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Everything posted by jessyg20

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by johnson_jc Does anyone know how much sand it takes to fill this up? I want to go buy our sand but don't know how much we will need to use. Also, since the sand fills in the side...can you fill it with it sideways up, then turn it so that it sits longways?? Or will that mess the sand up? Thanks! I guess it depends how many colors you're doing. I'm doing 3 colors. I bought 2 lbs bags and only used 1lb. I guess that's 3lbs total to fill it. Upright only. We did a test run, and the sand was coming out through the back sides especially. So we decided to glue the glass panals with crazy glue. BAD IDEA! It made weird clouds on the glass. In other words, It looked like crap. So I had to get rid of it. Luckily, Khols opened up in Miami (Yay!) and I found the same picture frame I ordered from them online (for 1/2 the price) and just got a new one. So I went to Michaels and bought a glue for glass. I also bought some thin strips used for stain glass art. It's kinda rubbery but very thin. So I glued the panals then added the thin strips to the outside panal, did a test run, and it's perfect. Hope this helps.
  2. I heard the Paradisus Palma Real is the best resort in Punta Cana. I wanted to have my wedding there but...the prices for my guests were going to be too much. So then I found out about the Edenh, it's right next door. I went to check out the Edenh and fell in love with it. It's also a 5 star hotel. Since it's a brand new resort (opened in January) the prices were great. So, I guess you have to decide on a few things like your cost, cost for your guests (the ones that matter), and your taste. You can pick a 4 star hotel but have a 5 star wedding! I totally recommend, for anyone who decides on having a destination wedding, if they can afford it, to visit and check out their top resort choices. Just a thought.
  3. My family is also very religious. It's really hard to get a catholic priest, so we were told. Instead, I found a non-denominational priest who works in Punta cana doing Mission work. His name is Pastor York. He will be doing our ceremony. We figured we wanted our union to be blessed whether it be by a Catholic Priest, Rabbi, or Christian. Heck we would of settled for a monk! lol
  4. WOW, Erika, that really sucks. I think you should blast her name so people know about her and don't have to go through the same thing. I hope everything turns out fine for the rest of your bookings.
  5. I had no problems with their parasols. I bought 4. I posted the same coupon under the Coupons Thread.
  6. I have a Snapfish coupon... Offer extended due to popular demand! Act now to get 50 4x6 mail-order prints for only a penny each!* Additional 4x6 prints are just 9¢ each - that's up to 50% lower than comparable online photo services! Archival-quality papers and inks mean you get the best quality for the best value Get creative with fun borders and tints Our 110% quality guarantee means you'll love your prints! Use coupon code FALLPENNY08 at checkout. Hurry, this offer ends Tuesday, October 14!
  7. For those girls that need PARASOLS....LUNA BAZAAR TAKE ADVANTAGE!! I wish I had a coupon when I bought mine! October Sale Save 20% at Luna Bazaar - Next 7 Days - Use Discount Code: OCTEM2 ends oct 20th
  8. OMG! I know the feeling. Up to last week, I still had people booking. Never RSVP but decided to tell my FI family they were going. That's how I ended up from 30 to 48 to now 91 guests. Those damn RSVP's must be in a different language because guests DON'T UNDERSTAND THEM! You're going to have to start harrassing people as of now unless you want your list to double weeks before your wedding. Actually, I ended up buying stuff last minute and it sucked! My FI told me the same, if they show, they show up, who cares if they get an OOT bag. Unfortunetly, I do care. Sucks! That's why I went crazy up until now.
  9. We started dating in Oct 2006, moved in together in Aug 2007, he proposed in December 07, and now October 2008 we are getting married.
  11. Congrats to all the girls who had their weddings this weekend!!! And those who are next...good luck! Makes me nervous...I have 12 days left! Things to do... -Finish Ceremony Music List -Decide on BM's entrance music -Pack "our" luggage -pick out new hair-do (thanks to new hair cut )
  12. OMG! You saved me! This is suppose to be my FI's task, and we are only 1 week away and he hasn't finished. Thank you, because he will now!!!!!! Yay!
