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Everything posted by BePhoto

  1. welcome to the boards!
  2. Welcome Aboard and congrats!
  3. welcome & Good luck - as mentioned above, searching these boards will yeild a ton of info!
  4. BePhoto


    welcome aboard!
  5. Ahhh, Im so jealous! - I miss vegas!-- All I've got time for now is day trips to atlantic city -- which really doesnt compare - but the games are just as fun!
  6. Nic is correct -- nobody wants to deal with $ the day of - we take 20% deposits (plus 100% travel costs) and the rest is due 1 week prior. - 50% I think is a little big - but for the simple reason of this......... not that you will.... but occasionally, brides reschedule their wedding, or call it off... and normally that first payment is not refundable.
  7. coffeecup free ftp as well... CoffeeCup - HTML Editor, Flash & Web Design Software I believe. -- doing what I do - I live by ftp
  8. hmm.... good questions to ask...... there are about a million! - If you search theknot.com there are some photography articles in there that give you alot of suggestions on what to ask. -- Just be 100% sure about what you are getting for the price you pay. -- A lot of photogs in my area like to say they release the rights to their images..... only they do so 1 or 2 years down the line (so youve already bought all the prints thru them). -- there are a number of other ways they can try to get more $ out of you.... read the contract carefully. - But most importantly -- be sure it is a style of work that you like!! - If you are looking for something really traditional, dont hire someone who shoots as a photojournalist..... and vice-versa!
  9. Nick Taylor of Web Media Entertainment.... wmeintro
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak The procession went past my office and I've never been more impressed and moved by the procession. They shut down 75 Southbound and only the procession and police escorts were allowed to travel on the freeway. But more impressive was that the northbound traffic came to a complete stop, out of respect, and none of the cars moved until the southbound procession went past them. Then they would slowly begin to move again. At the Galatin Parkway exit (right by my office), the fire department had their 2 large engine units block off the parkway over 75. I wish I would have had my camera to capture the moment because it was very stirring..... the fire department had extended the ladders on both engines and crossed them, like a fallen cross--- and all of the fireman were standing on the parkway in formation with their arms around each other and their heads bowed as the procession went past. Along the side of the freeway ramps, citizens stood outside of their cars, facing the procession in a line, to pay their respects. Absolutely incredible.... Thats great to hear.... thanks for posting
  11. BePhoto


    welcome to the boards!
  12. Moon Palace is great! - welcome aboard!
  13. BePhoto


    welcome aboard!
  14. welcome Jenny!! -- good luck planning!
  15. BePhoto


    welcome & good luck planning!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus destination weddings are different. usually more people hire them then normal weddings. in the states i would say about 25% of people have a videographer. its a really thing to have but usually its the one thing that people exclude from their budget. the videos arent as watched as photos always. its like the video i purchased for me sky diving. i hardly ever watch it but im really glad i spent the money because its such a great thing to have. when i get married im definately gonna have footage of it. a quality video all comes down to how its edited. find someone with great editing skills and you will be pleased I agree completley - Raw footage has got to be the most boring thing to watch in the entire world. Editing is the #1 main ingredient here! - I often tell people to think of it in terms of the Video industry. Watch the evening news? - See that 30 second clip of the big news story of the day? Now think about all that went behind getting that footage. The cameraman was most likely out for anywhere from 2-6 hours covering an event - all for a breif 30 second clip. Why? -- Because we viewers have no attention span! If we lose interest, they lose viewers so stories are short and to the point. Apply the same concept to wedding videos and you will find that the best editing jobs for a 6 hour wedding are probably done in about a 5-7 minute segment. 6 hours of coverage for a 5-7 minute video? - Believe me if you try to have your friends and family sit thru a longer video, they will lose interest! But most videographers cant get away with a 5-7 minute clip because it seems like there is alot missed. - What many do is a highlight reel 5-7 minute clip and then a longer 30-40 minute story as well. As to weather it is worth it - Video tells the story in a completley different way than photos. Photos will be seen more - but video presents its own unique story of the day. - But you can probably not expect great editing to come from raw footage with consumer-end camcorders. If you decide that Video is important, I would hire a pro - If you decide that its just nice to have, but not in the budget - I would let someone you know tape it. The arguments for each side are endless! Personally, a guest at my wedding taped everything..... we sat down with them and watched it once - as we all lost interest and began doing something else!! To this day, I dont think we've watched it ever again! --- but I believe if we had a pro do it, and edit it - that would be a completley different story!
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