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Everything posted by Gretchen

  1. Gretchen


    Welcome to the forum!
  2. Gretchen


    Welcome to the forum!
  3. Welcome to the forum!
  4. Tami, Welcome to the forum!
  5. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Welcome to the forum! There are LOTS of starfish ideas here!
  7. Gretchen


    Welcome to the forum!
  8. Gretchen


    Welcome Kim! Happy planning!
  9. Gretchen


    Welcome to the forum!
  10. That is too gross. FECAL MATERIAL? nasty! No more lemon slices for me!!! AAUUGGHHH! Makes me wanna gag just thinking of it. Maybe I will request a squirt of lemonade in my water or diet soda??
  11. Welcome to the forum!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Geez, there are so many! Barb Bjelland Wedding Invitation, peacock design won't let me copy pic... Wedding Invitations Indian Wedding Invitations, Cards, Wedding Stationery and Scrolls Ebony Ink - Peacock Feathers Wedding Invitation and Wedding Stationery The bottom one here is my favorite so far! This is more what I had in mind when I was looking - the picture in my head was just a little different! VERY NICE!
  13. If you like bright and bold - here's another idea: Etsy :: art deco stationery set
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