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Everything posted by manda0812

  1. I still cannot work out how to insert more than one quote into my response... Dougsgirl I know what you mean by not staying awake.. I am flopping into bed but like the others have been having weird dreams for ages, last one I forgot my earrings and bracelet and my friend was spraying me with a spray tan with my dress on! I haven't had one dream that gets me down the aisle yet, I have forgotten my dress, my hair wasn't done, so many weird little things, I am hoping that all the bad things happen in the dream and when I get there all will be perfect. Maura - your shower looks like fun, cute dress and yummy cake! one month today until we go to the beach, where hopefully I'll only need to do a few things and can spend 4 days relaxing beforehand. I still have to do: - programs (decided on the cardboard fan ones I saw on here - think I will be sick of cutting them out but couldn't come up with something original that was simple!) - stressing over my hair as I didn't like the trial and now I don't know what I want.. I am fairly plain when it comes to my hair but I know I have to something nice to go with the dress. - need to have another fitting, dressmaker hasn't called me, better get on to her - clean my shoes - finish candy station labels (what was I thinking!!) - FI needs shoes.. but he is so fussy that I am thinking he can just do that one on his own - buy all the candy (a few taste tests I think!) - buy new bikini (eek) - hens night (aka bachelorette party) on 21 June - decided not to have a shower as everyone (including us) have something on every weekend until the wedding and we have 2 houses full of stuff so it was just one extra thing I couldn't be bothered doing - start taking those pre-pregnancy vitamins, everyone keeps harping me about it so best I get stuck into it - although part of me wants to prove a point that I can get pregnant and have a healthy baby without spending too much bother on taking all these extra things.. but knowing me I will succumb to peer group pressure - buy gifts for the princesses and ushers, thinking pashmina for the girls, no idea what to get for the 10 year old boy.. oh and for the life of me I cannot remember what else as I have actually misplaced my original to do list so am going by memory! which means I will forget something! not long now.. 4 weeks to go .... woo hoo
  2. Hi all, I have been offline for a few weeks trying to get things sorted for work, life, wedding etc.. I can't believe it's June, about 6 weeks to go until big day. You guys all sound like you have it under control. What's left to do.. mmm let me think - clean shoes - I am wearing shoes I already had for a ball as they are so comfy and they are perfect. - have second dress fitting, first one it was a little big, which reminds me I should post some photos of the fitting - stress about my hairstyle as I can't seem to find one I like - finishing off labels for candy jars for candy station - have typed up programs just need to print and cut (should really start now as it is going to take ages) - fix earrings, I made my own but when I tried on with the dress they were a little long so need to adjust - finish off making a couple of things for my hens (bachelorette) costume party - sort out menu and alcohol (very important) - buy baskets for the flower girls for their rose petals and get them presents, no idea what to buy them, ages 8, 9, 10 an 12 - and I am sure I have forgotten something but I feel really good about it all and it's not keeping me awake at night so that is good.. Getting excited....
  3. i agree, the pics are awesome, so captured the mood...
  4. ours are going to take at least 4 weeks also but he will send a couple of teaser pics.. it is hard to wait but it will be worth it
  5. love your projects, they look fantastic, love the colours and you have just given me a good idea for the flower girls.. pashminas.. was trying to work out what they might like
  6. love all your ideas, you don't need any advice, you have it way under control, well done
  7. great teaser pics, we want more!! love all your ideas, I am doing a candy station also, what was written in the frame? Look forward to seeing the pics of FI opening the book.. I remember those pics you sent through a while back! congrats on being a Mrs, hope its fun.
  8. a tough one, I don't think you are being selfish, you picked the venue based on him and now he has changed it to where he wants to stay. not sure there is much you can do though. just drink more and you wont even notice the kids at the resort he he. try not to let it bother you, this sort of thing happens to most weddings.. sorry not much help am I.. chin up
  9. Hi all, I have been away for a few weeks. I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words, it meant alot. the funeral was actually very good, the celebrant did a magnificant job, my cousin put together a dvd of old photos that were just great, some of which I hadn't seen before, especially nan and pa on their wedding day. I gave a reading, it was a hard but I got through it. and everyone said how beautiful the service was. We were lucky to have him as a pa and now we know nan and pa are together once more. Thanks again everyone xx
  10. I have been away for a couple of weeks and was wondering how this went. congrats that is great news. welcome to the club! it's loads of fun
  11. Thanks everyone, you are all so kind and thoughtful. My sister and I were just talking on the phone and were thankful he suffered nothing and that nan's call was too strong for him to pass up this time.. better go to bed now, am tired xx
  12. thank you so much. and I just realised it is 24 years tomorrow since Nana died, so she has been waiting for him. Ernst and Evelyn back together forever x
  13. I was just sitting on BDW when the phone rang, as it is getting late, I just knew it was news. My grandpa just passed away today, I live 3000kms away. My mum is upset. Pa was 96 so he had a great innings and this stay in hospital was his first ever so he has had a great life and still lived in his own home. Anyway I can't really ring anyone else at the moment and I know how lovely everyone is on here, that I just wanted to write about him. Ernst Jack Hammill - I am the oldest grandchild and I know he will be missed dearly. He was in world war II and never had a bad word to say about war or life in general. He is now with nana who has been waiting patiently for a very long time to see her love. tears
  14. Congrats, what will you spend the money you saved on photography on.. I would be coming up with something cool to spend it on...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I'll tell you what, you dress up in a bionic woman outfit, post the picture for us all see and then we'll talk. ;-) A superhero theme!! if you could be any superhero who would you be and what would you save?
  16. I also like the business card idea. it happens regularly and I don't think anyone would notice, you could always say something blaming the TA for changing their number etc etc although I think the excuse of too many margerita's is the way to go!
  17. I agree with everyone else, the dresses are great, you look awesome, and looks like it will be a fun day. Congrats
  18. great night had by all by the looks of it. BM dresses are great, love the colour.
  19. manda0812


    Welcome and congrats on the big day. Happy planning, loads of great ideas on here!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy We had ours together - we rented a big party bus which was like a limosine inside - there are pics on here somewhere - it was so fun and everyone had a great time! We went to the casino first then hit random bars around time - it was truly a blast!! As soon as I saw this thread, my first thought was Betsy and her FI did the booze cruise on a bus together and had a blast! We are having separate nights out but will meet in town later on, so we can walk home together (or should I say stumble!)
  21. I was also going to suggest labels, and we to used them on the RSVP's and will use them for thank you's etc. a little bit of time up front saves so much time down the track.I wonder if you can buy gold or silver labels? and then you could print directly on them in chocolate.. mmm now that I suggest that I am going to google coloured labels..
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