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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. I am learning sooooo much on here tonight! Cups and threading! The things we do! Blows my mind!
  2. This is so interesting... just when I thought I was on the up and up!
  3. Thanks! I love e-bay! I am def gonna order from him!
  4. Wicked pretty dress- and the shoes and earrings are great also - ties together beautiful. I agree about the necklace- I would only do a thin chain w/ a drop if anything when wearing a halter/ vneck. Show the cleavage! LOL
  5. I completlu saw these at the local Annies Hallmark and paper store and thought that the line was phenoninal - lovely quality! It is on my to buy list. Now I just need to find me a sugar daddy that will gt along w/ my FI because the list is getting VERY long! LOL
  6. check my thread on this also - I am thinking that a few more members may have posted on there regarding this - I have recieved all the ones I was looking for after starting the same thread a month ago! All the girls are willing to help. I just don't know how to attach a link to another thread for easy access!
  7. Well I was in a similiar situation until I was able to inform my Fil's that Iwas still a good person if I was not annulled. I was married for a little under 2 years about 5 years ago. It was horrible and abusive, and I would love to have an annulment due to my FI having his first wedding w/ me.... But it is a long drawn out expensive process, and it may not even be granted to you after all that work. It Sucks really. Your FI would have to file for the annulment with the district the church is in where he was married before. And then once all the letters and paperwork is recieved and filed it will go before a panel of priests/ judges to start reviewing and asking questions. They will inform his Ex and ask if she wants to add any input. They also ask for 2 witness reports. And he has to prove that the marriage was not right to begin with. There are a ton of stipulations. Needless to say you can't contact the DW WC for this info/ any random priest that you want to marry you. It has to go to the head priest of the district he was married in. Hope this helps- sorry to be a downer!
  8. Crap that is a big pic! I am sorry! I figured out how to put pics on but not how to arrange the sizes!
  9. Here is a pic of my baby... he is a Apricot Poodle. and too smart for his own good- he basically runs our house! But we love him!
  10. I am starting to get excited! I had already gotten my dress and can envision my accessories. My FIL's found the guys suits at Kohls for $94 bucks and they all purchased them... Then I went shopping with Mom for a dress and she fund one within an hour! Here it is! The only challange so far was that mom wanted to wear a pink and I had to put my foot down and had her choose blue to match her eyes... My sales pitch worked LOL! I am wearing a pink sash and FI a pink tie- I was thinking - you are the Mom not the MOH... Now I just have to break it to the MOH (MAN of honor) that he is wearing a pink shirt... So y parents will be in shades of light blue, his parents in a sage / light sea green and everyone in beige bases.. Incl the BM and MOH... It sounds like a friggin sea of rainbow pastels but I can picture it and I think it will be nice since I don't have a wedding party to deal with. Everyone can be somewhat "couple matchy" but should look good together in a group pic also - I HOPE!
  11. I had the same issue since the ceremony and reception will be on the sand. i want to be barefoot but I also want to have a slip on sandal/ shoe so when i walk on pavement / whatever I have a shoe. And I love shoes so I wanted more than a flip flop. So I went to DSW and they have a lot. The challange is getting a cute shoe without a high heal so when you take them on and off your hem line isn't dragging. here are 2 pairs i bought. .... Yes 2. I am being indecisive!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kathie I am the member that PM'd S2BLennon. Once she gets all the bags she needs I'll take the rest. Thanks! Looks like there will be a little overflow! Hopefully this helps!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 If you get the exact amount you need, what are you going to do if more people book? You still have a lot of time... I am allowing to get a few extra based on an educated guess. What threw it off to begin with was that all of my mom's HS friends that weren't even invited decided that they wanted to go- so I was like well what the hell am I gonna do- have them vacationing with us but not invite them to the wedding/!? Typical wedding non - invited wedding crashers who love a palm tree!
  14. Thank you to everyone who has offered! It appears Ashley has just the amount that I need so i am gonna grab them from her.... There was another member on here that was looking for any "extra" that I may have come across. So I will forward that info to her. Team work! Thanks a ton again!
  15. OOO I love the napkin holders- I didn't see those at Michaels! i did however see the "Seaside" collection from MS and gobbled up as much as possible for our AHR. They are more like a lantern w/a wire and they open up= But I thought that they would look pretty hanging from the center of the tent we are renting with tulle draped to the corners. $5.99 for 6! Then I got matching wine labels for the tables $1.49 Then I found the matching invites for the AHR -- $9 a box! I just wish that I could find the little placecard favor boxes to match. I went to EVERY Michaels in the area and can't find them anywhere!
  16. Congrats! You look amazing and truly happy! I love the blue accents in the photos esp w/ the fowers!
  17. ooo I am seriously thinking about this! My size.. Just have to quickly decide if i am doing a TTD!
  18. Good choice! LOVE the shoes- that is what I have been looking for! What is the link to them so I can check it out and maybe be a shoe twin! LOL
  19. Can I ask- how did you attach the paper to the fan? Is that Brides.com paper that you used from Michaels? Thanks!
  20. I wouldn't invest all of my energies on reviews from one site. People tend to be over critical and will post reviews on travel sites when they had a bad experience more than when they have a good experience. We tend to dwell on things as humans. And forgt about the joyous things when people are looking for a review. Shame really. i am personally looking forward to the trip - I mean what can really go wrong? Friends and family, 2 ppl in love, the beach sun and sand. Put me anywhere - Its gonna be great no matter where we are!
  21. I am also doing a turquise blueish and going for the pinks as a contrast- bright and beachy. If you don't want to go so bright how about yellow? My GF did her wedding with more of a Navy / darker blue and white BM dress and then her flowers and accents where yellow and white flowers- and her bouquet and everything looked amazing next to her and in the pics....Classic colors.
  22. I got a few PM's and THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE OFFERED TO HELP! I can sleep at night knowing that my guests will love these bags and they will all match, And on that note, even though I have been offered a few more than I need, I will be able to help another DBW member who PM'd me with the same problem. I love sharing. Sharing is for wonderful brides like us! Thanks! I am so excited to not stress over such a small thing! You girls are great! I gotta figure out how to give karma / gifts.
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