Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak The procession went past my office and I've never been more impressed and moved by the procession. They shut down 75 Southbound and only the procession and police escorts were allowed to travel on the freeway. But more impressive was that the northbound traffic came to a complete stop, out of respect, and none of the cars moved until the southbound procession went past them. Then they would slowly begin to move again.
At the Galatin Parkway exit (right by my office), the fire department had their 2 large engine units block off the parkway over 75. I wish I would have had my camera to capture the moment because it was very stirring..... the fire department had extended the ladders on both engines and crossed them, like a fallen cross--- and all of the fireman were standing on the parkway in formation with their arms around each other and their heads bowed as the procession went past.
Along the side of the freeway ramps, citizens stood outside of their cars, facing the procession in a line, to pay their respects.
Absolutely incredible....
Thats great to hear.... thanks for posting