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Everything posted by nathanielthompsonphoto

  1. Congratulations and Welcome to the forum, Nicki!
  2. Welcome to the forum, Sandra!
  3. Welcome to the forum, Zarifa!
  4. Welcome, Angela! I'm jealous of you - ling in St.Thomas! I love the Virgin Islands - Its been too long since I was there.
  5. Welcome to the forum, Amanda! Happy Planning!
  6. Welcome to the forum, Jessica! Congratulations and happy planning!
  7. Welcome to the forum, Chonda!
  8. Congratulations and welcome, Lisa!
  9. Welcome Sheeta! Happy Planning!
  10. Welcome to the forum, Maribel!
  11. Congratulations, Jesse - and welcome to the forum!
  12. Congratulations, Amy! Welcome to the forum!
  13. Since the thread has been hijacked, I thought I'd show you the Fuji snapit action and the Chocolate Syrup 1. First one of my daughter strait out of the camera (sotc)... and now after fuji snapit (and a slight crop) Now one of one of my sons sotc and after chocolate syrup 1 Both of these actions are from Kubota's artistic pack 1
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan The problem is it isn't my thread. Well, maybe it is now that I've threadjacked it Oh yeah....I see. Somehow I thought it was yours to begin with I must have been thinking of the thread you linked to at the beginning of this one.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I've just threadjacked this one. Sorry! I have found an abundance of free actions to play with until I have earned the right to buy one. Thanks for all the guidance! Here are some new ones Yeah but look at the fun your having! And can you really hijack your own thread?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan These are so cool! I might get the Kevin Kubota basic package. I'm going to get some free downloads first & play with them. I could see this saving so much time. I have been doing everything manually. It was good because I learned a lot about photoshop that way, but I'm ready for shortcuts. Do you know if you can put it on multiple computers? I photoshop at work & home. Yep! I'm pretty sure you can. You just down load the file, and then I think you can copy it as many times as you want to as many computers as you want. I have the artistic pack vol. 1 and love it. My favorites are chocolate syrup 1 and fuji snapit! Just awesome! Let me know how it works out!
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