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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. So how do you know what songs they can play? I am thinking of using them also.
  2. Oopps I Voted Too - So What Was The End Result With How You Wore Your Hair For The Wedding?
  3. shaved is HOT - you look so manly, And you have a nice shaped head to pul it off.
  4. I have 3 myself A sunflower on my ankle A shooting heart on my right hip A tribal symbol on mylower right back i actually want to get rid of the one on my ankle and back but it costs too much
  5. OK so I laughed out loud when I read this thread! I have a friend whose dog is the worst also! What are you feeding him?
  6. OK so i posted on another thread also, attaching a very LONG email conversation with the Dream's WC. I am trying to decide on if it is worth it to book a honeymoon suit to get the "free" wedding, when we are planning on having a silver dinner and other add-ons? Or is it better to just get any room and pay for our wedding, getting package 2? I guess I am confused about what the honeymoon suite offers rather than just a regular suite?
  7. Cool - thanks for the pics- us DW brides are so cool - we get to have 2 weddings! 2 parties are better than one! LOL
  8. What if you only put the "bleach" on the darker spot- and not all over? Or put self tanner everywhere but that spot? Use a gradual self tanner that is a lotion so you can keep applying daily until it has blended in.
  9. so has anyone had a fire pit on the beach during their reception?
  10. Hi again, I was on the Dream's web-site forum and came across a comment that someone made about there being an extra charge for the wedding arch on the beach? Is this true? I am trying to figure budget and wondering if there is a $300 charge to have it on the beach and then another charge for the arch? Seemed a bit crazy, but I thought I would ask. I can't seem to find an itemization for pricing on "extra" decorations / rental fee's... Such as speakers etc.. Can you forward me one? Also, this is another crazy question, but for the reception on the beach, what do you do for lighting? And what is included and what is not for the beach set up for ceremony and reception? This way I can have a clear idea. There seems to be so many differnt answers! The 2 pics i have from a beach wedding set up are great, but if that is not what is normally included and there is extra, i need to take that into consideration. There was a note that you could forward me more reception pics of the beach, did you come across any? Have you ever had a fire pit on the beach during a reception and is it even an option? I am assuming that the charge for the $300 for a beach ceremony is due to the fact that it is a 10 min ceremony and a bit of set up on a more remote location for a short period of time.. If this is correct and we plan on having a dinner and coctail reception on the beach following, can we waive the $300 fee since you will already be setting up? Trust me the money will be spent in other avenues for the reception! Thank you again and i think that is all for now! Sincerely, Kim and Chris. Dear Kim, I hope this e-mail finds you well! As I mentioned in my e-mail yesterday, we are going to contact the minister for your ceremony. This implies that you can forget about the 4:00 p.m ceremony. We will confirm the hour as soon as the minister confirms it to us. Normally the minister insists on seeing the wedding couple the day of the wedding before the ceremony. You will be able to say something yourself, if you choose to. I hope everything is clearer now. Please advise if any additional questions. Have a great day! Warmest regards, Thanks! Great info~ We think we are all set now with looking ahead for our reception. Only confusion is with the ceremony. I guess I am not used to the "lingo" We are having a Renwal of Vows, but since no one is going to know would like to use a minister and make it a religious "ceremony" type of service. I wanted to make sure that was ok. And if so, my confirmation stated only Renewal of Vows and mentioned nothing about the minister, so I am concerned that I need to ammend that for your end of things so that you can contact the minister. Once that is done, would the minister be contacting me at all prior to the wedding? SO that we can go over readings etc? Also, when you say that we will not know the time of the ceremony, when about do we typically find out the time? And does this mean that I should disrgard the confirmation I recieved that notes a 4:00 ROV time? I guess I am confused as to how you decifer between the type of ceremony and how it is coordinated. Sorry to be a pain! Thank you for all your time- I really have been able to clarify a lot of what we were thinking we may want to do for our wedding! We really appreciate it! Looking forward to our visit! Kim Dear Kim, I hope you are very well! We will contact a minister for you to have a religious ceremony. The hour of the ceremony will depend on the day planning of the minister. Although most religious ceremonies are celebrated in the late afternoon as well! You can bring your own decoration and give it to us, so that we can take care of that. It is no problem. As to the wedding menu, you would have to choose one entrée and so on for everyone to eat the same. There are no seating times for the restaurants normally. Only if you want to have dinner in group, like explained before, there are limitations. We can provide you with the speakers and a cable for the Ipod. This would cost USD $95 + 15%. You could then play music from your own Ipod. Yes, you can have the wedding on the beach. A beach wedding costs USD $300. I hope you find this answer useful. Please contact me if any additional questions! Have