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Everything posted by dmarie17

  1. Maybe you should explain the situation to your nephew and see what he says. The gf probably doesn't expect to be part of the ceremony but your nephew should at least give her the heads up that she'll be only in the audience. As for the vehicles, have you tried calling the place to see if they have anything larger? You may have to pay a bit more, but i think it would be more special if you were all together than if you split into two cars. Maybe she's really tiny and can just sit on your nephew's lap!! Keep us posted on what you decide. Good luck!
  2. So I just got done doing this 20 minute video thats free if you have On-Demand. It's called Big Day Bootcamp and it definitely just kicked my butt!! If any of you are looking for a quick workout that actually gets your heart rate going and also works some core muscle groups, I recommend trying this one. On Demand has a bunch of other workouts but this is the first one that I've actually been really impressed with.
  3. Wow, that is a great find! I'm wondering about the suntan lotion smell to though...can you let us know when your stuff arrives?! Thanks again, I'm all over this site!
  4. My mom works for a company that sells a bunch of random wedding stuff and she keeps bringing me boxes of stuff. I feel bad not taking it so it's starting to crowd my house! I have a ton of random stuff so I'm going to put it on in bunches to see if anyone is interested. I don't want any $$ for anything, just cover shipping charges and I'm happy (or even better, any Chicago girls can come and get it!!) Of course my camera isn't working right so I found as many as I could online but the rest will just be some creative descriptions! GONE flutes: Just Jinger scrapbooking pre-made page: Favor making kit (1 kit of 24). I think this may be for a La Quinceanera but their still pretty cute! I love shoes!: I personally find this thing ugly... but whats that saying about one man's junk?... A strand of 50 white wedding lights (not used but I took them out of the box to test them and can't get them back in... they work) A really really long veil (It's from a box so I'm sure the quality isn't that great but maybe one of you DIY girls can turn it into underwear or something!) A white photo album with a mini wedding dress on it... hmmm... my description here is lacking but it's really cute!... warning: not in 100% condition because it's been in a box in my room for about a year... a few scratches on it (i think that the material is satin) A guestbook with a textured...kinda embossed feeling...flowered print on the front and back... can't find pic of this one either. The flowers are pink and purple with green stems and black decor. GONE Just Jinger non-wedding 12x12 scrapbook that is purple and maroon checkerboard. Description says 20 Top Loading Page Protectors. Post Bound Album... no idea what any of that means. If anyone is interested in any of this stuff, please PM me. And don't feel bad about taking everything!!! I want it out!
  5. Congrats!! This place is stocked full of Dreams info! Happy planning!
  6. Yea, I would say 36 or maybe even 47... i think you better get swatches because every computer screen is going to be a little different...
  7. I got mine from Envelopments® Mix and Match Design Line - parts for custom invitations and announcements They were cheap and came quickly and were really nice quality
  8. It's working again!! And I remembered all by myself who I was gifting! I think that there are new ones too! I gave Jean Marcus Inky (the guy that chases around pacman!) Soo much fun!
  9. gggrrr this is frustrating me! ... okay, nobody let me forget I'm gifting jean marcus because he's just so darn adorable!
  10. Oh goodie thanks! Crap, i forgot who i was gifting... I'm blaming wine!
  11. I quit smoking on January 1st because Illinois passed a 'no smoking in bars' ban so I figured it would be easy to quit... I only smoke when I drink... Well, apparently its not so easy! I also smoked when I had a stressful day at work or when I'm hungry or when I'm bored... Moral of the story: I'm totally feigning for a smoke... a drag... a person walking by that smokes so i can inhale his glorious scent ... aaaahhhh..... This sucks! Any new quiters out there with some advice? My FI also quit but has smoked a few since the Jan 1... but I've been strong and haven't had as much as a puff... oooh i want a puff!! mmm...
  12. Not 'too formal' at all.... I had the same thought about my dress. But it's you're wedding and you are going to look amazing in whatever you choose so choose something that YOU love!
  13. Stop it!! I wasn't trying to get charity gifts!!
  14. I like giving gifts to people on here but I just tried now and it says 'the item that you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock'. How can a little icon be out of stock? I have enough points so I don't get it. Is there a glitch or something? Help!
  15. oooh... I love smiles!!! This however does not look like a dog
  16. I went on her site today and it says that she isn't taking any more orders. She must be super swamped!!
  17. I have 5 bridesmaids and I am buying 3 of their dresses. 3 of them are about my age (26) and either just out of law school or just bought a condo so I want to help them with the cost. The other two are younger (a cousin and FI's sister) so I figure that they can mooch off of their parents!
  18. What if you planned a surprise party for him at one of the restaurants (I'm assuming that it's an AI)? Since all your guests will be there already it would be easy to tell him that it's a 'welcome party'. A lot of the resorts will do a special cake or something nice. Because your wedding is right after, it's kinda like a birthday at Christmas time.. it would be nice to do something special that celebrates him!
  19. People may play on the plane on the way home but probably not so much at the actual resort.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari So happy it worked!! Yay! I am going to a trainer tonight for the first time. Agh!! Sort of scared, but excited. How was training? Are you sore?
  21. Congrats Morgan! You definitely deserve it!
  22. Okay, this is hilarious!! I thought I was the only one. Here is a new one for all you ladies to try: laser pointers... the ones for presentations or to drive animals crazy... shine it on your ring. It is incredible!! I do it all the time (we have a cat) and the FI thinks I'm nuts... yet is mesmerized by it too!
  23. Wow, you girls are fast!! Are you all at work and not working!?! Hee hee, me too!! Anyway, I have 5 bridesmaids. No idea what the guys are wearing yet. Probably just khaki pants and a white shirt.
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