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Everything posted by manda0812

  1. I stole this idea from Betsy and Morgan - thanks Gals, I did these for a girl at work who had her night on Saturday night, In Australia we call it a Hen's night so you will see I used those words over the mastercard logo. I printed these out on normal paper and laminated them, then punched a hole and thread with ribbon to hang around our necks for the night. So it was very easy idea and took no time at all. Thanks again to the creative geniusius in this forum for giving me loads of ideas! I love it! Emma hens night.ppt
  2. these are fantastic, well done. I did these also, and they were going to be my STD's but once I did them I thought can't be bothered so made them my invitations instead. what do you plan on doing for your formal invite? again, these look great, love the eyelet touch. I have said this before but it's amazing how we can all have access to the one template and everyone does theirs slightly different, great creativity
  3. these look great, so elegant and taste of what is to come. BTW love your new signature (or is it called avatar??) it looks great
  4. great job, hate to see what you would create if you were feeling good! well done! they will love the gifts, such a nice touch
  5. if your printer has the option to print 2 pages to a sheet, then it prints out double sided landscape and you fold in half and the size of the book is A5, you may just need to re-order some pages. PM me if you need help.
  6. Thanks for all the inspiring comments everyone, they were fun to make and quite easy, took me about an hour all up. and has inspired me to make some more, think I'll wait until wedding is over before I launch into anything too creative with my life! Thanks again everyone.
  7. great job Morgan and i was going to say that I love all your ideas, in fact I stole the mastercard bachelorette idea, will post a pic of it. You will have work coming out your ears if you start a DIY business.
  8. It's the one thing you need to be 100% happy about so I would try and sell. If you wanted to get it made you could take it to a dressmaker to copy, at least easier to copy with the original in your hands. Good luck and keep smiling
  9. Bargain of the week! great find and will look perfect with your colours etc, well done
  10. great idea,thanks for sharing, your guests will love the keepsake
  11. what a cool idea, I could send my starfish from australia to someone, that way it has travelled a fair distance!! i am not sure how it works so I am sure closer to the time I will be asking questions!
  12. love to see the ugly invites! sounds like your new solution will be great, do all these destinations require headcounts so far in advance? our resort only wants to know final numbers a week before? Maybe this is normal for Mexico?
  13. well done these are great and the gold stamp is just gorgeous. it's just so exciting for you right now, invites done, pregnancy etc etc.. you must just be pinching yourself
  14. well done, great DIY job (assume you made them), love the stamp, what a nice touch, be great to use that on napkins or something
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes I actually have circle transparent stickers/labels, so no cutting at all for me! They work great on the enevelopes! where did you get them from? I know I am not in the US but we order heaps of stuff online as you guys have such a good selection!
  16. good on you Becks! weddings certainly seem to bring out the worst in some family members!. I just decided to organise everything myself as I didn't want to have to nag others which I ultimately would have done. day was great for me, it is now 11pm in Australia so nearly bed time, sun was shining, went for a walk along the beach and made very yummy home made pita bread pizzas.. yum!
  17. venting is fun isn't it! what gets me is that we have invited people knowing full well they probably wouldn't come but when they sent back their rsvp saying no, there was no thank you for the invite, sorry we can't come, have a great day etc etc.. I am sure I wasted at least 20 stamps! aah that feels better...
  18. we are having individual choc and white mousse in liqueur glasses. these will sit in a few tiers and sprinkled with some kind of edible fairy dust. I am thinking the acrylic cake tier that I have seen on flothru or something like that. the top of the tier will be one big glass that we will eat out of when "cutting" the dessert so to speak..
  19. i love it, beautiful colours and this will look gorgeous under lights!
  20. I am sure we have the same FI's! I still have not worked out my the in-laws think they have a big say in this when most of the time they don't pay or contribute very little. Then they want to invite every man and his dog who you know damn well can't and won't attend a DW.. I feel your pain but we live away from all our parents so no matter where we had it, one group would have to travel so we thought it best that they all travel. and as everyone else has said, it is your special day and you need to do what suits you. They will all have a good time once they get there if they don't let their gripes get in the way. Happy Planning
  21. looks like a blast - only 23 days to go, you must be excited.. are you sleeping!!!
  22. manda0812


    welcome, you are going to have heaps of fun on here that when you actually have to go to work it is an inconvenience not to be on here! Happy Planning
  23. gorgeous dress and looks like it would suit almost anyone. I say silver shoes as it is then cheaper to match with silver jewellery not gold.
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