a great afternoon! Warmest regards, Hi there! I have a few more questions in regards to some of your answers... please see below! And once again thank you for your prompt rsponse! Kim Dear Kim, I hope this e-mail finds you well! Please find my answer below written in black. Kindly review this information carefully and contact me if any additional questions. Have a great day! Warmest regards Hello! I have recieved both the email answering my questions and the confirmation of the wedding date as shown below. I wanted to keep it all together so I copied the confirmation into this email to keep track. I do however have a few more questions and decided to put them below... If you want to answer by typing next to them, that may be easiest! Thank you so much! I have been working with both of you thus far and copied this email to both to ensure that it got to the correct person for answering. Questions: 1- When you attend the resort does each guest have a "dinner seating time?" What do you mean by this question? I’m afraid I do not understand your question. Do all guests that stay at the resort have a specific seating / dinner time to abide by nightly? Can you make a reservation for a group of people to all sit together at a specific time? You can have dinner in one of the a la carte restaurants for groups up to 25 people, Bordeaux does not apply. Up to 50 people you have dinner in the buffet restaurant. You would be seated at tables of 10 persons. This can take place at the first seating 06:00 p.m. or the last one 09:00p.m. If so- would it be semi- private? You would be in the restaurants among the other resort guests. 2- I recieved your answer on getting a minister to the resort and questioning the cost etc.... for ROV.. Is there anyone I should contact to set this up? Did you request a religious ceremony on the wedding form? I requested a ROV, but it will be a religious ROV, but when I got the confirmation there was no mention of contacting a minister. We wanted to have a "God" like ceremony due to having the ceremony be a ROV as a secret to our guests. We want them to think that it is the actual ceremony. So I guess I need to cotnact a minister. You should contact us if yes, because we need to contact a minister. You would have to pay the transportation of the minister by taxi which is around USD $120 and pay a contribution to the church on a voluntary basis. We would like to have a ROv but make it "god" like / religious. 3-Can we choose the location of the reception? This is decided on the final meeting at the resort and is up to availability. Can the dinner reception be on the beach? With tables and service? Yes, the dinner/reception can be held on the beach. Is there an extra charge for this? No, there are no extra charges for this. It is the same ad you would have it on one of the terraces. Can you forward pictures to look at the set up? Please see attachment. Thank you so much for the pics. We would really like to have the ceremony and the reception set up on the beach.... Can we confirm that this is what we want? 4-Can you have music on the beach? Yes, we can provide music on the beach. Do you offer a steel drum band? No, but we can provide you with a Caribbean music trio. Great! We will think about this! Can we provide our own music with an ipod? 5-I am looking to book activities for guests... Is there a running list of excursions w/ prices that you can forward to me so that we can review our options and also figure out what we want to do on our honeymoon? We can not offer you a list with possible excursions, because this is booked through your tour operator. I suggest you contact them for further information on the subject.--did so alrady- thank you! 6- I heard that Palm Sunday (the day after our wedding) there is no water sports that week Is this true? There are water sports during that week, but only the non-motorized ones. I am concernde that there will be limited excursions for the rest of the week also? Can you confirm what is available for us Holy Week? As mentioned earlier please contact your tour operator to this subject. 7- It appears that some of the wedding packages offer room upgrades, we need to book a room with the travel agent we are using and I am curious as to what we should book due to the fact that I would love to take advantage of an upgrade if available. What do you suggest for our room type? If this is in the wedding package offered to you by your tour operator, you would have to talk to them about this. Please be aware that upgrades are ALWAYS requests, and thus never guaranteed, depending on availability. Sounds good- we will decide without asuming we may get something else! I think that is all for now! WE have a few more questions linked to the prior conversation below also....... See lower Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Kim and Chris Copied from another e-mail for records::: Dear Kim and Christopher, We have verified the availability and we are glad to confirm the following date and time for your Renewal of Vows Ceremony at Dreams Punta Cana: Dear Kim, I hope this e-mail finds you well! Please find bellow this writing the answers to your questions. 1-Do you require a deposit to reserve and hold the wedding date of 4-4-09, if so how much? No we do not require a deposit to hold the wedding date. 2-Can we confirm a time of 6:00 for the ceremony time? You will get the time of your wedding confirmed when we send you your reservation number, which will be as soon as possible. *We got a confirmation that is pasted above this for a 4:0 ceremony.. Is thre any way that we can confirm the time for a bit later, like 5:00? We would like to have the ceremony on the beach at 5:00 and then have the reception to follow right on the beach. 