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Everything posted by Kriswim

  1. Yeah that happened to me to! hahaha...oh well. I think its fine though i just keep emailing her once in a while with random questions so she doesn't forget about me!! heehee...Her Main question though that she keeps asking me is whether we are having a civil or religious ceremony. All we know is that we are getting Legally married in the US - just to keep the paperwork simple. But that's all she seems to care about...
  2. I sent in my form and she basicly wrote back saying thanks. it is kinda frustrating. She told me i was all set and that they can't book the time until the judges open their planning books...wierd.
  3. Starfish - here is my "quick" review of my trip: I really love Costa Rica. The people there are so nice! We were really scared upon arriving b/c everyone warned us about theft. But we had NO problems. We rented a GPS (a must!) and had to upgrade our rental car b/c my FI and I don't drive a stick. ( Alot more expensive!!) We only had time to go to one place b/c my FI was playing in a Poker Tournament in San Jose for most of the week. SO, we drove down to Manual Antonio (Pacific Coast). It was beautiful! Everyone there was so nice and the beaches were great. I would reccomend only staying there 2 nights max. b/c we sorta ran out of things to do!! (If you can believe that!) We stayed 3 nights. We took a tour of the National Park - a must! Hired a guide though our hotel - another must! We stayed at the Hotel Byblos - great great place. Based on recomendation from our friends. There were monkey's in the trees!! We went to the beach and did some shopping. We didn't do any ATVing or Zip lining (we were on a limited budget for this trip - have to save for the wedding!). It was also the LOW season - aka rainy season. So, it got cloudy in the afternoon and rained most late afternoons, evenings/nights. In fact, when we arrived it was POURING!!! Not a fun drive let me tell you! I thought my FI was going to have a panic attack. The roads in Costa Rica and insane. The highway to Manual Antonio is very Curvy and steep - no guard rails!!! One wrong move and you are off a cliff!!! They are fixing the bridges but there are still 2 that are the old bannana train bridges - very narrow and scary. I wish we had flown to M.A instead and rented a car when we got there. I think that is what we will do next time. One night we drove up into Jaco and ate at a great restaurant. I had heard bad things about that town but we had fun there. I heard the beaches were good there too but we didn't see them. They are really building up that area so there are lots of resorts popping up all over the place. Over all it was a really fun trip. I learned lots of Spanish ( I knew a little before going and relied on my dictonary for the rest!). The Food is AMAZING! I really want to go back and see the rest of the country! (During the dry season though!!) ;-) Let me know if you have any other questions!!!
  4. Congratulations!! Have a great time in Cabo!!! Can't wait to see your pics when you return.
  5. Ok thanks...I have to call today! I am working on the STD's and that's a key componet...people keep asking me about booking. Do you know how far in advance you were able to book the rooms?
  6. That is such a fun idea! We are sad we can't bring our dog so this is a great way to include him! Thanks!
  7. I am getting married right in Playa Del Carmen too. I am having my reception at the Gran Porto Real Resort. Let me know if you need help with anything!
  8. I love that idea for the book! IT will give my MOH a worthy project to keep her busy!!! Thanks!
  9. I have read a lot about the over booking...it scares me but as long as they take care of you right away - i'm sure it will be fine. That's good to know about the weather! Its a concern for me too! Did you get a discount on the rooms? I will want to reserve about 25!
  10. HI! OMG! I can't wait to read your review! I need to hear all about it since I am getting married there Next May! How was Micaela? Did you book your rooms through ALex? Who should I talk to about reserving them? I am just having the reception there (the ceremony will be at the Royal). What helpful hints do i need to know! I feel so nervous about the whole thing! Glad everything worked out for you. Oh, how was the weather?
  11. I just got back from Costa Rica! What a trip! I have lots of helpful hints that no one warned me about!!
  12. Hi Ladies! So I just got back from spending a week in Costa Rica and Now i need to FOCUS and get my STD's done!!!! I do know that the packages are customized...I had a hard time hearing back from the WC at the Gran too at first ( my ceremony is at the Royal but the reception is at the Gran on the beach) - i have to pay extra for that but we are having like 60 people coming so the gazebo at the Royal was my only choice! I have to call and talk to them about reserving rooms b/c my guests want to book!!! I know i sent in my booking form and Micaela said everything was set - but it makes me nervous not to have a confirmation number or send in a deposit. Oh well i guess i will just have to accept it! Its so stressfull knowing that so many people are relying on you to book everything and to make sure it goes well! argh!
  13. Wow - they seem to be everywhere Except near me! oh well...Thanks for sharing though - I love the flower girl bucket - i need to find one like that!
  14. Rhonda, How did your site visit go? I am excited to hear what you thought!! Did you meet with the WC's at the Royal? What did you finally decide?
  15. I don't think you are too late - just contact them right away and if you have any questions just post to the site! Are you planning on having your wedding at the Royal too?
  16. Don't stress! With this site all your questions will be answered!! Have fun!
  17. That's so awesome! Yipee! It makes me so excited for my wedding - ohh i can't wait. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
  18. I love the logo - its a great keepsake for your guests!
  19. I have been to St. Coix twice but only with my college for swim training trips..we stayed at great places - i bet if i did reserach i could find them again - it seems like so long ago - i can't remember their names. I do know we stayed closer to Christenstad but went to Fredricstead for dinner and a "night out". That is where ALL the action is (the cruise ships land there. I did go to Buck Island - its a must!!!! So fun! If i can find out more info i will post for you! Good luck! Its so beautiful there!
  20. i seen the show and yes its crazy!! They have the boot camp like schedule and list of chores...have you seen the food they eat - gross! It's like cafeteria food your whole life. Talk about middle child syndrome! LOL
  21. I really love them! I am nervous about bringing so much stuff down with me to Mexico - My luck stuff will break.
  22. I am getting married in Playa Del Carmen too! But in May of 2009. There is so much great information here - i don't know how i would have done it with out everyone here. They are all so supportive and have TONS of advice!
  23. I saw that on the Knot myself - so many great inspirations!!!
  24. I love this idea!! There are som many options - and i ask myself should I or shouldn't I?? I would love hear to what people wouldn't do again - so i don't make the same mistake!!!
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