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Everything posted by dmarie17

  1. So I just received my order and am SO pissed. I ordered the Purell hand sanitizer minis and there was supposed to be 24 little bottles. Well, apparently there was an error on their website and the price listed was for 1 small bottle and not 24. So I called and the lady that I spoke with was a HUGE b*tch. I told her that I didn't want my order (I only ordered one other thing) and to cancel it. She said that she would do it and then told me that I would still have to pay the $7 for shipping. Ridiculous! I explained to her that it was obviously their mistake and I wouldn't have placed the order if it wasn't for the Purrell. She was so mean and yelled at me and then said really snotty 'Have a nice day, goodbye' and hung up!!! I was SHOCKED. I feel like calling the BBB or something but I figure that if I just rant and rave for awhile on here, maybe you guys will decide not to buy from them! Then I'd feel like I accomplished something.... I hate getting ripped off!! What Jerks.
  2. Daniella was my WC too but honestly, I think that she must have been overwhelmed because it would take her weeks to return emails to me and even then, she would only answer one or two of my questions. I got an email from Gaby introducing herself and I emailed her back last night with some of the things that I was waiting on Daniella to answer... I had an email this morning from Gaby with ALL of my questions answered!! I'm extremely relieved because now I feel that I can actually start planning instead of just waiting!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Denise40 Kat, It is all packaged and will go out on Monday. I have been swamped with work since i have been back. I will be sending it out priority mail to her. I hope that will be ok. Thanks so much!! I totally forgot about it... so much going on right now! I will be eagerly checking the mail! Oh and don't pay extra for priority... I'm not getting married for awhile! No rush! Thanks again, I'm super excited now! d
  4. Hey Kat! Happy Birthday! And Happy Boobies!! They look awesome!! I'm jealous!
  5. They originally told me that my dress was going to be a minimum of $250 to alter... I laughed... they weren't joking. I found a great lady that does alterations out of her home and the total was under $50.... and that includes the bustling The dress shop will always charge you top dollar because they know that people will pay it, but if you look around, there are other options. A lot of dry cleaners now do alterations as well. Ask around... someone always knows someone in the alteration business! Good Luck!! If you plan on visiting Chicago before your wedding, you can borrow my lady!!!
  6. Thanks for all your support ladies!! I never thought that I would get this far without so much as a drag! If I can do it, anyone can!! Just wanted to say thanks for all the motivation and encouraging words!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek How many more of the palm tree ones do you need? i saw them at the dollar store near my work, if you want me to see if they still have them and get them for you let me know. it's not a big deal i'm sure shipping wouldn't be very much. just pm me if you want me to try to get them for you. Danielle you are such a sweetie! I am going to the other dollar store today to search for more of the palm bags but will definitely pm you if i don't find them! Thanks so much for the offer!!
  8. Just got mine on Shoe's.com. I was planning on going barefoot, but my dress ended up being longer than it was supposed to so instead of spending $100 on having it hemmed, i'm spending $55 on new shoes!!! Whoo Hoo!! Here's a pic and the link... and my dress so you can get the full effect The beading on the dress is silver (it looks gold in the pic for some reason... oh, and that unfortunately is not me!) Touch Ups Women's Robin Shoe - Free Shipping
  9. Hi Gwen!! So glad that you finally broke down joined my favorite addiction!! I'm so happy with the STD's and invites that you did for me! If anyone is looking for something completely customized and great quality, definitely check her out!!! I actually got phone calls and emails telling me how impressed people were with them (one was even a guy!!) Here are mine, if anyone needs a quick link: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20790 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15175
  10. Thanks so much for the input girls! I went back to the store and bought them out of the palm tree bags. I'm going to have to try to find another store nearby because they didn't have enough. I found this other bag which I thought was better than the pink one so I got a bunch of them so I would have enough bags if I couldn't find anymore of the palm tree ones. Do you guys like this one or should I go back and grab more of the weird pink one? I figure this one is not so 'beachy' but at least it's not hideous!
  11. I just found these at the dollar store and am not sure what I think... Need opinions... are they too cheesy? Thats the dumb cat in the corner trying to get in the pic!
  12. So I'm planning a bachelorette party for my best friend who is named Dawn (thats my name too) and marrying a guy named Chris (that's my FI's name too) and I'm having a game where all of the girls bring a pair of panties that represent themselves and Dawn will have to guess who brought what. So I've been racking my brain trying to find underwear that represent me... much harder than I imagined and I came across this website: Custom Sexy Thong Underwear and Personalized Women's Apparel. I made her a pair of pink undies that say 'Chris's Girl' and it was only like $10 + shipping. They are super cute and work perfect because I'm Chris's girl too! I'm so excited so I had to share! They also have other stuff you can personalize like shirts and bags and it's a lot cheaper than any other website i've ever seen. Check them out!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KGOESER I've been looking for a hibiscus graphic like yours....where did you find that, or was it the lady who helped you with making them? The invites look AWESOME! Yea, it's from the lady that made them. I can ask her for it... I'm sure that she'll send it to me. Send me a PM to remind me though... i'm spacey!
