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Everything posted by Rache1124

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by morenaindc rachel1124 - where did you get your stadium cups and spanish for dummies? Stadium cups I ended up ordering form dollarimprint.com - only bad thing is that you have to order 100 - we will need about half of them for the Destination Wedding, and can use the rest at our AHR. They were a decent price and have been super easy to work with so far (approval of artwork, etc) - I haven't received the finished product yet, so I'll let you know how they turn out when I get them (and I'll post a picture). The Spanish for Dummies pocket edition books I found (thanks to someone on here) in the dollar section at target a few months ago. You might try searching for them on the internet - I know I have seen a few girls talk recently about little spanish books on here that were pretty cheap - I don't think they are at Target anymore, though Hope this helps - if you want more info, let me know!
  2. Thank you!!! I'm not really worried about the wedding so much, its just the little details, in general, that make me a little nervous. Thanks a ton for the reassurance!!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Happy hunting!! These bags are perfect! Let us know what you come up with! Ok - so my target is out of the bags - I saw them once, when I was back home for my shower - they were cute, but it was not practical for me to buy them then, because I had no easy way of getting them back to TN from WI. SO, I pretty sure I'm out of luck on the cute little bags. HOWEVER, if anyone has any kids coming, they have really cute sand/beach/water toy sets for $2.50. I got one for my nieces (ages 1 and 6) who are coming - its not too big, so I figure I can fit it somewhere to pack it and it will make their OOT bags a little more kid-friendly. I also got the older niece a pair of goggles for the pool and some color/activity books and markers. Also, we have one young teen boy coming (I think age 14) and Target had this small ball set (football and soccer ball) which will be perfect for throwing around on the beach/in the pool. So, that is what we will put in his OOT bag...probably the older boys (my FI and his brother & friends) will have more fun with it then the kid, but it'll be a source of entertainment, none-the-less So, as always, Target has pulled through for me, just in a slightly different way then I had originally intended.
  4. One other quick question - how much did you figure out/plan by email or did you do most of it at the meeting with the WC once you got to the hotel? I just sent in my first email correspondence with the WC - and am waiting anxiously to hear back from her. I keep thinking of other things I wish I would have asked her though.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn08 I'm so glad I can help:) There were certainly people on this forum that helped me! What restaurant is your reception in?? Cause if you have it in Bota Fogo and don't get music they don't have any to provide you during dinner - Just an FYI. Does this mean they don't have a sound system in the Bota Fogo restuarant? That is the one that we picked...if I brought a CD could they play it? Did they have a sound system available to you during the ceremony? One concern of mine is that no one will be able to hear us (especially if our ceremony is on the beach)
  6. Alright, that's it - I'm going to Target I'll let you all know if I find anything today.
  7. I really love the "team bride" tank tops I haven't really started my bridesmaids bags yet - whoops!!!
  8. LOVE THE PICTURES!!! Manda - the dress thing - I just flat out started crying one day because I wasn't sure my dress was the right dress. My dear sweet hubby to be was so understanding- he asked me if I liked the dress when I first tried it on, of course I said yes, then he said it will be just perfect then, because to him, the dress won't matter at all, because he already knows exactly what I look like (on my best and worst days and that all it is is a dress! You'll wear if for a few hours, and then never again!!! I'm not sure if this helps, but really, I think if you liked it at one point, once you get the whole package together (hair, make-up, shoes, bra - this one can make a big difference you'll look perfect and beautiful and nothing else will matter.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 Here's a BIG, kind of silly question I have. Is the Bride suppose to know when the Bridal Shower is to take place? Or is it more like a surprise to the bride from her cohostess/friends. Also, I've already registered with an on-line Honeymoon Registry, and I'm thinking about registering with Bed Bath & Beyond mainly because of my Back Home Reception. So should there be a bridal shower for me? I mean wouldn't that be way to many gifts to expect from family & friends? Advice please.... I think usually you know when it is - every shower/party that was thrown for us, the host/hostess ok'd the date with us ahead of time, and sent us a copy of the invitation. And sorry about that triple post earlier!!! I don't know what happened!!! OOPS!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson We are going to do bubba kegs for our guests and we will hand them out before we leave. Those we don't see before getting to the airport will get theirs at the airport. All of our guests will be leaving from the same airport with the exception of a 4 families that haven't even confirmed if they are coming or not. As for the price, they go on sale at Canadian Tire, so we are going to get them then. A bunch of my family that went on a trip together last year have them and loved them at the resort! That's super nice that you are going to see everyone before the trip! We moved about 3 years ago, and most of our close family and friends are coming from a different part of the country...so we wont' see anyone really before our trip ;(