3-Can you confirm what time the sun sets on the day of the wedding? I would like some sunset pics...Just a thought! The sun normally sets around 7 PM here, but arrangements can be made in order to have sunset pictures, not to worry! --Sounds good! 4-We will be SECRETLY getting married legally here in the states to make life easier, so we will be doing a ROV, question is if the ceremony "appears" to be the same so that our guests feel and believe that they are at a real wedding... if you know what I mean? We can have a symbolic ceremony, your guests will not suspect anything. The only difference is that there will be no judge present. One of the wedding coordinators will perform the ceremony in English and of course you will not have to sign any civil records!--AS MENTIONED ABOVE, CAN WE DO THIS WITH A MINISTER SO IT IS A RELIGIOUS ROV? AND IF SO PLEASE CONFIRM HOW WE PROCEED TO CONTACT A MINISTER OR IF YOU BOOK ONE FOR US? 5-If we get married here, are there any different / specific forms you will need prior to arrival? If you just have a symbolic ceremony, we do not require any forms, just your filled out wedding form. 6-Can we have the ceremony / ROV religious/with a minister so it is "God" like? It is possible to have a religious ceremony at the resort. You would only need your marriage licence as proof to the minister that you are married. There is no fixed price for the services of the minister. You have to pay the transparation costs and you may pay a contribution to the curch up to your own criterias. --ONCE AGAIN - A RELIGIOUS ROV POSSIBLE 7-Can you send pics of the ceremony locations? We are more than likely interested in the beach local, but the gazebo looks nice also. Do you have some pics with alternative decor arrangements so that I can compare? I am sending you some pictures in attachment.-wonderful - thank you a ton! 8-Is it ok to plan on the basic wedding package at this time and build up as we decide and get more information? You decide on the wedding package at the final meeting with the wedding coordinator, once you arrived in the hotel. You can change it as it goes, 9-If so, is there a final date that we can add things? It would be nice to have things sorted out, one week before the wedding, for example how many people of your wedding party will use the services of the hairdresser . If you're planning big private events, please advice prior. Otherwise, things as the cocktail and private dinner after the wedding ceremony, are taken care of at the final meeting as well. 10-Do you have any examples of what your photographer does for work? Our photgraphers took the pictures on our website, as well as the pictures I'm sending you. In our office we have an album with their work that you can look at before the wedding. 11-Do you use the same photographer all the time? Will I know which one I will have prior so that we can become aquatinted? We are a big resort, we have several photographers. If you want so, we can shedule a meeting with the photographer before the wedding. 12-We are more than likely going to have the cocktail and reception, can you send me a sample of a menu for bronze and silver for both so that we can see what we are offering? Please see attachment. --Does each guest choose one entree' or do I choose one for everyone to eat? 13-what are the locations for the receptions for approx. 20-35 ppl? Can you send pics? I've send you some pictures in attachment. You could have private events on the Bordeaux terrace (by the seaside), the Himitsu terrace (near the lobby), and the Patio terrace (next to the Mexican restaurant). 14-can you also send pics with optional decor so that I can compare? See attachement: 15-what is included automatically with the cocktail and dinner receptions? Linens? Candles? We provide white linnens, white napkins, printed menus, candles,... If you want special table decoration, like central pieces on the tables, you should bring them yourself.If we bring ourselves (any type of decorations) can I give to the wedding coordinator at the final meeting for her to put them out at set up time so that I dont have to worry about it? 16-Can you have a reception outside on the beach? What does it look and feel like? How far is it from bathrooms? It is possible to have a reception on the beach! It looks very beautiful at sunset, but of course it is sandy . The closest bathrooms, depending on where on the beach the ceremony takes place, are not further away than 5 minutes walking.--Sandy is fun! 17-if we have a minister and it is a ROV is it possible to have the ceremony in English? The minister will perform the ceremony in English. 18-Can you choose your flowers with the cost of what is on the web? Or can you at least state your colors to coordinate? You choose the flowers at the final meeting. We have an album with what our florist offers. Of course you have to keep in mind that we can only get ftropical flowers. We can't find you any tullips for example. 19-If we put down a deposit and sign a contract now will it "lock in" the rates for the wedding packages/will they still be subject to change? And if they will change do you know by how much? If you decide on your wedding package before we have the prices of 2009, the price will be without subject to chance. However we cannot asure the price of the extra services, these are subject to change.Sounds good! 20-Can you send resort brochures and literature to my home mailing address to share with my parents who are not internet savvy? Can you send a few? I'm sorry, I'm not able to help you on this request. You could try to contact AMresorts in the USA or maybe a travel agency will be able to assist you as well! I hope you find this answer useful! Please advice if any further questions! Best regards,
