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Everything posted by Linzibella

  1. Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing. I love pictures! Everything looked beautiful. I love the touch of colour on your dress.
  2. Hi! I'm getting married at the ROR the same week as you, on January 20th (I just posted a message this effect on your noobie post). I'm pretty sure that there's someone else on the forum actually getting married on the 22nd at the ROR. Check the big list of everyone's dates in "When's your ROR Wedding" thread (I think that's what it's called). Anyways, I don't have too much organized yet but would be happy to chat and plan along with you. I have my wedding date and time reserved, but haven't put our deposit down on the trip. I think that they'll hold it for about 3 months but I could be wrong. We're planning on putting our deposit down pretty soon though. I haven't gotten any other price quotes from other travel agents as I figured that since Sunquest is the only provider, and my quotes are from their group booking office, that there wouldn't be a difference. I'd be interested in chatting with you to see what your prices are. We could compare. Also, I'm looking at photographers and was thinking about trying to find someone that wanted to share the travel costs of bringing a photographer down there. Let me know if you might be interested. PM me if you want to chat about anything else. There's tons of helpful info on here too. Happy planning!
  3. Hi! Congratulations and welcome to the forum. I also a ROR bride and getting married the same week as you; January 20th. Also, although I'm in Ottawa now, I grew up in London! Anyways, happy planning and congrats again.
  4. Congratulations! I'm glad everything went so well for you and thanks for sharing your review. Can't wait to see some pictures.
  5. I'd love to hear/see more about this too! It could be stunning to have your reception by the pool.
  6. Hi! I found this book club after you were already into the first book (which is a great book by the way, and I'll read the discussion with interest) but I'm wondering if I can join for the next book? What do I need to do to join? Thanks! Looking forward to a good read.
  7. Thanks so much for the review. It sounds wonderful and you looked beautiful. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
  8. Wow, those look great! I love the ribbon holding the different "tickets" together and the palm tree cut out on the envelope is such a good idea. Your guests are going to love these. There are so many good ideas on this site that I just can't decide what I want to do for mine. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Thanks very much for sharing Lizz. You did a great job. It will be very helpful in few months.
  10. I'm adding myself to the list. I've finally decided on the ROR and a date: January 20th, 2009! Now I can get a ticker for my signature! Riu Ocho Rios Brides January 2008 Brides Cherie: wedding January 17th, there January 12th-26th Becky: wedding January 23; there 1/19 - 1/26 Becky (bex1975): wedding Jan 26; there 1/23-2/1 Ktownbride - wedding Jan 31; there 1/27 - 2/10 February 2008 Brides Natasha (pouchie) wedding Feb 7th JamaicaBride08: wedding Feb 8th, there 2/3-2/10 Janelle (Jmhein): wedding February 12, there 2/9 - 2/16, then off to Sandals Royal Caribbean until 2/23 Therese (chicago88 ): wedding Feb 15th, there 2/12 - 2/20 Mopher: wedding Feb 20th Flowerchic2323: wedding Feb 26 March 2008 Brides nancylou7: wedding on March 3 Hez43: Wedding March 8 RIU from 5-11, Negril 11-15 Crawford2B: Wedding on March 13, there 3/10-3/17 Anna: Wedding on 14th March, there from 6th March - 21st March Octavia: March 15, dates there 3/12-3/19 Becky(Olivia): Wedding March 21, there 3/17 - 3/27 Kimmykatbride: March 26, 2008-there from 22-29, then in Negril for 1 week April 2008 Brides Heidi: wedding on April 4; there from 4/1-4/8 misstoya: wedding on April 5, there from 4/2-4/9 Ange: wedding on April 8; there from 4/5 -4/12 Jen (J&M): wedding on April 9 Marlon(Ilandking): wedding on April 10' there from 4/7-4/14 Jocelyn: wedding on April 10; there from 4/5-4/12 yboone98: wedding on April 11; there 4/9-1/13 Mandie (pook2b) wedding on April 11; there from 4/8 - 4/22 Jenn (jenanmag) Wedding on 4/12 there from 4/9 to 4/15 Twelve Piece: wedding on April 12; there from 4/9-4/19 Amanda: wedding on April 17; there from 4/12-4/19 Ochoriobride: wedding on April 22nd May 2008 Brides Alexandra (geology_rocks): wedding day May 5, there May 2-9 md_ocr: wedding on May 10 Amandalovesryan: wedding day on May 12th, there May 8th-16th amandatheo: wedding on 13th May leslie: wedding day on May 14th; there May 10th-24th Lizz: wedding on May 16; there from May 10-19 AlmostMrsForbes: wedding on May 19th; there from May 14th-20th (then off to Couples)! Jenn08: wedding on May 23, there from 19-26 2BMOSLEY: Wedding on May 31. Arrive: May 28. Davina: wedding on May 29; there from May 26-June 1 June 2008 Brides Sara (cantwattobemrs): wedding June 10, there June 6-14 FutureMrsButler08: wedding on June 14 JuneBride2B: wedding on June 14 Bobbi-Francis: wedding June 28; there 6/25-7/3 July 2008 Brides Juanslake: Wedding on July 3; there 6/30 - 7/6 Brittney: Wedding on July 12; there from July 9-14 MrsInTraining: wedding on July 19; there from July 16-23 RiuBride2B: wedding on July 26; there from July 23-28 August 2008 Melissa (Shenmaat): wedding Aug 8th, there Aug 4th - 10th October 2008 Brides Kishalee: wedding Oct 4th, there Oct 1-8 Msklee: wedding Oct 25, there Oct 23-27 November 2008 Brides Dara: wedding on November 1st: there from October 27 to November 3 Kater: wedding on November 7th GeminiLibra: wedding on November 15 January 2009 Brides Becky (naga0066): wedding on Jan 5th, there Dec 31-Jan10 jen&tyler: wedding on Jan 14th Lindsay (Linzibella): Wedding on Jan 20th Christene: wedding Jan 22nd April 2009 Brides MoKe0506: wedding on April 4th kitty_kat_uk: wedding on April 8th, there 2-16 April ladam10854: wedding on April 29th May 2009 Brides drbrainfreeze: wedding on may 9th September 2009 Brides: KHarrod: wedding on Sept 12th
