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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. LOVE them - very cute! Actually do you have the forms that I can copy them if you don't mind a copy cat!
  2. Hopefully it will be! I just have to break it to my parents now that they have called houses to rent on the beach in MAine... we love it there, it is just too cold... I need palm trees!
  3. Yeah, there are a few AI options, but it ends up being well more expensive than an island that AI's are catered after. That is what the hotels informed me of when we visited also, AI is an option.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes I defitenly know what you are going through! We went back and forth so many times (well, really me,lol. my FI was okay wherever we went) I started with Jamaica (my date was booked for all the resorts I wanted, and even one I had secured, was given away. ) Then we went to St Thomas. (only to come to the same conclusion as you, it would be too damn expensive for us and the guests). Then I did what you did, I told my FI to pick, b/c I was becoming a bit stressed about the whole situation! So that is how we ended up in Punta Cana! Once I saw pictures of the beach, I was sold! Good to know I have a "twin" out there! Such a shame about St Thomas because we loved it there. But we can't go into debt over this wedding.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian well as long as no one has booked their tickets, change away! i didn't even bother telling anyone our location (because we did go back and forth) until i officially booked things and started sending out STD's. This is what I wish I did, because now our credibility is trash and even my father and mother are trying to change our mind again to having a wedding on the coast of Maine... UGH!
  6. Well I tried to fight off the super AI and it ended up being too much money.. So we started looking for an AI and liked Dreams better than Sandals. and the prices are better. I am just getting my contract to set the date now! Planning will commence soon!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Whats crush & cuddle? The hands on shoulders and wrapped around waist, heads down into one another and sway back and forth in a cricle! LOL
  8. so good to know this! FYI-- the real spanks are only $35/ $40 - if you paid more you got them somewhere with one hell of a upcharge! Or try Ebay!
  9. Ok! SO what a weekend I had. It started to become a joke that every 30 min my FI would ask me so what do you think now? ( In regards to planning the logistics for where and when the wedding was going to be) I got to the point I said forget it- we are eloping! We are though. Instead we are changing our location for the DW AGAIN!!! This time I am not changing it no matter what! This time the change was spurred because we are on a budget and it was becoming very real that St Thomas was more expensive than we thought. And it was not going to be easy to plan in the regards to where the ceremony and then the reception was - since it was looking like they were not on the same properties, we had to start dealing with transportation for guests and a more stable timeline.... I used to be a bridal coordinator and was getting frustrated because I wanted to have a DW so that I didn't have to plan all these details, I want to pack a suitcase, get there and get married! Then I am going to drink heavily! But I have to say, after all that venting.... Kudo's to FI- he took the initiative to call the TA and talk to her, since I told him he was to make the decision as to the resort and the local.... and I have to say he did good since I was looking at Dreams way back in December. I guess you should always go with your gut.. Now I just feel like an ass telling everyone we changed AGAIN- and my web site has said Mexico, St Thomas and now Punta Cana!! My poor guests are all confused!
  10. Well I hate to do this ladies! Thank you for your great advice but I am not doing St Thomas any longer. After a HELL weekend, Fi and I decided to go with our gut and keep things as easy as possible in planning. Which means going to an AI, and as we know there is nothing like that on St Thomas. i do plan on visiting at some point. I have done so much research on St Thomas, and saved files, recieved price points, that as I come across good info that i have saved, I will make sure to check back and update you to assist with your planning! In such a short time I feel like I got to know some of you! I will still be on the forum.... Just as a Dream's Punta Cana bride.
  11. Thanks for taking the time - this is what helped us make a decision to change locals and go here!
  12. Hi! I am a new Dream's Punta Cana bride! Can't wait to get to know all the great brides on this end of the forums!
  13. new to the Punta Cana site since we changed our local from St Thomas! Can't wait to read more and exchange info! BTW I am a Dreams bride!
  14. CAlling all St Thomas Brides... As I am very sad that I will no longer be a St Thomas bride next year, I have to sell the 100 postcards I recently purchased at Megan's Bay of Megan's Bay. There are 2 different postcards. 50 of each. One is of the 2 palm trees Angela does the ceremony between and the other is a more classic aerial view. I bought them to do my STD's and have them postmarked from St Thomas and sent out....., But things changed and now I am not getting married there... So feel free to contact me if you want them! It cost $35 for all of them and I am willing to sell them all for $15 or to split them also! Let me know PS_ I couldn't upload the scanned pics! Don't know why but i will try again!
  15. I am not having a BD either, and I got the same reaction from my mom.... But the girls need to get ready with you in the morning!! I was like, they will! They don't need to be official BM's to be the friends they always were! You may need 2 witness' though. We are each having someone stand up for us. But that is it, and people will appreciate it in the end... Saves money all around!
  16. that after changing our DW location - the third time!!- We have decided and now I feel a bit more relaxed and looking forward to having fun planning the wedding rather than stressing out! That is until the next issue! LOL
  17. Hi Girls! I am officially ditching St Thomas for a DW and we are booking DREAMS Punta Cana! I know that this is a Dreams Tulum forum but I thought that it is sort of a common thread since it is the same company and I am sure I will have some of the same concerns! Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Hello there fellow brides! I know there are a lot of us getting married in April of 2008 so I thought I would offer a buy/sell item. I'm thinking of getting these travel wallets made up: In them I will place our luggage tags that we are making for our guests and the travel information brochure. And then they are used to keep all of your Mexican tourist stuff, passport, and ticket information together during travel. I think they will be very handy for my guests. On the front will be a silver imprint. I am thinking something like Riviera Maya, Mexico An image (my first choice is a hibiscus flower, but I'd do a palm tree if you'd want) April 2008 Would anyone be interested in these? The cost would be $5.50 a piece. I will have 20-30 of them to sell if I purchase them. I could also do Mexico instead of Riviera Maya or any other cute wedding phrase if someone wants. Please PM me if you'd be interested. Oh yeah, and they take 6-8 days to make and the company is located just miles from my house so we'd get them in time. Interersted in something like this, but am getting married in St Thomas. Anyway you can send me info on the company that is making them for you? Great price!
  19. Are these still for sal? how much are they? And if they are not, where did you get them? Very cute!
  20. Good to know about the bugs! We have spent the weekend just making out lists and checking out web sites of where we want to stay and have the wedding- it just seems to get more confusing because the more I look the more there is to do! And if I had indespensible income I would know in a second, but we are trying to keep it really resonable expense wise, otherwise I will not have an AHR! So I just came back from Barnes and Nobles and purchased books on travel in USVI. I hope to read it and narrow it down. Also, there are great recources on usvitourism.vi.com BTW! I am so happy to have met you all! It is nice to have a common thread where we are all planning for the same local!
  21. o yeah and here is my facebook. Kim Lemire | Facebook Lately I haven't been on either though- too busy on this forum!
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