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Everything posted by manda0812

  1. I think number two looks more believable that it is one pic, they look great and so inviting...
  2. what a great idea and sounds like heaps of fun. Seeing how girls love shopping maybe the two of you could get photographed swapped in shopping bags or having a pedicure after a hard day shopping..
  3. these look awesome! great idea. my bach party is a super hero theme I think.. might just have to steal this idea..
  4. these look great! elegant. ps: msshelly, love your new photo signature. awesome!
  5. keep smiling Sarah and as the others said, use the time to finish off your wedding planning and just stay positive, you will go on to bigger and better things for sure. sending good vibes from Australia! heaps of work here for Graphic designers!
  6. Welcome, have fun planning. I just wish I found this site earlier before I had started planning. everyone has so many great ideas here. have fun and enjoy your site visit, will be a nice little break from everyday life
  7. Welcome! all the ideas you had will be changed when you read all the great ideas on here and see how wonderfully talented everyone is, happy planning!
  8. these look great,I love the meet the guests page, it helps break the ice, what a good idea!
  9. love the saying, my guests are giong to blow bubbles so I will change this saying to blowing in the air etc. my flower girls are throwing silk petals, and silk hearts just for something a little different
  10. looks great, also love the reflection, just adds something to it, people love these on their fridge
  11. I am going as wonder woman! but no idea what the night will entail.. we just have hen's nights in Australia which I guess is the equivalent of a bridal shower. It usually is outrageous and full of games and usually more crazy than the guy's bucks night..
  12. I didn't include it on mine, if people ask them we will tell them. Wishing Wells are very popular in Australia also as most people live together before they are married and have everything.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by timelsel I'm so sorry you spent all that time and they didn't turn out quite like you wanted. They sound beautiful. How many invites did you send? You could do a welcome letter for your guests and put the new wedding time on it. Once they are at the resort, they'll be so relaxed they won't hardly even notice a change. one of my friends did that, just changed the time on a note. most people will be there the day before anyway so if you want to save money and time.. if you haven't posted them, just put a little note in there saying wedding time has changed, don't admit you made a mistake, no-one will ever know!
  14. You could protect them with bubble wrap, and cause they are so small they should still fit in standard envelope
  15. I would suggest spray adhesive also, any small mistakes they peel right off. have fun!
  16. thanks for posting the pics of the bags, they look so good, are you doing similar bags for your OOT to keep with the theme?
  17. fantastic photos, you look amazing, he will love and need a private moment to read it.. hot hot hot. great job Sarah, I am loving your work!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus i dont think so.. perhaps the invitation and yoru wedding colors should match but the STD and stuff dont have to. and besides nothing has to do anything. its your wedding... you can wear a potato sack and serve mac and cheese and get married at a water slide park if you wanted to . you crack me up jean-marcus, I love your sense of humour and you are so right, you do whatever pleases you on your wedding and people will love it
  19. I agree with others, go with what you like at the time and what will cause you less stress putting it all together. I did white and aqua invites, girls are wearing white and silver and will use aqua writing on favours but the candy station will be multi coloured and the reception will be brown and white leather.
  20. these look great and such a good idea to have the theme carry throughout, something you can keep for your 50th wedding anniversary! Same question from me - what are Jute bags?
  21. awesome and will look good printed on everything. did you do it yourself? what program did you use?
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