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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. there is so much out there- Mac is awesome, but Laura Mercier is nice also- I would say go to Sephora and ask someone- they will sit you down and color test you and also find the coverage you are looking for- they are great and it is kinda fun - takes the guess work out of it for you!
  2. hey there! are the fans still avail? if so i would love them! BTW- GO SOX!!!
  3. So far my idea for centerpiece for DW is to use these 8" strafrish in the center of the table with possibly fishnetting under and some votives around. Simple but elegant. I think that flowers will overwhelm it? What do you think? my other thought was to have the 2" starfish as placedard holders aka favors, placing the placecards on the top of the starfish so that it rests there- the placecards I am thinking of making luggage tags. Too much?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Kathie That's awesome, congratulations! Is that York? We go up there every year for a week in the summer. I love it there. We actually considered having our wedding at the new Meeting House at the Union Bluff. That sure is York, Me! WE love it there. I feel so naughty that all you girls are the only one who knows and not even my family / Bff's know that I am married- Wow it is really wild when i think about how simple it was but yet how REAL it is! We got the actual wedding certificate aka liscense in the mail today -now it is really official! AGH! I am really glad that we did it this way, it is what true love it all about - just us, no drama, no struggles, no making everyone else happy. i def recommend it to everyone considering something private prior! For sure! I just wished we asked a few more people to take some pics of us. The JP was real quick and didnt really check that they came out prior to leaving. O well. Funny story- the witness' were all teary eyed and we sat and just let the moment sink in for a bit after.. Then a random guy came up to us and slipped us a $2 bill and congratulated us telling us that he was honored that he was the first to give a gift. So sweet - I guess that there really are some nice people left. But it was weird because there were tourists looking at the lighthouse- and we were getting married and a few people were looking at us trying to figure out if we were really getting married / practicing / what.. Ok enough reminising - it was wonderful...
  5. UGH! I thought I resized all these pics- not just our only one as a couple! Sorry so big! I guess I live large! LOL
  6. So we did have our legal day the other week while we are on vaca.. It was so perfect and special and I can't share it with the family- but I wanted to share it with you girls! Here is a link to the thread that I had for what inspired us to do this at the spur of the moment in top secret. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t28985 But it was again - ultimately amazingly romantic. I have a few pics!!! I had a guilt trip the night prior saying that we should call our parents and tell them what we were going to do - but we couldn't becuase we know that they would not attend the DW and be very upset. So we did it in secret and I am so happy that we were able to have just this for just us- alone- no hype.. In our favorite spot on a perfect day. These moments seem to be so short lived. Funny story - we went into the gift shop after and we bought lighthouse socks - I was cold- but we were joking that that was my wedding gift!
  7. So we ended up in the "spur of the moment" having legal day at our fav spot in Maine- Nubble lighthouse. It was just the 2 of us, we found 2 nice little mother and daughter women to witness - and it was perfect, a moment just for the 2 of us that i will never forget! A wonderful story for our kids someday! Here are some pics. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...S/IMGP0158.jpg http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...S/IMGP0162.jpg http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...S/IMGP0165.jpg http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...S/IMGP0168.jpg
  8. yeah all that worry at the last min as to what to wear- and it ended up I had that cache lace cream top that Ihad yet to wear with the pants- i thought it was appropriate- it felt good.
  9. Here were the readings that I would like to share. We are gathered here to celebrate one of life’s greatest relationships, the union of marriage. Marriage is the public and legal joining of souls that have already been united in your hearts. Marriage will allow a new environment in which to share your lives together, and to face the world, hand-in-hand. Marriage is a supreme sharing of experience, and an adventure in the most intimate connections. Marriage is a journey, not a destination. It is more than any single event or promise. It is a series of decisions that have been made and will continue to be made over and over, every day, that shows the care and concern that a man and a woman have for each other. Marriage is a promise that is renewed daily through a couple’s actions and respect in the spirit of faith, hope, and love. Marriage will expand you as individuals, define you as a couple and a family, and deepen your love for one another. To be successful you will need strength, courage, patience, and a really good sense of humor. So let your marriage be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again. Please listen to the following words from The Prophet. “Love one another but make not a bond of that love. Let it rather be like a moving sea between the shores of your soul. And stand together, but not too near together, for even the pillars of the temple must stand apart and the oak tree and the cypress tree will not grow in each other’s shadow. Remember that love gives nothing but from itself. Love possesses not, nor would it be possessed. And think not that you can direct the course of love. For love, if it finds you worthy, will direct your course. Bride & Groom, please face each other and join hands. Today is the public affirmation and acknowledgment of all that you are to each other. Seemingly your relationship will be as it has always been, yet there is power in the spoken words that you will speak today. May that power bring you warmth, security, and comfort through the seasons of life. Groom, please repeat after me. I, xxxxx, take you, oooooo, to be my wife, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, and encourage you to achieve all of your goals. I promise to grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live. Bride, please repeat after me. I, ooooo, take you, xxxxxx, to be my husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, and encourage you to achieve all of your goals. I promise to grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live. You are about to present a ring to each other. The ring is a circle, unbroken and unending, a symbol of unity. These rings mark the beginning of a long journey together. Wear them proudly for they are symbols which speak of the love you have for each other. xxxxx, place the ring on ooooo finger and repeat after me. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, commitment, and friendship. ooooo, place the ring on xxxxxx finger and repeat after me. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, commitment, and friendship. Bride & Groom: Treat yourselves and each other with respect and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. May you love deeply, laugh heartily, and practice patience. May you smile often. May you dream together, grow together, and sometimes be crazy. May you give, give in, and trust enough to take. May you see many sunrises, listen to the rain, and savor special moments. May you rediscover each other, listen carefully and always have an open heart. May you have health, happiness, and a lifetime of rich adventures together. Having witnessed the vows that you have made to each other and with the authority vested in me by the xoxooxxox, I am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss each other. Congratulations to Mr.and Mrs.
