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Everything posted by manda0812

  1. I agree with everyone, they look amazing and so look like you paid someone to do them, you should be proud of yourself. you will now be dubbed the family invitation maker! the colours are a great combination together..
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by texasex For those of us not as creative as Amanda. This site has some cool invites.... BTW..Amanda, yours look GREAT! Bliss Ink The Boarding Pass Invitation thanks heaps! sometimes I wish I had paid someone but everyone has loved them so far.. I am keeping a list of comments from the guests and I may add them to my album! Again, thank you everyone for your wonderful words of encouragement. makes me want to make invitations full time!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JoannaR These are just unbeleivable.. Can you tell me where you got them from and what type of paper you used?? I absolulty love them... Hi, I used white card 200gsm - it goes through a laser printer easily. for the envelopes I used 100gsm coloured paper, easy to folder and go through any printer. I used a template I got from this site and altered it slightly. pm me if you want a copy of it. I found them very labour intensive but fun to do, so worth it.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride I love the envelopes! I have two weeks to finish mine. I havent even done the envelopes! Where did you get your paper from for the envelopes? The envelopes took like 1/2 hour. I hope yours are going ok, sorry I haven't replied, have hardly been near the computer! the paper I just got a pack of 100 from the stationers, Officeworks it is called in Australia, just plain A4, 100gsm and I folded it. love to see your finished product
  5. great idea, I found a great website but do you think I can remember.. I will hunt it down, they had loads of invites/thank you cards with pictures that looked great.. I will get back to you in a day or two
  6. This book is a great idea and so nice to look back on in years to come. pardon my ignorance everyone but what does BD book stand for??
  7. They look great and no matter what you still had a hand in the design. I sometimes wish I had paid someone as they are time consuming.. but the feedback you get makes it all worth it, and makes it worth the $$$ also. Well done!
  8. I also have a good template, and a nice palm tree if that interests you, see my thread "my boarding pass invites are done" most of the templates are fairly similar and it's fun being creative to make yours look a little different. have fun!
  9. I also did boarding pass invites - see my thread "My boarding pass invites are done" I was going to do STD's and then thought the wedding is all organised why not just send out the passes as invitations as I had a different pass with accommodation info, and one for RSVP, I then printed up an A4 sheet with all the info about the destination and other accommodation options. everyone so far has loved them. Go fot it and enjoy being creative! it's fun!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese wow, they look fantastic!! What script font did you use on the boarding passes? Thanks for the compliments everyone, I am very touched you all like them. I used weddinginvitation2 true type font - see attached... I think I just googled wedding fonts, might have got it from 1001 free fonts or something like that
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by RyanAmanda I've just started reading invite posts so sorry if you've answered this a million and one times but....how did you get the paper 'boarding pass' shaped? Did you sit there with scissors and cut them all out And did you make the blue envelope they're in? If I had my time over I'd do them a little differently, but what I did was guillotine the straight edges and then used mainly stanley knife to cut out the round bits, it was time consuming, next time I wouldn't have the little cut out bits at the end I would just do all rounded ends. yep made the envelope, just out of paper and folded it, some of the ones done here have been glued but I was too lazy and just stuck a silver sticker on the end of them to hold it together, the envelopes were easy.
  12. I tried on 10 dresses all up and just knew which one felt right and fit right to my figure, don't stress too much, you will work it out and as the others said, post us pics and we'll give you honest opinions.. and no matter what, you will look beautiful...
  13. Great photo, I agree with the others, old photos are awesome. Your grandpa is so cute with his comment... and the idea about putting all the grandparents photos is great, I plan on doing a photo wall at home with family wedding photos...
  14. I agree with everyone, it's a beautiful dress and us girls always wear outfits (namely shoes) that look great but may not be the most comfortable. If you love it then you will regret not getting it... after a few champas you won't notice it! we all need to see pics once you buy it!!!
  15. wow, love that jnr b/made dress. great bargain.. you could always get the girls to wear chicken fillets (ie stick on boobies) that would give them some shape...
  16. I love dress 1, it looks elegant and so very in right now. remember the short version of a lace dress that eva longoria wore with red sash, that looked amazing. both dresses are stunning but no 1 wins it for me. and like eva you could be daring and add a different coloured sash to the dress, even the colour of your bridesmaids. Good luck deciding as hard decision.. maybe cost will win out, which one was more expensive?
  17. It looks amazing, a long veil with sparkly bits would bring out the sparkle in the back of the dress as you are walking down the aisle and when you are outside. How will you wear your hair?
  18. Thanks girls, that means a lot, it was fun and my guests are starting to comment, makes all the hard work worth it!
  19. these look great, so organised! I wonder if your design ideas will change closer to the date? I am impressed, you are super organised!
  20. these are fantastic! another good idea if you couldn't get hold of the laminating luggage tags, would be to laminate them as normal but cut with a gap, then hole punch and put some beautiful ribbon or a leather strap (of the luggage variety girls...)
  21. Well I have 6663 unread posts since my last visit - that is because I have been spending all my time doing wedding invitations etc. The house looked like a craft store! Anyway I used the template in word that was shared around by everyone on this site, I originally got it from aylee. I also had inspiration from you lovely ladies! I used word as I find it easier to manipulate but again personal choice. I forgot to take a photo of the back of them so I will have print some more out but I have copied the word doc so you can get the idea. they were all double sided. I am also having four princesses (no brideslaves, just the young girls), I wanted them to feel special so I have done separate little invitations for them. If you view this as a slide show it will make the images bigger. Thanks again to everyone, I love this site and will try and get on more often. Invitations.ppt
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