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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. those pictures look awesome - like something I would find in a magazine. Very photogenic. Thanks for sharing!!
  2. I had six session of the laser hair removal and I'm still not done! The nurse at the place told me that she's on her 12th session and still not done. I guess everyone is different. You may want to check out electrolosis? I heard it's very effective, but sounds painful though. =(
  3. I think Pacifica is an adult only resort. So, make sure your guests doesn't have children that they are bringing. =)
  4. I've stayed at sunset a few times and I'm getting married there in November 08. I'm also planning on using their salon, but not sure how good they are. I'm planning to just head over the the local salons by my house and test out various updos and take pictures of my updo from all views and take along other pictures that I find on the website to sunset's salon and have them duplicate it. I'm sure they can't mess it up if I'm showing them exactly what I want right?
  5. I'm also getting married at Pueblo Bonito at Sunset Beach on November 8, 2008. I'm working with Laura Ortiz who is the wedding coordinator there. She's a big help. I met her last December when I was vacationing with my family and she's a big help with everything.
  6. I'm using Jim Kennedy photographer: Jim Kennedy Photographers They are a bit pricey and you need to pay for travel, but he's worth it. My girlfriend hired him for her wedding last year and he and his assistant took like thousands of pictures. I've never seen a photographer that takes so many. It gets overwhelming when it's time to choose the pictures you want, but he'll placed them all on disk if you ask.
  7. oh no - that sucks. My wedding photographer that I've hired had shots some great engagement pictures in the rain on the beach area and they looked really good. He captured a lot of fun poses. I guess it all depends on your preference, but if you can't reschedule - you might want to try it out. Even try taking pictures at an indoor place, like a museum or something or an indoor theme park like vegas has that looks like it's outdoors.
  8. I love the square setting seating. But it really depends how many guest you will have. I think it's nice if the party is no more than 30-40 people. that way, everyone can see the bride and groom and vice versa. If it's a round robin style, then you can arrange the dance floor in the middle and the guest can watch. It'll also give you a chance to learn to ball room dance.
  9. I myself decided to have a destination wedding for my guests to be able to take a mini vacation with their family and friends as well as attending my wedding. I expected that my guests might also be taking other guests that I may not know. So, I kind of estimated a budget for them as well. You might place a couple options on the invite like how many attends ceremony and how many attends reception. Or even can be more blunt that reception is invitation only event. I know in my invitation for the Sunday Bunch schedule the next morning, I made sure that the invite states that everyone will be paying for their own.
  10. Good luck =) Relax and have fun! keep us posted on how it went =)
  11. OMG!! I would of slapped her!! That's horrible!!
  12. My hunny just got me my first Harley and painted it pink (see attached). If you're nervous, I suggest you take a safety course. They offer them at the community colleges for $250 with a certificate of completion for the DMV. It really helps. Make sure you buy riding boots and wear pants and a riding jacket, gloves, goggles, and helmet for protection. You definitely don't want to meet MR. ASPHALT!
  13. They both look great on you. The first one takes my vote - those crystals really capture my eyes. Maybe you should get both...I've attended a few asian weddings and the bride changes from a wedding gown to two or three evening gowns throughout the night. So, why not struck your stuff!! Enjoy!!
  14. I'm agree that I'm not too found with the VS dress either. - it looks really thick and heavy. I think those styles look better with designs and sequences on them with a linen material. I've seen them at a store in Vegas not too long ago and it's really cute. It has a summery/fun effect.
  15. I suggest you check out those sample sales. There was a designer sample sale around my area and the original price of those gown range from $3000 to $10,000 and the sample sale price was everything under $999. I'm sure you'll find some really nice gowns that will fit you.
  16. I have to say NuBra - they run about $30- $40 and some places have two for one deals.
  17. I'm getting marry in Cabo this November and I know a lot of folks who just can't make it mainly because of financial reasons. I was wondering if anyone is planning on setting up a live broadcast for folks back home to watch the ceremony online? I've done a google search and I found a link IdoStream live wedding webcast, broadcast and video streaming. Share your wedding live online for friends and family who cannot make it to the event. which I thought is pretty cool to set up, but I'm afraid that there may not be any internet signals on the beach. The resort only have a few hotspots to use the wireless, but other than that - I'm not too sure. Any thoughts?
  18. That's my problem with asking folks to be our BM and GM. In our case, we don't want to burden anyone so that they feel obligate to have to go and spend so much money to fly to another country. So, we've decided to wait for the RSVP's to come in and from those RSVP's, we'll choose our BM and GM and tell them that they will be part of our wedding since they're planning to go anyways. All we're doing is forking up the money to dress them.
  19. Plumsugar, I know what you mean and I totally understand your frustrations. I did the CC five days after I had my son. I was in sweats and he was in shorts. We did it mainly for insurance purposes and I didn't disclose it to any of my friends and family. But my FI/husband, whatever you want to call him ends up telling folks that we got married in Vegas and took the baby, etc...similar story. Til this day, I still get comments asking why I didn't say anything...well, HELLO!! I don't consider standing in front of Elvis was the actually ceremony. It's been two years since we did the CC and now we're ready to have the ceremony this November. I guess the main person that doesn't know that we've did the CC is my mom - thank goodness! Well, I say you try to make the best of it and don't stress out too much. I guess you can consider it another reason to throw yourself a party!!
  20. Thanks Abbie - that's so beautiful....I'm getting emotional just thinking about it. And thank you Rev. Marco for those additional ideas for the older children. I have a daughter who just turned 13, and two boys ages 9 and 1 1/2 yrs. I think it's really important to include my children in our marriage especially having a daughter whose beginning her "tweenager" stage and who is constantly going on a emotional rollercoaster. =)
  21. This will be my second marriage and I have three children, two of which are from my ex. Did anyone include their children in their marriage vows? If so, how did you include them?
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