  10. I've got pics! It was so ultimately romantic! It was a beautiful day with the sun shinning on the water so perfectly. And we picked a spot where there was a bench and a lady and a mother sitting, they were our witness's and they also were so happy to be part of the day the older lady was crying. It was so sureel and so sad that we just have to forget about it and not share in our joy until the DW! O well - someday it will be a romantic and special story to tell our children.. After the ceremony we went to a beachside resteraunt and ate like kings and talked about the future. when we got a bottle of champagne the waitress asked us if we were celebrating something- and when we told her she was so happy for us! I got a copy of the vows and the reading the JP read also since they were so perfect- and I never even met her!
  11. I have done the dramamine also and it works great- makes you sleepy though- which is great because I usually don't sleep well after a hard night of drinking anyway! My uncle drinks pickle juice-- weird I know but he has made a few of us try it and it helps also - something about the salt making you not get dehidrated as quickly -you retain the water in your system
  12. Hi there- I teach dancing for a living and $75-$100 per private lesson is an average and reasonable rate for a reputable studio that will teach you what you want to achieve. Most private lessons will come with a package including group classes that you can attend and maybe a few practice parties. look into that so you can take advantage of it. it is a big cost, but it is something that you will have forever as a couple. have fun and feel free to ask me any questions along the way!!
  13. AGGHHH!!! So after all the stress and stuff going on the past few months with life in general, my FI and I decided to take a week vacation to the beach in Maine next week. I am so glad that we did because we need it. Well we were planning on just chilling out and relaxing, but FI asked me this week if I would like to set something up to get married for our legal day On Thursday! He called the local JP and told me to find my paperwork and we will meet with the Jp for a wedding ceremony at the lighthouse (our favorite place to visit in Maine) at 3:00. I guess he is still a romantic at heart. I really thought that we would just go to the city hall back here at home closer to the wedding ceremony in Punta Cana, I really didn't think that we would do something special like this. I am so excited.... BUT ITS TOP SECRET! I just want to shout it and I have to keep it a secret from the 'rents! O well. I needed to tell someone... Thanks girls! I am so excited! I'll have to report back. No rings and no pics, just us. How romantic? Then were going out for lobster.... O yeah-- what the hell do I wear?! I don't have a white dress and I am leaving in the AM for the week. I don't want to wear shorts / jeans. Do I have to wear white? O and this is funny- we will have to ask some random strangers to be our witness' since it is so top secret! I am gonna find a cute old couple in love. Or a gay couple.. Sorry I am rambling!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by dainanewell Congrat's...and thank you for writing a review...I'm so excited now....my wedding is in three months...cant wait to get married at Dreams!!!! Wow your wedding is approaching quickly! Hope the plans are going well!
  15. Congrats and thank you for the review! It is very helpful!
  16. Ps the sash is for my dress to tie it in. I hope this gives you a few ideas!
  17. I am having them in a shade of pink also incorporated by a tie. There are some great ones at Mens Warehouse if you have them in your area. The flower is a wonderful way to get the pink hugh in also. the pink tie looks great with a beige suit if they are wearing that. here is a pic of my FI's tie...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by sunnydaes Here are some that I really like- its not hair flower, but hair jewelry. I also really like this site Hair Flower Boutique: Hair Flowers - Silk Flower Hair Clips I LOVE THAT FIRST ONE! feathers and bling put together that looks like a flower- i need to know if that pic was pulled from web site that sells that item! Anyone know?!
  19. These pics make me feel so NORMAL. So did these brides hug and kiss all the guests in a recieving line?! How weird would that congratulations be! I would have been soooo drunk at that wedding for sure!
  20. I think that you need to approach the issue of being hurt by her not being there for you during your tough time recently prior to even talking about the wedding. She needs to know how you feel - and not assume that it is obvious. That is not fair for you and even if she ends up being in your wedding she would end up having the same nonchallant attitude during the planning and events as she is now if she knows that she can get away with it. Maybe she feels really bad for you and just feels awkward and doesn't know how to approach the issues or what to say to comfort and help you. So instead she ignores it and uses time as a distance so that things blow over and go back to normal.. I am sure she loves you - if she didn't she would have never called to ask you a random question about the wedding. I say talk to her about your feelings and then approach the wedding.
  21. Rant all you want- she is a bit PSHYCHO?!!! You go girl and put your foot down!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy Kim I'm so sorry to hear that has happened to your family...it must be such a shock when you are not expecting somethign to go that way. I lost my mom when she was only 55......and like your aunt at 59 - that is just way too young to pass. You are in my thoughts this evening. My heart goes to you also - that must have been so hard. What got you through it? Mentally how did you do it?
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