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Everything posted by indypitty

  1. Congrats, Opice! I'm glad that you had an amazing experience with the Hilton as well! Post those pics ASAP! The couple you already posted look gorgeous... I see that Petra also officiated your wedding. Were you happy with her? We loved her ~ she did a fantastic job at our wedding!
  2. kisskissmd, thanks so much for your kind words! here is a link to the postcards... Amazon.com: Mexican Calendar Girls Postcard Box: 30 Postcards: Angela Villalba: Books
  3. I can't help too much with pictures, but we honeymooned there and the beach is beautiful! The sand is white and soooo fine. It is a gorgeous resort.
  4. Hi Jessica! We used the Mexican Trio at the Hilton for the ceremony and the cocktail hour and they were great! Everyone loved them. I don't even know what they played ~ I did not want a traditional wedding march. I just asked them to play music that sounded like Mexico. You could definitely hear them, even close to the beach. For me, I could not see playing recorded music on the beach. Having an outdoor beach wedding is so organic, and I wanted the music to have the same feel. Good luck!
  5. Here's ours... It was okay. I didn't really like the flower poking out of the top, though! I was supposed to bring a topper, and I didn't. I thought they would just place some flowers on top, not stick them in there like that! It did taste really good, though!
  6. I used orange and red! I loved it ~ the colors really pop in all of our pictures. Here is my inspiration collage:
  7. I just created this in Photostory and uploaded it to vimeo. It doesn't look as good as many others I've seen, but I thought I would post it anyways! Courtney & Brian's Wedding on Vimeo
  8. Jessica, We just went through the Hilton for flowers and I LOVED them! We got my bouquet, a mother's bouquet, 3 bouts, and the centerpieces (3 per table ~ 9 total) for $500. I thought that was reasonable, especially considering how happy we were with them. I just e-mailed Fernanda pictures of what I wanted, and they were pretty much exactly like the pics. Here is my bouquet: Here is a close-up of the centerpieces:
  9. Yes, I would definitely ask Fernanda if she still has them. They definitely could be re-used. I hope she didn't throw them away. She had everything else sent up to our room, but those weren't there. I meant to ask her about them, but it just slipped my mind. Yes, the big lights on the ground were the Hilton's. I didn't know they would be there, but I liked them!
  10. Unfortunately my photographer didn't get any close-ups of the luminaries. I made them myself and they were so easy. Fernanda was supposed to give them back to us, but for some reason she didn't. I wonder if she threw them away or still has them? I would totally give them to you if I had them! Here you can see how they were set up on the ledge. They did soften the area up a little bit, which was nice since it's all concrete and tile! And here they are when it got a little darker.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 We are planning on using the Mexican Trio (los principes) for the ceremony and cocktail hour, too! Indy - how did the luminaries work out on the ledge? Did you have any trouble keeping them from blowing over? What is the lighting like up there? I was hoping to set up white christmas lights or something, but I'm not sure if they can do that! Also, did you tip Fernanda? If so, how much? I'm still wondering how to handle that. AND...what was that cute little "wish" thing you had in your OOT bags? Was that a passport cover? So cute! Sorry for all of the questions, but clearly, I love your taste! Thanks, Opice! The luminaries worked fine and a lot of people commented on them. The only problem was that they moved our wedding up one hour (it rained the entire day before and they were worried about the weather). So our wedding was at 4 instead of 5, and the reception dinner was from 6 - 8:30(ish). It didn't get that dark until the end, so the luminaries weren't as noticeable as I wanted them to be. I had wanted to do some paper lanterns, but there really isn't a place to hang anything on the Caribe Terrace. So I don't think Christmas lights would work. We did tip Fernanda. Actually, we forgot to, but my parents did after we had left for our honeymoon. I think they gave her $60, so not too much!!! The little "wish" thing in our OOT bags was just a little wallet I found at HomeGoods. It was really tiny, but just the right size for the room key.
  12. Jessica, We hired the Mexican Trio for our ceremony and cocktail hour. They played as I walked down the aisle, but I have no idea what song they played! I do know it was beautiful and everyone commented on how nice it was. They were really great!
  13. Go for it! I also LOVE damask and incorporated it into my wedding in Cancun. The most major was the table runners, which were orange damask...
