I need some input...
I went to my FILs this weekend and my FBIL (best man) was there. Besides being jumped on about the cost of the vaca/ wedding for guests...(Which is another story for another thread if I get to it)....They didn't appreciate my STD's (again another story) and now I am getting awkward emails regarding guests..
OK on to the question, sorry I am aggravated!
My FBIL sent me an email asking if he could give the resort info to a friend (that is on our list and we sent a STD to ) because he was looking for it.. This is understandable since I know that this guest hadn't recieved the STD yet.. On the other hand I was like.. Look at the STD - the info is on there Michael! I have the info EVERYWHERE and I am getting stupid questions, like who do we call?!
Then on another line he asked if we needed another friends address since they exprssed interest in going... thing is we weren't going to invite them! he wanted to know if I had sent STD to everyone or if they were going to find it on their own.. So now I don't know what to do, especially since we JUST sent out the STDS and people have not recieved them.. DO we send one out to this other friend that wasn't invited but wants to go?
I just have a feeling that people are finding out via word of mouth, that we are aquantiances with but that is all- and they think that it would be cool to go on vaca with all of us.
It boils down to the fact that I don't think people - even my closest friends and family realize that this is a REAL wedding and there will be a REAL reception and there is still an invite list...... I am concerned and want to make sure that I follow etiquette...
Then again I know that some of my guests have invited other friends of theirs to join them on vaca for the week... So do I invite only my original guests to the wedding and if there ends up being more "friends" that decide to vaca that week, dont' include them in the festivities? Seems rude....