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Everything posted by manda0812

  1. Wow, you had an eventful time. Would you do it all the same again? Was there anything you would change? Sounds like the sunset ceremony was beautiful. Congrats on the big day, and can't wait to see pics, I bet you looked gorgeous.
  2. At first I was thinking what is a Koozie - we call them Stubbie Coolers here in Oz. They look great and you will see them for years to come when you visit your guests. Great colour.
  3. I might just get a nice silk slip to put on before bed.. Betsy - have you posted any wedding pics, was wondering how your day went
  4. Congratulations on what looks like such a fun and happy day. You look amazing and the smile on your face says it all. look forward to seeing more pics
  5. beautiful, you look fantastic, the colours are great and you just look so happy. thanks for the teasers, we look forward to seeing many more!
  6. welcome back, a tad exciting and like all the others, look forward to seeing pics, if that one your signature is anything to go by you look great. Congratulations on your marriage, best wishes for a wonderful life together x
  7. some people just don't think do they! I had one of those but luckily from the postal stamp I managed to work it out!! mine were straight forward, tick a box, put a name, not hard but people still manage to stuff it up.. I wish I had been a teacher cause I would be like barefoot bride, no name, in the bin, too bad so sad...
  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you rock big time! I am sure you are super busy so that was very kind of you
  9. I'm reading the posts with a big smile thinking the same as everyone else, fate was on your side and it is meant to be and then I see the pic of the dress. What can I say but this is absolutely stunning and I am just a little bit jealous, mine is quite plain and now I am wondering whether I should have some more bling but hey I'll just enjoy looking at yours that little bit more, well done
  10. aah I've said it before and I'll say it again, thank god I am not having BM's.. takes all the stress out of it. I am sorry to hear they hate it, they should have been more honest with you in the first place. Hope you find something that they all like (and that is hard.. I just look at my 5 friends and not one of them has the same dress taste as the other..
  11. I love those suitcases!! too cute. I think the kids table will look great different, you could make it like a mini carnival, ie you could put a post in the centre and have ribbons come off it onto the table so they get a centrepiece but its unique! I think activities are the best way to keep them entertained and maybe a couple of disposable cameras as kids love to pretend they are grown up with cameras
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon Thank you so much for the poem... I am actually going to read it at the gravesite. There are 25 grandchildren that it will represent and 24 great grandchildren....Hopefully i can pull through without crying too much... You are most welcome. Wow how awesome to have had that many grandchildren,that is just so amazing and she would have had such a happy and fulfilling life. My mum always said that grandchildren have such an affinity with their grandparents and miss them the most (I think that's cause grandma's give us candy and let us stay up late when mothers are strict!) Thinking of you during this difficult time. Big hugs xx
  13. I am using bubbles. I couldn't think of anything worse of having rice/seeds etc go down my top!!!
  14. beautiful. can you explain what the idea is behind TTD, we don't do that in Australia??
  15. co ol idea and well done on first purchase, it's never ending from hereon in. you will be ebaying left right and centre! and before you know it you have spent $1,000. you could still have cup cakes and then the top tier of the stand could be a slightly bigger cup cake with the cake topper
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Astro, like the Jetsons' dog....nice! lol aah maybe he will come when he is called ha ha..
  17. I just remembered a guy at work called his kids Venus (girl) and Astro (boy).. maybe he is attempting to create his own solar system!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura "Jessica picked it because she felt it was an honor to have Cash's baby" I'm sorry if I offend anybody by saying this, but.... VOMIT. I agree Buckets galore!!! whatever happened to normal type names..
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Welcome! Here are a few helpful threads to get you started ... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14777 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13834 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11197 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2690 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1414 Welcome, happy planning. so many great ideas. Great post Ann, I think all newbies should get a little introductory post based on most asked questions..
  20. Welcome! enjoy all the great ideas on here, you'll love it!
  21. super cute! a question for you all, when you are not changing your name what do you write Mrs What
  22. Does champagne relax you?? ok so maybe not the answer but some anti anxiety meds may be the answer. There must be a nurse or a doctor on this forum??
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