  13. Since I'm traveling with family and friends I'm assigning 1 bag to them. On AA you can check in 2 bags for free if you're flying internationally. So my family members/wedding party can check in one personal luggage and the other is reserved for my stuff. I used bubble wrap and plastic bins to store my things in, then placed them inside huge canvas bags I bought for $12-15 each at a Latin store here in miami. So far they are working out perfectly. I have 11 canvas bags, total. Everything that's for the OOT bags is spread out between 2 bags which I'm checking in since I'll be arriving a few days before my guests. That gives me the opportunity to set the bags up before they arrive. All the ceremony and receptions stuff is spread out between 9 bags, those will arrive 1-2 days before my acutal wedding date. I don't trust shipping them out because the Hotel is not going to be liable for anything broken or missing. Also, if customs in the foreign country opens the bags, it'll be in front of you, not behind closed doors with the option to really open everything up and decide what they want to keep! Not that I'm saying thats what a foreign customs officers would do but just in case.... Tsa, the ones that scan you bags in the US are nicer to your bags if you lable them correctly. I can't say much about the airlines' Ramp agents! l
  14. Twinkletoes- I leave the 21st. I'm done with all the wedding stuff, packed, bubble wrapped, and excited to go! THANK YOU girls for all the wonderful comments. It makes all those sleepless nights very worth while! lol Thanks!
  15. Hi girls! Ive been so busy, you can imagine?! I leave on the 20th and in the middle of the craziness, I got my dress finally fitted, it should be ready Friday, I just had my "Girls night out party" on Friday (pictures to come), and Saturday will be my Bridal shower, oh and I leave Next Tuesday!!!! lol Anway, For those girls who are neverous about the Edenh, don't be. Elizabeth is great. She'll work to make whatever you want happen. And if she can't she'll tell you! (i.e wedding cake decor) Which I bought shells soap molds (yes, soap) from Michaels, melted Teal and Brown choclate and they Shells came out great. Only thing is, I have to carry it on! Who cares, they are going to look great on my white 3-tier cake! Ruby-I tried out the spa (couples massage was great) when I went to the Edenh weeks ago, and I spoke to the salon people. They are all really nice. I told them what I wanted, showed them pics, and they are going to make it happen (I hope). Now my makeup, well I just spent almost $300 in MAC and did my trial run for colors, and loved the products. I'm not a daily make-up wearer so at first I was in shock, but when it all came together, I loved it (enought to spend $300)!! Anyway, I'm taking them the stuff I'm going to wear and they will apply it ( I hope) the way I want them to. I'm very hopefull and excited as you can see, I can't expect perfection, but I can pray for a beautiful wedding day! Let me know if you guys have anymore questions.
  16. I don't blame her....I just think NO woman should be kissing anything old or wrinkly!! lol
  17. I received my order...I love my brown chair sashes. It's a nice deep satin brown, not the cheap looking kind. I'll be renting mine or selling them once I come back. I'm only using 90 (I ordered 100). They came folded very nicely. Didn't take up that much room. It also beats paying $5-6 each.
  18. Liz, I have 11 bags I'm distributing between my family and friends. That's the only way to go. You also don't want the Resort responsible for holding your stuff and mysteriously dissapearing! Inside each bag I'm placing a list of what's in the bag and how many of each. Along with a note that it's for a wedding. I'm going to laminate it and leave it inside the bag on the top. Since I work at the airport, I asked one of the TSA guys that screens bags in the ramp, and he suggested to not only do a list but write something begging/pleading to be gentle since it's for a wedding. He said he actually reads the notes and does put everything back neatly if they have to open it for whatever reason. lol Crazy huh?! I'm also going to give a copy to whoerver is carrying it. That way they'll know what's in the bag and can explain themselves if they get stopped at arrival.
