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Everything posted by SBlake

  1. I hope Ann is doing well. She's 31wks, almost there! Take each day for what it is, another day for the baby to get stronger and healthier. The steroid shots they give to mature the baby's lungs work wonders! We're all sending you and your baby good thoughts!
  2. Ladies, I'm down 5lbs this week! I weighed myself a few times because I didn't believe it. I'm officially in the 130's, its been awhile. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Thank you! Thats exactly what I am doing! Doing the on line version but I have all the books and all from previous attempts at WW. I'm doing the online version of WW as well. Let me know if you have any great low point finds! Every time I do WW it works, its just the time in between when I'm stuffing my face that doesn't work so well.
  3. I know how all you feel! I sent a ton of text messages and mass emailsto my friends and family when I found great deals. I bought our direct flight for $350 and my one friend bought her 1-stop flight for $280. Now the flights are $450 and up! My mother didn't even listen to me and she is a flight attendant. Whatever!!!!!!!! I tried:)
  4. Congrats! I've seen some beautiful pictures on tripadvisor from there! Happy planning
  5. OMG! That sucks but I'm sure he is ok! Guys don't always think to let everyone else know what is going on! Is he really alone? Hopefully he is with another friend he was traveling with.
  6. Hey Ladies, I was so good this week until today! I went to FML today for mother's day and she was forcing food down our throats. I even had apple pie and icecream for desert! I really need to stop having these cheat days and get some discipline!
  7. Hey Ladies, I found a starfish necklace at Macy's today for $26, they were on sale! They come with earings, not the biggest fan of them but I like the starfish!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Im bummed, being a newbie and all, just found this challenge. Late! Don't worry, I'm sure there will be a season three!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by RiuBride2b I signed up yesterday and I am so excited. Today for breakfast I had a green apple (50 cal) at 9am and at 10:30 I had a Danon yogurt (60 cal) and for lunch at 1:00 pm I had a tuna sandwich on wheat bread no mayo (not sure of the calorie intake on that). Exactly what steps would I need to take to tighten my body up. I can't afford to go the gym right now. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to tone your body from home? I have an elliptical and I am going to start doing that every morning (hopefully). I love self magazie! They have a three month challenge going on right now. I think its at month three but if you buy the magazine and go to their website you can look up their suggested workouts. They really switch things up for you and give you direction. You can do them all from home or outside. Your elipticle will be a huge help too!
  10. Congrats Iowachick! You looked so beautiful. I'm glad everything went so smoothly.
  11. Hey ladies, I finally replaced the battery on my scale and sent off my first weight! Hopefully, it only goes down from here! Thanks for all the tips. I actually worked out today and went grocery shopping for healthy stuff!
  12. I'm on my way out to pick up my 'last meal!' Better get my but in gear for tomarrow. I'm going grocery shopping first thing in the morning. If anyone has a go to item on their grocery list that they couldn't diet without, please share! I could use all the help I can get. I feel like I stick to the same foods when I diet and that is half the reason I fall off the wagon!
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. I live on the north side of the city and Elmhurst is a bit of a drive. But if I have trouble finding someone, I might take you up on your suggestion!
  14. I just emailed Sandra for more pictures. Does anyone know what location the picture on their website is? I don't know why I'm freaking out about this now! On one good note, I finished my save the dates and hope to get them in the mail tomarrow!
  15. I was hoping to have our reception outside on the patio near the beach. I guess I was a bit confused. Maybe I should have it on the beach instead and rent a dance floor! Any suggestions from those who have been there? Keep in mind that the Seaside grill is already reserved!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 How'd you find a band?? I've been so nervous about finding a band in Cancun! Did you get a chance to listen to them before you booked? I'm afraid to book one without hearing them first... our friends got married outside of Cancun last year and recomended the band Kiko and Carlos. they have a website where you can see their song list and hear their music. They charge $900/hr but if you compare that to what you would spend in the US, its a bargan! The couple were very pleased and had a great time! I'll have to look up their web address but you could try googling them.
  17. However, if its a small group of friends and family than it shouldn't be a problem!
  18. I would go with assigned seating. I went to a larger wedding of a family friend without assigned seating. It was awful! People took our seats when we went up to the buffet so we had to split up with random people we didn't know, it was weird.
  19. Hey ladies, I'm going to get back on track with ww again. I've been paying for it the last month and half but haven't really followed. I also just signed up for the biggest loser season II. Hopefully this will motivate me to get it together! I have a girls weekend at a lake house June 26th! I want to actually feel comfortable in my swimsuit if that could ever happen!
  20. Does anyone know a good place to go in Chicago? I went to one lady that scared me! I had a full Brazillian done in less than 5min! It was intense.
  21. Has anyone used EL Patio for their reception? If so, please post pics. This is the one I reserved and I have no idea what it looks like. Seaside Grill is already reserved. Thanks for your help!
  22. Hey ladies, I so need this. I'm excited to join! I have pm Ann and send her the money but I'm in!
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