  14. Actually, we did not use a DJ. We only had 21 guests, and didn't have any dancing, so we just used our IPOD.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica&Adam PLEASE HELP: CONTRACT ISSUES: INSURANCE CLAUSE Ok. So I am growing kind of frustrated about the Insurance clause in the contract. It sounds like Indy and Opice both got it taken out without too much trouble. Sooo I emailed her about it and she sent me two US Insurance companies to contact. WHen I called, they said they wouldn't do it. So I told her this, and she said she was dealing with the legal department there and they would figure out. She then emailed me again to say to check with my Homeowner's Insurance (which I don't have since we rent), or to try a major insurance company. I told her I tried that (which I did) and it didn't work. So then in her last email she said ok and then gave me a number to an insurance place which she said they highly recommend, that they know can do it. I'm sooo frustrated though, b/c I don't WANT the insurance! It requires a minimum of $1,000,000 and that will cost me a few thousands of dollars to get!! That is DEF not in my budget! Plus, insurance like this should be something that we have the OPTION of getting, but aren't required to. But apparently thats not flying here. HELP - what do I do? I can't afford to buy insurance!!! Actually, I didn't get the insurance clause taken off ~ it wasn't on our contract at all! They must have just started doing this recently. We signed our contract in March.
  16. Well, we returned last night from Mexico! I have to say everything went about as smoothly as it could have. We are so happy with the way it all turned out. Thank goodness Brian let me talk him into a destination wedding ~ I could not have done it any other way!!! Here are just a few pictures ~ will post more in the coming days!
  17. I didn't do placecards until the last minute, and couldn't decide what to do. I wandered around Michael's until I came up with something! I just printed my own cards and stuck these little scrapbooking flowers on the corners. You could do something like this with different colored flowers for the entrees. I got lots of compliments on them.
  18. Hi everyone! I am back!!! I will post a full review in the next few days, but wanted to let you all know that EVERYTHING WENT PERFECTLY!!! If you are having any worries or doubts, rest easy! Fernanda was awesome, everything was completely taken care of and she is on top of it all. The entire wedding was better than I ever imagined. The location was beautiful, service was great, and food was incredible. Trust me, none of you should have any worries! I will let you know when I post a full review. Here is one pic!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Yup- the tasting was great! Holy cow it's all so yummy!! Everything looks wonderful! I actually wanted to leave you a card from BDW, but I didn't have time to get one. I thought that would have been a fun surprise though!! I am so so so excited for you!!! Has Fernanda been taking care of you this week? There wasn't a wedding last weekend. I was hoping to see a set-up! You're having a small wedding, right? Yes, we're having a small wedding ~ only 23 guests! Fernanda sent me one big e-mail that pretty much covered all the last-minute details. She was supposed to call me on Thursday, though, and never did. I'm not worried about anything, though. We will be there for several days before the wedding to get everything settled.
  20. Opice, So how did the weekend go? Did you do a tasting and all that kind of stuff? Were there any weddings while you were down there? We're leaving tomorrow!!!
  21. I love dress #2! I almost got that dress and have had several monents when I wish I had gotten that dress. It is a very flattering dress, and in my opinion it looks much more expensive than it is. I was impressed by the quality of that one for the price.
  22. And if so, how much? We are leaving tomorrow and I'm getting ready to write the check for the petsitter. We will be gone about 10 days, and the total is $270. I don't know how much I should add on for a tip, but I think I should add something. I was thinking of making it an even $300. Is that cheap?
  23. I love our vows, but now as I've been re-reading them, they seem too long! We did not want to use the traditional "till death do us part", so we pieced together some different ones we had found online. Maybe I'm just stressing about them since my wedding is only one week away? The minister assured me they weren't too long and will have us repeat them sentence by sentence. Here they are: Courtney, I Brian take you to be my wife. I promise to share with you all of myself. I promise to be your constant friend and your faithful companion. I promise to respect you truly, as an individual, as my partner, and as my equal. I promise to support and encourage your interests, desires and aspirations, and to accept your support and encouragement of my own. I promise to celebrate your successes and mourn your losses as if they were my own. I promise to live in truth with you, and to communicate fully and fearlessly. I promise to grow with you and continue loving as we grow, to face changes and challenges with you, to overcome obstacles with you, to enjoy contentment with you. I promise to love and support you when it’s easy and when it’s not, in good times and bad, completely and forever. I promise you my unconditional love for all the days of our lives.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Lillie09 Everything is beautiful! Where did you get your invitations? I love them! The invites are from White Aisle.
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