  19. I have 90 guests. I bought my Personalized paper bags from Oriental Trading-48 of them. I'm giving one per couple. The extra bags I gave to the single people (I'm giving condoms to the guys ($1 section of Target)lol . For the kids I bought a colorful paper bags from target and I fiiled them with kids stuff from Michael's Dollar bins or dollar tree. I made my Welcome books out of recycled paper bags- I printed information, cut and pasted. The bags are small so you can't stuff too many things in them, which keeps you from going crazy, or does it?! lol Inside the OOT bags I'm putting: First aid kits-DIY lable $0.90 Banana Boat sunscreen pepto motrin lip balm with my DIY label (bought the lip balms wholesale) mosquito repellant towlettes (box bought at Office Depot) Spanish phrases for dummies at target, Starfish bath fizz's (dollar tree), Mugs were $100 for 100 with my monogram on them (ebay). My best friend is baking cookies, which will go inside the mugs in a baggie. Key holders 3 Post cards (created on Vista Print for $5 shipping) For 90 people, it was alot of work but at the end the details pay off. Shop around, you'll be amazed at the bargins you can find.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Look at all your stuff. Thank god for bridal parties huh?! Your dress is very pretty. Do you have a certain vendor you are buying cigars from once in the DR? We are going to buy some when we get there for our reception too but didnt have a vendor in mind. When I went to visit the Edenh resort in August I ran into a flyer for this local cigar place. They called the owner and he came to pick us up at the resort for free. His shop is basically next to his home, he invites you to listen to his story about cigars.He's an interesting man. Originally european but speaks perfect english and spanish. Emailing him is your best bet. These are Premium cigars! Very good. I even enjoyed smoking one (and I usually don't because of the after taste). We are going to buy about 100 cigars. Anything left over will be brought home and placed in my FI's new Humidor. It's still a suprise!! DON LUCAS CIGARS & LUCAS DE MEESTER PREMIUM CIGARS you can email him at [email protected] cel phone is 809.415.39.52 dominican republic
  21. Omg! Congrats!!! Your wedding is going to be amazing!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv OMG you have really outdone yourself ~ but it looks like there is no stone left unturned!!!! WOW!!! OK, there was so much to look at I know I'm going to forget some things I wanted to comment on.. First ~ I can't wait to hear all about your Punta Cana wedding! I hope you get Utsey as your guide on the busride from the airport to the resort - he is awesome! I love your veil!!! I love your cake inspiration (same as mine - but mine didn't quite turn out like that, lol) ... and the hang tags on your fans look suspiciously familiar, he he. :-) I think you will be so pleased with your mugs - I think we wasted money on ours (insulated travel mugs instead of what you're using). I can't wait to hear all about EdenH ... it looked unbelieveable while we were in Punta Cana!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and nice job packing and enlisting the help of others to get everything there!!! Tami- You defitnetly were one of the first girls I looked up to when I first joined the forum. Morgan too! I can't wait either...I'm having my sister take pics of everything once it's all set up so I can share my experience. I'm more excited now that I posted my planning thread! Yay!!!!
  23. Thank you sooooo much ladies. I do look back now and I can't believe it took 9mo to get to this point...I seriously have an amazing FI who did help me when I asked him to and 2 special friends that manned my "sweat shop". This literly was my part time job. I'd wake up early do some wedding stuff, go to work, come home and go to bed late doing more wedding stuff. I'm sure some of you girls know what that feels like. Thank you for all the compliments. The majority of my ideas were inspired by the DIY girls. You girls ROCK! I give you girls all the credit for the inspirations (i.e fans, tears of joy, starfish poem, key holders). I have 91 guests and I hope they enjoy all the small details.
  24. Hey girsl, I posted my planning thread. It's mostly all my pics of everything I'm taking with me for the wedding! Tons of pics! check it out... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30226
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