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Everything posted by nathanielthompsonphoto

  1. yeah - i wish i'd known about this deal when i was down there. i would have totally tried to catch the flu (after the wedding of course)
  2. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy the planning!
  3. Welcome to the forum, Tarah!
  4. Welcome to the forum, Yvonne!
  5. Yeah, get one. Just make sure he stays out of the photographers way
  6. I just wanted to say how thankful and honored I am to be a part of Yael's wedding! I would never wish what she had to go through on any bride, and I feel awful about how the swine flu affected so many weddings. But, I'm thrilled to shoot a BDW wedding in my hometown - and the Four Seasons Biltmore is an amazing venue! I can't wait to snap away! Also, I'm so flattered by all the kind words ~ the BDW gals are simply the BEST!!!!
  7. Welcome to the forum, Melissa! Happy Planning!
  8. Welcome to the forum, Annie! Can I just call you by your username? AnnaBanana is so much more fun to say!
  9. Welcome to the forum! Maui is awesome!
  10. Welcome to the forum, Misty! Happy planning!
  11. Welcome to the forum, Brenda! Search around, I'm sure you'll find lots of great info!
  12. Welcome to the forum, Raeshri! Happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host Vendor: $150 a year membership fee. Vendors must go to their "UserCP" down the the "Paid Subscriptions" Link to pay. allowed to post website and blog link and contact info in siggy (NO Pictures) took out my photo so you wouldn't have to. thanks for everything!
  15. I'm going to back up what drtracy was saying. I've been in cancun since saturday, and just shot a great wedding yesterday. The only reason you would suspect anything was different, is the lack of tourists. Otherwise, no masks- no sickness to be seen anywhere. Come on down! It's beautiful!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host Hi Nathaniel, thanks for the slideshow...i'll forward it to my sister. i actually recommended you to them but they went with a friend. i would def. love to meet but first need to see what my duties as a matron of honor entails...also by then i will have 2 little ones...i am due in july....maybe coffee or brekfast. Congrats on the new babe on the way! Yeah, I imagine it would be a whirlwind of a weekend for you. And believe me I know kids = chaos (at least mine do). But I'd love to do coffee or breakfast or whatever works for you. And thank you so much for passing my name along - that means everything to me.
  17. Aaaaahhhhh! I love seeing my neck of the woods on the forum! The Biltmore is the premiere wedding location in Santa Barbara. Great choice your sister made! Tammy ~ I'd love to take you, your hubby and your little one out to dinner while you're in town if you can spare the time. It would be a great chance to thank you in person for allowing me to be a part of the forum. Feel free to call or email. I'm serious!!!!! Also, here is a slideshow of a wedding I shot at the Biltmore. Its in the Mariposa garden... ellen and cameron's wedding by nathaniel thompson photography
  18. I just wanted to say how sad I am for those of you who've had to cancel/postpone your wedding. i feel awful for you. I leave for Cancun tomorrow to shoot a wedding on Monday at the Dreams resort. The bride has been in tears through this all as she's had many people cancel on them. But, they've decided to forge ahead, to not be scared themselves. They've been down there for 2 days now, and told me that everything is normal - and you wouldn't know about the flu if didn't already know. I'm actually really excited for the wedding! I wish I was down there now! The only downer about it is the regrets the guests who chose not to come will one day have, and the sadness the couple will have about not being with some of the most important people in their lives at a time of celebration. I'll be sure to report about the situation when I get back - I'll actually try to report while I'm down there. I may not sign up for Internet in my room, but I can always BDW it from my iphone
  19. That is one SWEET photo Michael! Your stuff is awesome! Looking forward to the rest. What a fortunate couple to have won this contest. I'm sure they'll be forever stoked!
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