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Everything posted by nathanielthompsonphoto

  1. Welcome to the forum, Melissa! Wow, you're almost there!
  2. Welcome to the forum! You're so close!
  3. Welcome to the forum, Sherry! Happy Planning!
  4. Welcome to the forum, Angela! I'm curious about the Librarychick screen name...?
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  6. Welcome to the forum, Carrie! Lots of help to be found here.
  7. Paula's time frame is right. My favorite light is the hour before the sunsets to 30 min. after it sets. I try to shoot during that time frame whenever possible. If its in the morning, its best right before and after sunrise. But that would be crazy the day after your wedding.
  8. Congratulations! Welcome to the forum! Wow, thats quite a guest count for a destination wedding!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan yes, please point me to your favorites. Kevin Kubota is awesome! also try Totally Rad Actions They have examples of what the actions will do on their sites. Its more $ on top of the steep CS3 price you already paid, but I use a few of their actions on every wedding and e-session that I edit!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I don't know what actions are, but I plan to google it ASAP. OK, I've googled. Sounds so cool. Thanks for the tip! I will definitly be getting some actions eventually! Are they like macros? I haven't experimented with macros yet. Its so great having photographers on this forum! Yeah, its just a way to record a set of enhancements you've done to a photo. Then you can "play" it on any other photo you want with the click of a button - and not have to repeat all the steps one by one. Other photoshop experts have created some incredible actions that you can purchase and down load. Let me know if you want me to point you in the direction of some of my favorites.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Thanks! My copy of The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby came in the mail today. I have already flipped through the whole thing. I can't wait to get started with it. It's a great book. There are step by step pictures to take you though everything. I enjoy a little silliness in a reference book (probably why I like the dummies books so much.) There is plenty of that in this book. A few things I was excited to see while skimming the book: How to make black & white pictures look better than just clicking "convert to greyscale." I knew the pros had a trick for that because there was just something better about their B&Ws. How to remove love handles- I will definitly be taking my muffin top out of some pictures How to touch up skin & do "hollywood highlights." I was also glad to see how he whitens teeth, removes wrinkles, etc. I have been doing lots of these things the hard way. When you're ready, "actions" are the next step. Creating your own and/or purchasing some from photoshop experts. I couldn't live without them!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Thats soooo good to know. It's on my list of potential places we'd like to honeymoon! I highly recommend it! And staying on the south side of Kauai is great because it gets less rain than the north. Plus, Kauai is so small that its easy to get to any attraction on the island - no matter where it is.
  13. Welcome to the forum! Good luck with the planning!
  14. Wow! almost there! Welcome to the forum!
  15. Welcome to the forum, Dee! Happy planning!
  16. Congratulations! Would love to see some pictures when you can!
  17. Welcome Yvette! St. John's is beautiful, you'll love it!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 So cute! I love that he was so excited that he couldn't wait any longer. I was talking to one of my guy friends and he told me that he's been warned not to have the ring in his possession until its the right time for exactly that reason. I totally agree with you. I love that he was too excited to follow his plan. Plus, I know that if I had the ring in my possession, I wouldn't have been able to wait either.
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