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Everything posted by Gretchen

  1. I would say that it could not hurt to contact her. They should value your business and do something for you - be it a good deal or an upgrade or free dinner or such. I would ask!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel OMG last year we had a prank war between my cousin (she use to live with us) and my FI. It started by him putting saran wrap on her toilet. She countered by replacing his precious vitamins with dog food. He then stole her chapstick (natural ice) and removed the chapstick and molded deodorant to look like chapstick. (This was my idea and it was hysterical to watch her face after she put it on her lips.) She then opened tuna and poured the juice all over his deodorant and placed the can in our walk in closet. OMG our clothes smelled so bad. I made them call a truce after that. For some office pranks, we like to either remove the ball from the mouse or tape the laser so it won't work. Sometimes my desk gets reorganized too. I can't think of any more office ones. I like Maria's to make the screen upside down. I accidentally did that one time and I freaked out because I didn't know how to fix it. I had to google it. haha Rachel, I am TOTALLY laughing picturing you trying to read Google upside down. I am guessing that you actually looked it up from a different desk, but the initial mental image was too funny! I tried it here, but it wouldn't work. DANG! That would have been good for my co-worker! At my office (a different job) desk chairs were often lowered when someone got up to go to the copier or restroom. They would come back & sit down & almost fall. OH - someone could make some of the "motivation posters" that were in another thread (I think Morgan posted it) and put them in bathrooms, breakrooms, and such!
  3. This is the best! I mean it totally sucked for Alyssa to go through this - but Ann's tactics are fantastic! That was devious and wonderful! BRILLIANT! Glad it got your $$ back Alyssa!
  4. Awesome! What an asset you are - to your department and your entire community! Great job! It paid off the keep at it for so long!
  5. I would def use this bag over and over! Great work! Love the font on the design!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline that is the - BEST - movie!!! i love when they beat the printer to death in the field, they boot it hahaha also in the very beginning when the dude is stuck in traffic rapping along with tu pac or something and when the blk guy walks by his car, he turns it down, locks his doors and starts back up when the dude is gone. hahaha opmg i copuld go on about that movie. but ya know what i really hate with these few people i sit near- is ill come in and say "hey good morning." and not one person says anything back. or if someoe sneezes, ill say "bless you." k- nothing back. rudeness irritates me. im pms'ing too so this dont help matters right now. So not only do the "hyiena sisters" annoy me by complaining CONSTANTLY, but they are rude like that too!! I still say "hello" each morning, and "have a nice day" each evening though - I tryo to ignore the fact that they don't reply at all. Also, I ask if they need something when I go downstairs (cafe). Last week Sister #2 went to Sister #1's desk to see if she needed anything while downstairs - specifically asked HER not asked in general. Did I mention that our desks are just a few feet a part and NO divider?!? And, I have had sister 2 come stand IN FRONT OF MY DESK and speak over me to tell sister 1 (again - specifically HER not a general "announcement") that there is food in the break room from a meeting & she should get some before the rest of the people get it all. (such as pastries, fruit, etc) UUUHHHH HELLO!!??!?? I AM HERE TOO! Stupid sisters!!
  7. I will be interested to see how Natalie changes (personality and her game) not that Matt is gone. It will also be interesting to see more of Sheila. She seems to easily swayed from person to person/side to side. Will she be swayed to vote how James wants since he took her off the block?
  8. Just reading through these makes me feel better. The ladies I work with drive me Nuckin' Futts!!! Seriously, can you DO something besides complain? Every day all day - complain, gripe, bitch, moan, complain.... ENOUGH ALREADY!! Today they complained about the bonuses not being enough. AT LEAST OUR COMPANY GIVES THEM!! The last 2 companies I worked for did not give any except to exec. mgmt! We are lucky to get this and the great benefits. Has anyone watched "the bad girls club"? MJ and I refer to my co-workers as the "hyiena (sp?) sisters". We got the name from there.
  9. What a funny product! However, I do wish that some of my co-workers had it to use in our shared bathroom. Maybe I should buy some to put in each stall?
  10. Wow Alyssa - that really stinks. Losing the $100 is no fun, but you also did so much work and got all of the details in line and have to find someone else. Sorry to hear about this!!!
  11. I do have to say that Natalie's impersonation of Sheila were FANTASTIC. She was dead on!!
  12. This season has been pretty fun to watch! I can't wait to see what Natalie does without her "dear Matty". And, I am afraid to see the link about James.... Is it really bad?
  13. You are IMPRESSIVE! Great work. I think you could make some bucks on here once your big day is done!
  14. As I go about the day and use more, I keep thinking "I need to post that too" We say "Tarf" rather than scarf due to my daughter's error. We also say "raper scraper" for those things you use to scrape the ice off of your windshield. Not sure where that one came from, we have used it for YEARS at my house. I often say "ting" rather than "thing" due to kids. Oh there are so many!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Agreed girls. Sorry, if we offended anyone. I'm sure that was not the intention. She was just trying to describe her hair texture. My little sister has hair down to her butt literally and she gets made fun of from caucasian people because her hair is frizzier than theirs. My mom is caucasian and has thick frizzy hair. I think we all know that everyone has different textures of hair and unfortunately different textures are different to work with for certain hairstyles. That was really all that was meant. I agree though for the kids sake, that is probably not the best thing to say. Children now a days have enough pressure and things to worry about than adding something else into the mix. Just want to say that I was TOTALLY NOT offended! I could see that everyone was using the quotes and read that as "the world calls it good hair but what other lable do I use without saying good hair". That was why I commented! I LIKED that everyone used the quote marks rather thans actually saying they HAVE good hair! But - it is understandable to use in the post that way - we ALL knew what you meant by it - even though it is not so PC, "good hair" is pretty understood for the meaning! It was just nice that it was used for the MEANING not with some mean intent! You girls ROCK!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 CHESTER= older man who is basically a pervert and cant stop hitting on you. CHESTINA= Older cougar after all the young men! We use "Chester" too. From "Chester the molester". We also say Hil-Jack rather than Hill-BIlly. I almost never say refrigerator or remember. It's "fridge" and "member". When I catch myself saying "member" I am really annoyed. We wear "pack-pack"s instead of back-packs (kid's error that stuck) and my god-daughter has "bump-beds". I like reading everyone else's too. This is a fun thread!
  17. Heidi - I have to say that you have the curls that I tried to get FOR YEARS by perming! They would just never turn out that way. LOVE YOUR HAIR!
  18. CONGRAT! CONGRATS! CONGRATS! I can't wait to see more - it looks like a WONDERFUL day! Love the smiles on the last one. And - you are stunning!
  19. I just have to say that I LOVE that you all put "good hair" in quotes. We have talks about "good hair" at my house. (damn those kids at school!) I tell the girls here that the only person with "bad hair" are bald men. It was bad to fall out. As long as you HAVE hair it is all good! Sounds silly - but I feel like the "good hair" lable is not so good for the kids (especially girls) with more texture... Do you think I am crazy? We also have kids books about hair...
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