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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. I'm on myspace 9dncr is my username!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 I'm just starting my planning. I love this forum!!! I love this forum too! April 3rd 2009! WE can plan for the next year together- for all the brides this year! Have Fun! Can't wait to read the reviews!
  3. Thanks Jessica! I have been on Bongolo's web site and all the menu's and pricing for locals is on there. I think it is more in our budget than the Mariott at $85 a plate that's for sure! I really love the Mariott for lodging so I think that we will stick with that. Even though it appears that the Bongolo condo's would be a great option for a cheaper vaca! I will have to check on the price point differences! So Jessica, were your tables set up on the beach but it was part of the public bar so there were other people floating around? And did you have any issues with those bugs mentioned? Was dancing on a dance floor / on the sand? I love that you had entertainment since there will be a lot of dancers with us! Does anyone know of a bride that has had their wedding on the catamaran? I am thinking that we can do the ceremony on the catamaran and then go to Iggies for late night! Could be fun! Regarding Angela's reception, I am wondering if it's paper plates? I got a response from her and after telling her my budget she told me that we could have the ceremony and reception there for what we were looking at. I guess I am looking for pics to have a better visual! But now I am thinking that the catamaran idea would be really cool! Especially since I think that they can pick us up at the Mariott! So much to think about. So I made a pro's and con's list and am down to 4 options for the ceremony and reception local! Wish me luck!
  4. Go for it! Most brides that have regular at home receptions have a first and a last dance! Very Fun!
  5. PS- the "crush and cuddle" isn't something you want to look back and see that you did on your wedding day. But I will give you all professional advise that your FI WILL NOT no matter how close you are, want to take lessons from you, advice / be tricked into "practice". They will figure it out and usually feel less than adequate. Men hate to think that they can't do something and for themto hear it from the one they love- forget it, even though they would never admit it! BUT - they will take the advice and learn from a stranger, you need a middle man, you stay the nice person and he learns something in the meantime!
  6. I suggest you take dance lessons also. I am a ballroom dance instructor, and we teach a ton of wedding couples specifically for the first dance. It helps when the guy has a bit more confidence. Also, it is fun for you to have that date night together prior! if you find a good studio, you will actually learn a dance that goes with the beat of your song. Learn how to lead and follow. It is not necessarily choreographed. You will have a few different steps you can go through but he can put them in whatever order he decides. Usually they can teach you a simple dip for the end for a nice photo op also. Definitly worth it! And FI usually goes very tenatively but once they realize that it is easy and fun, they will go back willingly. Take advantage of it, most women need an excuse to get the men in, this is your time as a bride!
  7. I wear eyelashes for dance competitions all the time, and have bought the Mac ones / at Sephora and then also the cheap 105 lashes at CVS / drug stores. To be honest the cheap ones are better, I find that they are shorter and they look more natural.
  8. More good recommendations for a caterer! I think that would definitly be cheaper than going to a resteraunt. Angela's contact information is [email protected] We are planning on having the ceremony with her and I am starting to think that we can have the reception at the beach after since there are pavilions on Megan's bay that she is willing to decorate. I think that she brings in a caterer, I am not sure who and I don't know how the prices are broken down. But it could be fun to be right there are the beach. Maybe then we can all go to Iggies for an after party w/ the younger crowd. I just am curious to find out more info on the set up for a reception at Megan's bay through Angela, I called her and lft a message so we will see what she says!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian i had my reception at iggie's beach bar on a wednesday night (which was their carnival night, so entertainment was free!). it was a LOT of fun, but also really casual. i don't know if you're looking for something more formal. mafolie's is another really pretty reception option. nice little restaurant with an AMAZING view, especially pretty at night. i don't know what the cost would be pp though. MY FI read your post about the wedding there and loves that idea. The quesiton is will we be fortunate enough to be lucky that all the entertainment is going on the day we were planning on getting married?! Did you tell them in advance that you were all going there and having the reception there? Or did you just all show up and party? Were you staying at that resort also / a guest at Iggies for the night? I will check out Mafolie's, I was talking to my TA today and she suggested calling the travel and tourism beureua in NY for options. Something will come up!
  10. Girls, let me ask since I have toyed with the idea of being a cruise bride since we just got back from RC Freedom of the seas and we loved it... What made you decide? Your guests will be with you all week. That is my only drawback, no "honeymoon". My FI wants us time after the ceremony. What is your game plan for that aspect?
  11. I just got back from a RC cruise and saw 2 brides floating around on different days. I was curious, and I know that you can have a private reception back on the ship. Everyone seemed happy and I have to say that as a guest and not a bride RC does a Wonderful job in the customer service area, everything on the ships is clean and people are happy. I think that guests will be very happy with the week they are with you on the ship, and the wedding would be beautiful. I am starting to think that we should go that route also!
