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Everything posted by ochoriobride

  1. Welcome to the forum! You will find alot of usefull info.
  2. Welcome to the forum! have fun planning your wedding
  3. Bliss wedding market doesn't ship to Canada. I found some personalized fans on weddingfavours.ca for 2,15$ and it's only 14$ for shipping!
  4. HI Welcome to the forum and happy planning
  5. I will arrive saturday and our wedding is tuesday. They said it was ok....
  6. Welcome and Happy planning. You will find alot of usefull info on this site
  7. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!!
  8. Welcome to the forum and Happy planning
  9. Hi Michelle, Congrats and welcome to the forum! You will find alot of usefull info and tips on this site. Have fun and Happy planning!
  10. Jmhein, I have a question for you. I was wandering where did you get your fans? I looked on different site that deliver in Canada but the shipping is more expensive then the fans. I looked on weddingfavorites and asiansideas for the fans and weddingfavors for the stickers. Thanks
  11. Welcom to the forum. You will find alot of usefull tips on this site. Happy planning!
  12. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning
  13. ochoriobride


    Congrats and Welcome! You will find alot of usefull info on this site. Happy planning!
  14. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  15. I think you would have a lot of fun at Margarittaville, it's a very good ideal. Maybe you could email or call and make reservation for 26 person to make sure you all sit together. I'm not sure if it's a good ideal the night before the wedding. It's a party place so people might be tired the day after.
  16. Welcome and congrats! You will find alot of usefull tips on this site Happy planning
  17. ochoriobride


    Welcome and congrats! You will find alot of usefull info on this site. Have fun and happy planning!
  18. Welcome to the forum. Congrats and Happy planning
  19. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning
  20. Welcome and Congrats! You will find alot of usefull info. Happy planning
  21. Hi Jamie, Welcome to the forum. Happy planning
  22. Welome to the Forum. You will find alot of usefull tips here. Happy planning!
  23. Welcome and Congrats! Happy planning
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