This is a very interesting thread.
Growing up, we only had good 'ole regular whole milk. I never liked milk.
As a young adult (20ish) I was somplace where they had skim milk and tried it. I don't think it's too bad. That is what I have always used for my cooking and such. I am still not much of a milk drinker. I too think it makes me phlemy.
The only time that I have ever really wanted milk is when I was pregnant. I CRAVED it. I would drink 2 32oz cups (more like guzzle them!) at work - 2 right in a row. And we only had whole milk there. Just the thought of drinking any whole milk totally grosses me out. I have no idea how I was able to do that. But, I craved milk a LOT when I was with child.
My daughter drinks skim milk now. (pediatrician recommended) However, after reading all of this, I am thinking of trying something different.
I would love if you all (with the research) would help me understand if she should get soy or rice milk. And - how do I make sure she is getting enough calcium?
And - on the juice in cereal - my mom does that when she runs out of milk. She did it once for my daughter (out of necessity - no milk) and now my daughter always wants OJ in her cheerios! Sounds gross to me though!