  11. Thanks for the advice christenew! We are going to have to work something out for my sister on a separate flight since Sunquest doesn't do 4 day packages, but I was only thinking about Air Canada for some reason. I completely forgot about WestJet. So there are options. My TA is going to help out with this thankfully. Quote: Originally Posted by christenew I am also a bride from Ontario, so the only company is sunquest. I am booking with my TA and she told me it doesnt matter what day of the week your guests fly out, especially to be part of a group rate. It only matters that you and your witnesses are there in the time required. There are flights for Jamaica on Saturday, that is when ours is. The other thing is westjet flys to Jamaica direct from Ottawa. You can search which days they fly in and out of Jamaica so she could figure out her flights. If you get a great TA they should do all this for you to help you out. Hope you figure everything out.
  12. Thanks so much jmhein. I spoke with my TA about this and she got in touch with the main Riu wedding people and asked if arriving Saturday and getting married was okay for me (all day Tuesday was available for the week we're going). They said that it was fine legally and up to the coordinator at ROR to decide for sure. So, my TA e-mailed her and it's been confirmed! So I have a location and a date. Ahhh! I can't believe it. It's much more real now. Thanks again for your help. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein I would like to calm you one more time! We actually arrived on a Saturday and were married on a Tuesday! Everyone said this was fine. I think they count the Monday and the Tuesday as the 2 days and it was no problem. Or maybe they count the Saturday and Monday, I'm not sure! But I know that I'm married and had a wonderful wedding, so you can definitely arrive on a Saturday as well!!
  13. Wow! They look terrific. Any chance you would mind sharing the template? I would love to see it for some inspiration. Thanks. Great job!
  14. Thanks for sharing those new pictures. The resort looks fantastic! Congratulations again!
  15. Thanks girls! You've made me feel better. I was thinking that there were up to 6 weddings a day since there are that many time slots on the website where you book. So only 3 makes me much less concerned about getting a reception location that I'm happy with. I would actually like to get married on the Tuesday of the week that we're looking at (it would be the anniversary of the proposal) and there is lots of availability, but I don't know that with the flight schedules that I'll be able to be in Jamaica for the required 2 days. Also, my sister is a teacher and so since we're not doing this on March Break or over Christmas, she's only going to be able to be there for the weekend plus 2 days (either before or after the weekend), so scheduling is becoming a bit of a problem. I guess it's like that for everyone and so that's why the middle of the week and the weekends are popular. I can't believe how stressed I'm getting about this already and the wedding is so far away. I guess picking the resort and the date are 2 of the biggest decisions. Anyways, I've rambled on enough. Thanks again for your calming words of wisdom.
  16. Thanks very much for posting this. There's lots of great pictures and is very helpful for those of us that are still trying to decide between a couple of resorts.
  17. Thanks very much for posting that link. Very helpful for those of us still deciding between a couple of resorts. Thanks! ~Lindsay
  18. Hi everyone. I'm nearly decided about having my Jan 2009 wedding at the ROR. Everyone's reviews and pictures lately have seemed really great and just what I'm looking for. So I was looking at dates and times and nearly every day in January has several weddings already booked. I'm even looking at doing this in the 3rd or 4th week of January, not around New Years. I am now worried about it being too busy there and not being able to reserve the Plantation or Mammee Bay restaurants that everyone has been talking about. And also a little concerned about feeling like it's a revolving door of weddings. Next...... Do any of you recent brides have any comments about it being too busy and too many weddings on the same day as your wedding? Did you even notice or were you just having a great time at your own party? I realize that I'm not going to be the only one at the resort, and if that's what I want I should look elsewhere at a smaller resort, but I'm just already stressed that we won't be able to have a nice dinner. Is the wedding coordinator really able to put an individual feel on 6 weddings a day, 7 days a week? I'm also not really excited about getting married at 11:00 am. Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Especially those that will put me at ease. Thanks!
  19. I was thinking about these resorts too, so am glad to hear this feedback. I'm leaning towards the Riu Ocho Rios, but am concerned about the large number of brides already booked up for Jan 2009. Goodluck with your decision.
  20. Welcome and congratulations! There's tons of information on here and it can seem intimidating at first, but I've found everyone to be very friendly and helpful. Just start browsing and reading and you'll find more help and great ideas than you ever imagined. Happy planning.
  21. Linzibella

    Hey hey!

    Welcome and congratulations! There's all kinds of information on here that you probably haven't even thought of. At least this is what I found. Happy reading and planning.
  22. Thanks for all the help girls! I appreciate it. I will have a look at the link you posted Sodria. We're still in the process of picking our destination, so I'll let you know if Venezuela wins. We're thinking about (and leaning towards Jamaica though). Either way, of course you're all invited! Thanks again!
  23. Beautiful! Glad to hear it was perfect. I've been thinking about ROR and your review and pictures are great to see. Thanks so much for sharing. Congratulations!
  24. Wow! They look great. What a good idea. I think that I'm going to use this idea too for my STD or maybe even the real invitation. Well worth all the work that I'm sure you put into them and your guest will love them.
  25. I LOVE those! I can't believe what a great idea! I'm just still pretty new here and am just starting my planning so I hadn't even thought of doing anything like that. I love it though and will definately do something like that for either my STD or the actual invitations. Great work worth all the effort!
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