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Everything posted by ~flyingmonkey~

  1. I'm starting to pack for my sister's wedding and realized my dress is going to be a wrinkled mess! Is there a steamer or anywhere we can get our dresses wrinkled out at Las Caletas?
  2. My sister is getting married at Las Caletas next month. She asked if my 4 year old son would potentially be the ring bearer. She has left the outfit up to us. Just wondering what some of you had or are having your ring bearer wear. Links and pictures would be great! Thanks!
  3. LC_Rachel- where are you doing the dunebuggy rides? That sounds like a blast!
  4. Awesome pictures. I'm so glad you were able to get those posted. My sister is looking at Elizabeth Lloyd and I was hoping to find some pics for her.
  5. That just stinks! What horrible service. I'm sorry this happened to you. My sister was just looking at the Marriott for a book of rooms. I'll be sure to tell her about your experience with them. I hope you find something better!
  6. I don't know how many you would need- but if my memory serves me right, Ann had asked for some sort of beads and Nicole provided them. Maybe you could email her a picture of what you're thinking and she could set it up for you?
  7. Thanks for the links. It is so overwhelming to look at all these places without actually having been there. pvrdestinationbride~ Are you planning on paying for the villas yourself? Or how are you dividing the costs among your guests?
  8. I'm trying to find a cluster of rental villas for my sister's wedding in PV. Does anyone have a good or bad experiences or suggestions? Thanks!
  9. Thanks again! I'm from Wisconsin. We've got subzero temps right now so PV is looking mighty nice! Ann and Starchild- you guys are so informative and helpful. I love that you guys are such active participants even though your wedding has come and gone. It must be like reliving it! I've been buried in the Las Caletas brides post here thread for a few days now. I don't want to be repetitive in my questions. But, I'm getting so much info going through the whole thing. My sister owes me BIG TIME! Thanks again girls.
  10. I haven't seen her on these boards. I'll definitely be directing her this way though. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  11. Hi! My name is Sunny. I'm helping my sister with her Las Caletas wedding in May 2008. I can already tell that this board will have a wealth of information with all its Las Caletas and PV brides. Looking forward to reading your honest reviews and hopefully getting any questions answered!
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