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Everything posted by kati

  1. The longer I am on here the more I realize how many weddings Nicole and Kelley have to deal with.. wow! And so close together. Another thing that I am wondering, especially with all of your great suggestions. Is when to send out the invitations? I want to give everyone as much notice as possible (we have told all our family and close friends).. But I was thinking about sending out a "save the date" card so that people can have the official date (when we decide it next week when were are in Caletas) so they can book their holidays or whatever they need to do. Then add a little note making hotel suggestions so they can pre book if they want to (we are okay with everyone staying at different hotels and we have been there several times so we would like to make suggestions of good hotels on the beach downtown). Then when it gets a little closer to the date we would send out the official invitations. Just wondering what you all did or are doing?
  2. kati

    Hello hello

    We are going to PV in March. I have been several times but never to LC. So we are going to check it out before we book. Not that I have any doubt that it's gorgeous and exactly what I want.. but just so we can see it and we have the time. Since it's not until Jan. 09.
  3. kati

    Hello hello

    Definetly 2009. I have just finished reading the thread. It was quite helpful. Lot's of stuff I didn't think about. Looking forward to chatting and making more plans.
  4. I really want to have my wedding in LC. I am very excited. It was great to read about what all you girls have said. And all your experiences. It really helps put things in perspective for me, in a good way. Just wondering for those of you who have already had your wedding, how much did the LC part of the wedding costs? I guess it depends on how many people. We are thinking of 20 - 30 guests? Just ball park figures would be helpful because I have to convince the other half. And having that info will help a lot. Thanks
  5. kati

    Hello hello

    I'm Kati and I am getting married in January of 2008 in Puerto Vallarta. Hopefully in Las Caletas. To the wonderful and talented Lauren.
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