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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. Thanks for the review! You're always so nice and snappy! And I totally agree about Lomas. Probably our worst experience of our whole trip was getting from the hotel to the airport with Lomas. And my MIL had a horrid time getting to the hotel. She did not get what she paid for at all, and everyone there was incredible rude! The guy at the hotel (right before we left) actually yelled at us! As in raised his voice and accused us of lying! All we wanted to do was ride together (there were 6 of us) since we made the transfer together and we were on the same flight. So, yeah, I agree.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Hey Mandy, unfortunately I have had a microdiscectomy and a multi level spinal fusion already that was complicated by a PE and a DVT. Tomorrow they are removing some scar tissue from my S1 nerve root via Caudal Epidural Adhesionolysis. I have had my ortho and the pain doc write notes for me. Not workmans comp unfortunately, that woulda made life to easy, ha! Thanks for chiming in! What kind of work do you do exactly? Is it something that you're able to keep doing throughout all of this? Do you have short term disability insurance that covered some of this? I know what they're saying: "you've missed way too much for your "back" and now you want more? Who do you think you are?" Bottom line, don't let your job stop your DW. Quit if you have to, like the other girls have said. Sometimes the threat is enough, sometimes they're actually trying to get rid of you. Either way, you'll end up in a better situation. Wow, you're young to have a fusion! Make sure you keep those core muscles strong so you have the best long-term outlook possible! (I know, I can't help but say it!)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW ok I did mine... Just need to push play to see it bigger and with music I love the music! Is that Juanes? I haven't heard that song yet. Oh, and you two are super cute!
  4. Oh, April, I'm so sorry! I'm glad to hear the heart surgery went well. We will continue to pray for your dad and all of you as you tackle this one problem at a time.
  5. Nicole, how's the planning going? Have you run across any new or burning questions?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB My understanding is that Bora Bora is very expensive and I know I would want to stay there for two weeks or more since it takes a while to get there. That might be better saved for a later vacation. Look at Erin, being all practical! All the rest of us beach bum dreamers still vote Bora Bora, though. (But did you notice how no one's actually BEEN there?)
  7. Have fun!!! We want to go camping, but everywhere around here is still flooded, and it won't quit raining! One of these days, though...
  8. What's going on with your back? Is it something that you're going to recover from fairly quickly? Are you trying to avoid a fusion? I'm a PA that works for a neurosurgeon, so we deal with this every day. Can your doctor help out with work? I know we often write return to work forms that help out the patient. If it's work comp, you're in a whole new ball game and may have more rights than they realize. Which also may be why they're being like this. I don't know how many work comp cases we get that end up having to leave the job they were injured on (often on "request" of the employer).
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 I've debated switching my username as well. What do you think? Should I switch from froggie1013 to Kristy? YES!!!! Do it!!! We all know your name anyway. You might as well make it easy on everyone!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy I loved La Isla for dinner. I would have had my reception there if it had been an option. Here's a shot of La Isla at lunch. This was our last day at EDR, and my friend Rachel had just gotten engaged the night before! She was a little excited about the ring. She's actually on the forum (rachel), she just hasn't had time do anything but the Newbie post. She's getting married in Hawaii. (Aren't you glad you know all that now!)
  11. Shannon, your pics are beautiful! I feel like I was there! Oh, wait, I was! I actually did wear a full shirt to your wedding, not just my swimsuit! Did you notice how Isaac was trying to pretend like we weren't there spying on you? Oh, and if you look at pic 279, you'll see Mom sitting on the beach bed. And you are just so stinking gorgeous!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by maui_dec_08 Well ladies, I just ordered my dress... I decided on.... #1... Thanks to all for your comments. It just reassured me that the 1st one was the way to go. Thanks again... Congrats!!! Now sit back and enjoy looking at your beautiful dress!!
  13. I went with #1 also. It's amazing on you! Which one do you like best and feel most confident in?
  14. I think it took me less than a week to get my DVD of all my pics shipped to me from Mexico. Come to think of it, it was more like 3 days. Yay!!!
  15. I LOVE the shot of you climbing out of the water on that ladder!! #1078 You make me wish I had talked Isaac into TTD!!
  16. We went with Mexico because honestly, it was the only way about half of my guests would be there. I sometimes wish I had gone with one of the islands like I wanted, but I will treasure the memories of all of our guests. It's a trade-off. I really only went with my resort because of the amazing prices we got through my cousin when he bought into their discount program.
  17. Here's what I wore: I didn't have a white dress either, so I just wore a white shirt. The skirt and black top came from White House Black Market. I did wear my wedding shoes, though!
  18. I think of your choices, London would be my last pick for a honeymoon. It would be better for another trip. I voted for Bora Bora, but I'm also an island girl. I also love Switzerland. The alps are gorgeous in the summer (the only time I've been there). We went hang-gliding and paragliding and rented little buggies that we drove up to the waterfalls.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS Ooh, I love that idea for the birthday cake with all the names they had been known by. I'll have to remember that one! I guess on that same theme, we could put all the kids and grandkids' names around the cake. We might have to get the bigger cake!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 Thanks so much for that piece of advice Mandy. I notice you were a May bride, which is kinda close to what my wedding date will be. What was the weather like out there during your stay. I keep hearing April is a windy month which kind of changes things with some of my planning. I wanted my hair down and I wanted to maybe try doing the program fans. Any advice, suggestions EDR brides out there? Like my mom said, it was very windy. I think she covered it on the fans. Not useful. I was VERY glad I had my hair up. I don't know how the other girls do it with a veil, either. Just the little tendrils of hair I had down were going crazy! You can kind of see here where my hair was blowing straight across: And here, DH was holding it down for me:
  21. That's a good point about guests: The ones you just KNEW would come don't, due to timing or money, or some made up excuse, and ones you never thought would book first! But, the quicker your wedding comes up, the fewer guests you will have.
  22. I grew up in the country, and my grandparents all live on a farm. There are just some dogs that don't belong inside. Of course they were always brought them in for tornadoes or ice storms or hot days, but the dogs hated it! Plus, some of the dogs preferred to hang out with the cows. Now our Boston Terriers, on the other hand, were inside dogs all the way. It really depends on the dog and the situation.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan You can change the thing that says "full member" to say something else. Yeah, but that's not as cool as the "moderator" banners. But I guess we'll make it work!
  24. It's not so much the "Teagan" as the "J". Some kids have half a dozen middle names. She didn't even get one!
  25. I didn't pick a resort (which means no planning) until late Jan/early Feb and my wedding was in May. It was plenty of time for me. The biggest thing was choosing the resort and making sure they have your date available. After that, it all kind of falls into place. Dress shopping can take 1 day, invites can be chosen that same day, etc. My cousin lives in Italy, but they had the wedding here in the States. She came for a 2 week trip a few months before the wedding, and they did ALL the planning in those two weeks. Had the date been available (and the family was all there) at the end of that trip, she would have been ready to get married. You can do it!
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