the email you might get a faster response. But just a heads up....get ready for slow responses, until it gets closer to your date they aren't going to give you the attention you feel you deserve, which is so annoying cause it isn't how most of us are use to doing things! Good luck!
  7. I have never heard of a $1/insurance. We paid $124/each and we get medical coverage and could cancel and get reimbursed if anything crazy happens in our life!
  8. I agree with everyone else! The dress is beautiful and if you love it then I think you should keep it!!!!1
  9. I think it sounds great and thank you for interviews go really far. However, perhaps you should send a Thank you card instead of an email? Just a thought.
  10. If you go to the Dreams Website and go under, I believe, Dreams Experience, you'll see a link for "forum" if you join that you'll be able to see some pictures of couples that used the hotels photographer I think Tropical Phography(??
  11. I would think any jeweler should be able to make a Mother's Ring. That is something I got my mom when I was in college as a gift and just went to a local place in the mall and it turned out great. Zale's does it: Design Your Own Mother's, Family & Birthstone Rings - Zales Walmart: Walmart.com: Jewelry: Rings: Mother's Rings Kays: Jewelry from Kay Jewelers, the Jewelry Store for Engagement and Wedding Rings, Diamonds and More Hope these help!
  12. I haven't tried it with sand yet (just ordered my sand a few days ago) but there are four panels in the umbra frame so i am going to take out one of the middle ones so there is a larger opening to dump the sand in. Hope that helps.
  13. I wasn't going to wear it but we were at an engagment party for some friends getting married on New Years Eve and was talking to some friends who most likely won't be coming to the DR and she was like "what, you aren't going to wear it, none of us will get to see it" so it got me thinking that perhaps I should wear it at least for a bit...plus we are considering a "rock the reception" type of first dance so I'd have to be in the dress to make it work!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese No, I'm not switching...I started this thread back in Feb, shortly before booking with Dreams. Oh my mistake..I should have looked at the start date!!!! Thank god you aren't leaving Dreams PC..I am relying on you to post your honest review when you get back....considering all the ups and downs with photographers and deposits and WC not responding to emails.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese By the way, I just joined Facebook and you are absolutely right...the Ocean Blue forum is very imformative!! Thx Are you thinking of switching from Dreams Punta Cana to this new resort?
  16. My first thought "OMG" that must have really hurt! Especially since the person in front of you took 20-30 seconds to realize what was going on!!!!! I haven't shut my fingers in a door in a while but ohh...I can just imagine the pain!!!! Get better soon
  17. That woman isn't being very smart! She's had the house on the market for 2 years!!!! You'd think she just want to get rid of it ! Hopefully they accept your counter offer.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Here is the bad pic... Very nice!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I will have two bands so one on the bottom of my e-ring and one on top. I had never heard of having two wedding bands until I joined this forum! I think I'll have to convince the FI that we need to get me some more bling bling!!! You can't have to much sparkle!!!
  20. We are flying to the DR on Continental next May and i was reading on their website that because we booked after May 8,2008 that we are not exempt from having to pay the second bag fee! So we'll have to pay the $25/pp fee for the second bag! So annoying but cheaper than trying to ship it! here is the continental website luggage info for people flying with them! Continental Airlines - Checked Baggage
  21. Since I have become engaged I find myself often looking at women's ring fingers! It is amazing all the types of rings and how people's tastes can very so much! However, I have also noticed that people wear their rings different, such as wedding band on the bottom of the finger with engagement ring on top but I have also seen engagement ring on the bottom and wedding band on top and that got me thinking how do most people do it? I will be doing wedding band on the bottom engagement ring on top? You?
  22. Welcome! Also it is weird seeing another Meagan cause not many people spell it that way! Congrats ~Meagan
  23. since it sounds like $$ is an issue right now with your dumb HR not paying you have you looked to see if there are any Legal Aid services around you that wouldn't charge as much as a regular lawyer? I hope things get better!
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