  11. My sister-in-law (to be) threw us a "couples shower" which is more casual and for both you and your man, and men and women are both invited. But yes, bridal showers are typically for the bride, and women only
  12. My sister-in-law (to be) threw us a "couples shower" which is more casual and for both you and your man, and men and women are both invited. But yes, bridal showers are typically for the bride, and women only
  13. My sister-in-law (to be) threw us a "couples shower" which is more casual and for both you and your man, and men and women are both invited. But yes, bridal showers are typically for the bride, and women only
  14. I have only seen min. of 30 - but if you have 15 guests - that's 2 packs per person (2 drinks worth) and to me, that is not overdoing it - I think they are fun and I ended up ordering 60 (at the time I had no idea how many people would come) and we have 40 people coming...some extras for the bigger drinkers and a few for us to sample
  15. Never heard of them - but there are millions of wedding sites out there... Can you order a sample That way you could see the quality? I ordered a lot of samples - and most of the time they are free - that way I knew what I would be getting and it wouldn't be such a gamble. To me it was worth paying the $3-5 in shipping
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl I am going to make tags for each guest/couple & attach them to the bags. Just so happened that I could get them all at the same place! Ok! Nice idea!!!!
  17. We initially were not going to register. But friends/family all wanted to throw us various parties - eventually you just learn to say "ok" and enjoy all of the fun!!! We honestly expected no gifts and few people attending the wedding. Our official guest list is at 42 now!!! Way more than expected - also, we have had an engagement party - thrown by sis-in-law-to-be, several bridal showers (one by ladies at work, one by mom and sister, one by girls in book club , and a "wedding fiesta with a stock the bar theme" thrown by a group of friends that wanted to help us celebrate, but couldn't attend the wedding. My point - even if you don't want it/don't need it/are uncomfortable with all of the attention/gifts, etc....people will want to do these nice/fun things for you! AND, when your friends get married, you will want to do the same for them (even if you can't attend their destination wedding SO, go ahead and register, I'd say do NOT include it with invites, instead list it on website and tell people who are throwing you a party (but know that EVERYONE will ask). Target was a perfect place for us to register - Target is everywhere, and they have a HUGE variety of things and prices. Plus, you can do it online and edit it online.
  18. Ok - based on what I have read on this site (which is a LOT Here's what I am putting in our bags: Sunscreen - I think the little tubes will be easy to carry around Aloe Gel - found travel sizes on AllTravelSizes.com Lip Balm w/sunscreen - Avon (on sale!) Stadium Cups w/logo - can't afford mugs/no room to pack mugs Cocktail Mix Packets - personalized, will be good for in-room liquor dispensers at our AI Decks of Cards w/logo Spanish for Dummies - pocket edition Welcome brochure (still need to create this...better get going For budget reasons - I am using gift bags that I will attach a cute tag to with our logo/welcome note. I for some reason am not a fan of canvas bags (unless they are big enough to carry my groceries - which would be too big for what we are putting in them)- and couldn't find anything else that I liked.
  19. Really - this is the last time (it connected extra junk on the end...) Regan and Rachel | Welcome | reganandrachel
  20. WHOOPS - ok that won't work: its www.momentville.com/reganandrachel....heehee think i should know my own website...too much on my mind these days
  21. I also used Momentville - very nice and SUPER easy!!! It seems like you can do as much or as little as you want - very easy to add and delete sections/pages, etc. Check it out: www.momentville/reganandrachel.com (I really haven't done too much with it - yet I'm still proud to show it off
  22. Absolutely beautiful - practically made me cry!!!! You must be sooo happy!
  23. I love the first one - so beautiful and simple, yet its not simple at all... Does that make any sense?
  24. This is great! I was planning on a Michaels trip soon anyway - FABULOUS!
  25. VERY Detailed - I couldn't have even thought of so many details!!!!
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