  12. Hi Ladies! Just when I was so excited about finding a location that we loved at the Frenchman's Mariott and are ready to sign contracts and set the wedding date, I am having second thoughts about the plans. I am at sorts with myself and need to see what you ladies have to say if anything! So We visited the Mariott and LOVE it and also met with Angela and LOVE her. WE were planning on having the ceremony at Megan's bay with a champagne toast and then heading to the Mariott for a short reception with our guests for some dinner. Perfect, the sun would set as we were having dinner on the terrace at the resort. I never really wanted to have a full fledged reception with a sit down dinner and have the formalities of a wedding, if that were the case we can have a reception at a hotel back home! The reason it seams like it is panning out that way with the Mariott is that the contract we got has a 5 hour function time and min cost per plate is $85 PRIOR to tax and drinks. UGH! We can't afford that, nor do we want to! After the cost of the function area, the min costs for food and the photo and ceremony with Angela I am thinking it will be $8000. That is NOT including travel and lodging! So, can we actually have a nice reception and keep cost down with a reception on the beach with Angela? I don't really know what to expect for food, decor and what guests would think / feel if the entire day was at the beach. I would still love to lodge at the Mariott I just don't think that the cost and the min's they make you guarantee are very fair. Havana Blue is great, but the food is just as expensive, the only thing that we would save on would be the fact that you don't have to "rent" / pay $1250 for the function area. They get you at every angle the second WEdding comes out of your mouth. I wanted this to be less planning with a destination wedding! Not the same as if we had it back home with less people! If anyone out there can give me thoughts on past experiences with any reception locations that are fun, low key but beautiful that would be great! Pics are welcome! We just want to have a nice ceremony and a place to offer our guests food and some dancing. Anything? Without getting too formal? Thanks and I am sorry for the rant!
  13. Hi Angela! Welcome to the forum! This is how I found you! Can't wait to continue planning our wedding with you!
  14. I LOVE that idea! Get your guests involved prior to the wedding itself! Sounds like fun!
  15. The $6 water taxi is exclusively for Marriott guests from the resort to the center of town. It has nothing to do with the cruise ships. It is easy to get a cab once in the center of town / walk. Everything is there. Cheaper than getting a cab from the hotel, and easier. I believe it is $6 per person each way. And there is a thread here with a list of different excursions to do once on the island. i have to look into that also, I don't know what leaves from where. Have fun planning!
  16. OOO Can't wait to do this! I did Core Rhythms which is latin dance also, but this looks more intense! can't wait! I have a bit of a ride to get to a class though. bummer. I would do the DVD's but they would sit there and I would never get to them.
  17. I did go to that bar! But I had to hike it back to a cruise ship so I was not that bad! I wish I was though because the safari ride back was scary! the Marriott is rocky as you walk down the boardwalk, but then it opens up to a pretty long and sandy beach. It is GREAT! I love that it is rocky and the waves crash along the walkway, but then there is a real beach also. Check out my web-site, i have a photo album of the pics I took of the resort. Hope this helps!
  18. You go girl, it is about you and this way your true friends will figure out the $ and you will see everyones true colors. You only want people who are truely going to appreciate your wedding day there anyway! Even if you thought they were your closest buds!
  19. Thanks for letting me know one of us doing monograms! I want to get one too! I wasnt thinking about getting one but I think in the long run there will be plenty of places to use it!
  20. SO it appears that most people think the resort weddings are more expensive, is that true? I thought everything was pretty comparable since there was not much AI avail on St Thomas. I am rethinking having the reception at Marroitt if it is going to cost me an arm and a leg! Then again maybe not, I really loved it there!
  21. To read this brought back so many feeling that I had exactly! We even got engaged on the same day as you. I have come to the conclusion, that weather we were to have a DW or a local wedding we would not make everyone happy. So we might as well do what our hearts tell us and have the wedding we hope to have, not what they hope that we have! Because in the long term, 20 years from now, and after all the hoopla is over, everyone would have either dealt with their feelings and gotten over them, or they would not matter any longer. It's about the bigger picture. It's about the couple. Do what feels good for you, if we start to give in now then we will always have to. Why is it that when there is a wedding / a baby people who are close to us start to give us ideas of how they think we should handle things, even if it is not needed. We do not all work the same way, that is what makes life interesting. When there is a problem, think about it as if you were listening to the problem as a friend, what would your suggestion be to her That is what you should do about the problem, listen to yourself. And don't feel guilty, it will come out in the wash!
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