  14. Thanks ladies for all the compliments, I updated the post with directions for all that have asked. Hope that it helps.
  15. Kat, I already told you this but I love those!! Your guest are going to be super excited!
  16. For anyone who had their reception in the Terrace (Paula!!), do you need to rent a dance floor? How exactly does that work with the tables set up? Do they just move stuff after dinner or what? I've emailed Dreams 5 times about this and they answer other questions but keep avoiding this one. Driving me crazy!
  17. I am really happy with how they turned out! I'm so glad that this project is done!! If anyone wants info on anything let me know... I'm too tired to do anything else tonight! Okay, it's about a week later and since I've gotten a few PM's about instructions, I'm going to add it to this this post... Please bear with me if I'm not making sense... I had a root canal done on Thursday and I'm totally hopped up on Vicadin (so much more fun than wine!) Okay, so it all started with a dream... just kidding. It actually started because I wasn't happy with any invitations that I found online or at stores. Nothing said 'me'. I was always planning on using the same lady who did my STD's because she was great and very reasonably priced. Here are the STD's if anyone is interested. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15175 So, I emailed her and told her that I wanted to use teal for the invites but wanted to use the same hibiscus flower theme. I sent her a pic of my bridesmaid dresses so she could match the teal. She emailed me back in less than a week with about 5 different designs! I picked the one that I liked the best and then made some minor tweaks here and there and came up with this: The response cards took me a bit longer because I couldn't decide on which 'yes or no' choices I wanted. She was VERY patient with me!! Finally after 3 or 4 proofs, we agreed on this: Finding these pocketfolds was definitely the hardest part of this venture. For the life of me, I couldn't find a color that matched. I really didn't want to pay $2 a piece but in the end, I sucked it up and pretty much had to. I found these at a store called Archivers. They were $40 for a box of 25. If anyone is looking to use these, I found some great deals at a few other places (they just didn't have the right color). While Envelopements does have a lot of options, they are quite expensive. I got samples from cardsandpocketstore.com and Envelopperinc.com: and I wish that I would have been able to go with either of these companies because they were the same quality but much cheaper and had great customer service. O-well, hopefully someone out there will check them out. So, I used a Scotch tape runner to glue the invites to the pocketfolds.. but I ran out half through and used a glue stick which worked just as good but was a heck of a lot cheaper. Stuck the postcards in the pocketside and came out with this... Oh and I stamped the postcards with these cute fruit stamps that I found! I was worried because the only other option was a Florida panther! As much a I like big cats... wouldn't really fit the theme here so I lucked out! Next, I had Gwen (shes the lady at .:Hitched Invites-Custom & Pre-Made Wedding Invitations. Invitations. Inspired:.) email me a little logo that she created. I didn't know that I wanted to do this and she already had my invites printed so I just printed these out a kinkos for like $10. And I got the dark blue paper from them too. So I glued those too together with a glues stick. Then I measured and cut a piece of ribbon that I found at Michaels and taped them to the blue thingys... This was a bit challenging and took some trial and error because glue didn't work and then the ribbon kept falling off so we just ended up using scotch tape. If I haven't covered something or if anyone else has any ?'s, please feel free to PMme! And here is the bottle of wine that I drank while doing them! Hopefully none of them got glued upside down!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by SBlake Does anyone know a good place to go in Chicago? I went to one lady that scared me! I had a full Brazillian done in less than 5min! It was intense. Wow, that couldn't have been good. I have a lady out in Elmhurst that is awesome!! About 25 mins outside Chicago if you're interested.
  19. Thanks Pisces! I have a platinum ring so I would like to get the same in a band. We haven't really established a budget for bands so anything is free game (hehehe). I guess the prob is that I really don't have an idea of what I want... nothing I find seems to look good. I have a friend who knows a jeweler so maybe I'll go in and see what he thinks.
  20. I am STILL struggling to find something that will work. I've tried every type of band out there and still can't find anything that looks quite right. I'm thinking of getting something custom made. Anybody done anything like that? Is it super expensive?
  21. I didn't hear about it until I read it here! Crazy though.
  22. Has anyone heard from Daniella or Claudia lately? I know they are busy, but I'm a nervous nelly. I haven't heard anything in like a month and it's scaring me.
  23. I emailed Daniella a few days ago to send me a list of their approved DJ's with pricing... so far nothing. I emailed Mannia today through his website and he told me that he was available the day of my wedding but I would have to go through Daniella or Claudia for pricing. I hate this back and forth stuff! And is Mannia really cheaper than the Dreams DJ? That seems stupid! I'm also wondering if I need a dancefloor if my reception is in the Terrace... Kat says no, but I know that I read something about it in one of these posts. Anyone? Anyone?
  24. I'm having that same problem. I've had 3 TA's quote it and everything is just super high. One of my TA's actually told me to book through Orbitz because she couldn't beat the rate. It's really frustrating because a lot of people that we thought would come can't afford it now. I think that the key is to give everyone as much info as quick as possible because rates have continued to go up the closer that we get to our date. Good luck
  25. Has anyone else ordered yet? Just wondering if they are as happy with theirs as Sarah..
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