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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Andi


    welcome to the forum!
  2. Oh wow! i mean i realized there isn't too much to do now that I actually reserved my date at LC but seriously! I am such a planner, I don't know what I am going to do for the next 10 months or so until I actually have to finalize things with Nicole!
  3. I have a lot of the same reasons as everyone else. Also as a side note I went to one of those bridal expos this past weekend with a friend of mine who is having the "traditional" wedding...I am SO GLAD I don't have to plan all of that! anyway, here are my reasons for a DW 1.) FI and I are not religious so getting in a church didn't matter to us 2.) We LOVE to travel (especially to warm places with a beach!) 3.) We didn't really want to have a TON of people at our wedding that we are not in all honesty close to 4.) MONEY...it is clear now that we will be saving a lot of money by having a DW and I still get to have everything i want! 5.) At the end of the day our wedding is about us and this is what we want to do!
  4. Andi

    October Wedding

    welcome! great colors!
  5. welcome to the forum!
  6. Andi


    hello and welcome!
  7. Andi


    congrats and welcome!
  8. Andi


    Hello! welcome to the board!
  9. Andi


    happy planning
  10. Andi


    happy planning!
  11. Andi


    welcome to the board!
  12. Andi


    welcome to the board!
  13. Andi

    Hello All!

    happy planning
  14. The colors you chose look awesome together and I can't believe you were able to do it all for so cheap! Ok, so I must admit, you have given me some inspiration to try and do this on my own! I have a couple of templates saved already but would you be willing to share yours as well? Also i will definitely have to hit you up with questions as i get into the nitty gritty of doing mine! GREAT JOB!
  15. Andi


    welcome and congrats!
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