  11. OOPPS Looks Like Ladycheese beat me to posting on Dream's forum... lets see what happens!
  12. OK so has anyone gone on the Dream's forum? I am going to investigate there a little also when it comes to quesitons regarding things like this- I will let you know what I come up with!
  13. Much love to you during this difficult time, I also just lost my grandmother and it is never easy.. Stay strong.. Just so you feel comforted, it is ok to let your emotions show and cry sometimes. now is the time. You need the support just as much as you must provide support to others. Your shoulders are only so broad to carry the load. Much love and support through this time!
  14. THAT'S THE SUIT! Glad I didn't buy it yet- I will negotiate a bit! hehe
  15. yippee! So excited! I got FI to go to Men's Warehouse with me to "browse" the khacki colored suits, and what a treat! We found a beautiful Silk one that is about $200 and the service was phenomial! No pressure. The sales manager even took down the sku #'s for the ties and shirts I chose for the Best Men! He did all this knowing that we were not going to buy today... Funny thing is my FI Is usually picky and I got him to agree to wearing a blush (I won't call it pink) and beige tie to coordinate with my accessories. I am so excited because it matches my pink sash I am wearing with my dress PERFECTLY! Now I just have to find a nice flower brooch to put at the knot of the sash... I LOVE fun accessories. I am actually thinking of a silk flower with an ostrich feather to make it real soft looking. What do you think? Any suggestions? O Last thing... I chose pink shirts for the Best Men with blue and pink stripped ties! CAN'T WAIT TO LET THEM KNOW THEY ARE WEARING PINK! LOL I have to get it out of my system. I don't have any Bridesmaids to dress!
  16. Those are phenominal! I was just there to get more supplies for our STD's and I missed them! Might have to go back!
  17. So i have been in contact w/ the WC a lot on a chain email and I am curious du to the fact that we want to have a beach ceremony and reception... What if we get there and they tell us that we can't have the beach reception because it was taken by another bride? I mean they can't have more than one wedding in the same location on the same day... and if you wait to choose how do they coordinate who gets what? Or am I getting this all wrong and they only have one wedding a day? But my assumption is that they have various weddings a day?! Am I crazy?
  18. So This stinks... I am a Dreams PC bride also.. Question, how are their own photographers at Dreams? Do most people find it necessary to hire someone outside?
  19. What I am doing is having the legal ceremony here in Secret and then having the minister do a religious/ God like ceremony on the beach, there will be reading etc. And no one will know that it was not the real thing! At least it will be completed by a minister rather than a JP- and it will be in English!
  20. THis is a fun idea! i think that I will buy one of my own for my wedding next April!
  21. I got LS as a BM last year and it was great! I have worn it 3 times so far!
  22. UMMMM.. So you have to pay the $300 charge to have the cermony on the beach and then another $200 for the arch to be set up For a 10 min cermony... I am getting married on the beach at dreams and didn't know that the arch was not inluded... I am so bummed if this is the case! Ugh
  23. MAMAJUANA-- When we went to St Thomas our Tour driver to Megans bay kept saying that word...(there were about 35 people on it) we had no idea what it was all about and then he actually pulled over to some locals to get some... we thought he was getting something else if you know what i mean! I guess you had to be there. Now that I know what it is I may have to get some as a joke! That is only if I can get a local to pronounce it like our tour driver!
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